
These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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Published petitions

10,950 petitions

  1. Issue all ex-service personnel with an ID card to accompany the Veterans Badge

    12,933 signatures

  2. Install CCTV cameras in all care homes to protect the vulnerable people

    12,896 signatures

  3. £15 National minimum wage for hgv drivers

    12,887 signatures

  4. Amend the immigration bill to allow 3000 lone child refugees to enter the UK

    12,858 signatures

  5. Stop private parking companies charging disproportionate penalties in car parks

    12,809 signatures

  6. Stop plans to close the congenital heart disease (CHD) service at Royal Brompton

    12,807 signatures

  7. Please sign the petition for the Robin to become our official National Bird.

    12,793 signatures

  8. Instruct NHS England to reverse their sudden ban on stem cell transplantation.

    12,729 signatures

  9. For the Home Office to hold an inquiry into the battle of Orgreave

    12,621 signatures

  10. Legalise cannabis use for adults over 21 years of age..

    12,615 signatures

  11. Recall Parliament if a Petition reaches 100,000 signatures - its what we pay for

    12,602 signatures

  12. Stop the deep and dangerous cuts to our Fire and Rescue Services.

    12,598 signatures

  13. Introduce processes that speed up the resolution of disputes within Family Law

    12,500 signatures

  14. Approve funding for stem cell transplantation in sickle cell patients

    12,486 signatures

  15. Proscribe the 'political party' Britain First

    12,467 signatures

  16. A Petition for Southern Rail (Govia Thameslink Railway) Franchise Review.

    12,466 signatures

  17. The Legalization of all forms of cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    12,368 signatures

  18. To introduce a law that recognizes Parental Alienation as a criminal offence.

    12,239 signatures

  19. Stop pay caps for agency nurses and pay freezes for NHS nurses

    12,190 signatures

  20. Cut foreign aid. Why should foreign aid be exempt from austerity cuts?

    12,136 signatures

  21. Inquiry into Israel influencing British political democracy.

    12,134 signatures

  22. Amend the Dangerous Dogs Act to allow for fair, uniform return of seized dogs.

    12,102 signatures

  23. Stop Northern Rail from introducing Driver-Only operation.

    12,046 signatures

  24. Investigate UK government arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Qatar used by ISIS

    12,040 signatures

  25. The Government must ensure Bedfordshire Police is adequately funded

    12,038 signatures

  26. British servicemen and women to have legal immunity from prosecution

    12,026 signatures

  27. Increase the no. of antenatal scans in order to reduce the amount of stillborns

    12,014 signatures

  28. Prevent the closure of the Maternity Unit at Banbury Horton General Hospital

    11,975 signatures

  29. Save our Bass: do not water down the proposal to ban nets.

    11,948 signatures

  30. Tougher sentencing for paedophiles, child abusers, rapists and sex offender,

    11,937 signatures

  31. Statement on UK steps to ensure a full investigation of Giulio Regeni's death

    11,936 signatures

  32. Improve understanding & treatment of people with hidden illnesses in PIP process

    11,867 signatures

  33. Babies should be checked for tongue tie by a professional in first week of birth

    11,865 signatures

  34. Death caused by racing should bring charge of manslaughter not dangerous driving

    11,859 signatures

  35. Health Secretary to have Television Debate with Junior Doctors about Contract

    11,835 signatures

  36. We want an urgent improvement in Mental Health Care in this country!

    11,821 signatures

  37. Make more awareness and help available for young men dealing with mental health.

    11,813 signatures

  38. Stop Taxi's being allowed to work in areas they aren't licensed in.

    11,795 signatures

  39. David Cameron is precluded from negotiations with the EU in the event of Brexit.

    11,782 signatures

  40. Change the Army pension back to 55 from 60 years of age

    11,781 signatures

  41. Add an ingredient to antifreeze to make it unpleasant to cats

    11,768 signatures

  42. Stop medical appointments affecting school attendance

    11,713 signatures

  43. Switch to the Renewable Plan B for Hinkley C – fit for the 21st Century

    11,697 signatures

  44. Make CCTV mandatory in the UK’s equine slaughterhouses

    11,673 signatures

  45. Introduce legislation to combat light pollution

    11,637 signatures

  46. Make it illegal to impersonate soldiers/veterans - referred to as stolen valour

    11,633 signatures

  47. Ex service personnel should be given priority for local authority Housing

    11,580 signatures

  48. Stop Cuts To Rail Services between Tonbridge and Ashford

    11,576 signatures

  49. Make LGBTQ+ sex education compulsory within the national curriculum.

    11,566 signatures

  50. Abolish the House of Lords

    11,547 signatures

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