These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

460 petitions

  1. Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.

    Government responded – 26 March 2019

    This Government will not revoke Article 50. We will honour the result of the 2016 referendum and work with Parliament to deliver a deal that ensures we leave the European Union.

    6,103,056 signatures

  2. Do not prorogue Parliament

    Government responded – 9 September 2019

    Prorogation is a prerogative Act of the Crown, exercised on the advice of Ministers. We must respect the referendum result and the UK will be leaving the EU on 31 October whatever the circumstances.

    1,725,630 signatures

  3. Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.

    Government responded – 14 December 2018

    The deal that we have reached with the EU is the right one for the United Kingdom. Leaving without a deal would risk uncertainty for the economy, for business and for citizens.

    608,152 signatures

  4. Ban all ISIS members from returning to UK

    Government responded – 27 November 2018

    British citizenship can be removed if it does not render the individual stateless. Any risk posed by those who return from Syria will be managed and they may be investigated for criminal offences.

    598,254 signatures

  5. Make 'netting' hedgerows to prevent birds from nesting a criminal offence.

    Government responded – 4 November 2019

    Causing suffering to birds is already criminal. Planning authorities have enforceable powers to protect bird habitats and will soon be able to mandate that developers provide biodiversity net gain.

    365,508 signatures

  6. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public. Displays for licenced venues only.

    Government responded – 21 November 2018

    Government takes the issue of safety of fireworks very seriously. Legislation is in place to control their sale, use and misuse. We have no plans to change legislation.

    307,897 signatures

  7. Ban fireworks for general sale to the public.

    Government responded – 5 November 2019

    The Government takes the matter of fireworks safety seriously. This includes protecting consumers and the public. Laws are in place to control firework availability and use.

    305,579 signatures

  8. Put pressure on Libya to take action to stop enslavement of Black Africans.

    Government responded – 13 December 2017

    The Government shares the public’s outrage and welcomes the Libyan government’s commitment to investigate these reports and to ensure that those involved are brought to justice.

    269,157 signatures

  9. Leave the EU Without a deal on April 12th.

    Government responded – 10 April 2019

    The Government stands by its commitment to uphold the result of the 2016 referendum. We continue to seek a consensus across the House, which will allow the UK to leave the EU with a deal in place.

    249,530 signatures

  10. Ban the use of all non-recyclable and unsustainable food packaging

    Government responded – 18 June 2019

    Our Strategy sets out plans to eliminate avoidable plastic waste. We have consulted on proposals to incentivise producers to make more sustainable packaging design choices and recyclable packaging.

    247,048 signatures

  11. Abolish the BBC television license.

    Government responded – 26 June 2019

    A television licence is required to watch or receive television as it is broadcast live or on BBC iPlayer.

    246,736 signatures

  12. Stop the privatisation of NHS services

    Government responded – 20 February 2018

    The vast majority of NHS care has and will continue to be provided by public sector organisations. Patients should be able to access the best treatments based on quality of care not type of provider.

    238,769 signatures

  13. If England win the world cup, the Monday should be made a bank holiday for 2018

    Government responded – 19 July 2018

    The Government would like to congratulate the England team on its sterling performance in the World Cup. The Government has no plans for a bank holiday.

    237,396 signatures

  14. We want a Public Inquiry into the James Bulger murder case.

    Government responded – 14 February 2018

    The offender was convicted of further offences as a direct result of robust and effective monitoring. Therefore the Government considers that a public inquiry into this tragic case is not necessary.

    213,624 signatures

  15. Leave the EU with No Deal in October 2019

    Government responded – 24 September 2019

    The Prime Minister has been clear: we will leave the EU on 31 October. We’d prefer to do so with a deal, but if there isn’t movement from the EU on the backstop we will have to leave without one.

    207,673 signatures

  16. Lower the age for smear tests from 25 to 18 to prevent cervical cancer.

    Government responded – 13 September 2018

    The Government accepted the UK National Screening Committee recommendation that the first invitation for cervical screening should be offered at age 25 based on the assessment of research evidence.

    205,359 signatures

  17. Rescind Art.50 if Vote Leave has broken Electoral Laws regarding 2016 referendum

    Government responded – 9 January 2019

    It is regrettable that fines were levied on multiple groups, but it is firm policy the Article 50 notification will not be withdrawn. Britain voted to leave and Government respects that decision.

    203,235 signatures

  18. Hold a second referendum on EU membership.

    Government responded – 30 January 2019

    The Government remains clear that we will respect the result of the 2016 referendum, and we therefore will not hold a second referendum.

    194,336 signatures

  19. School should start at 10am as teenagers are too tired

    Government responded – 22 March 2019

    The Department has no plans to require secondary schools to start later. The decision on when to start the school day lies with individual schools.

    187,902 signatures

  20. Reject calls to add Staffordshire Bull Terriers to the Dangerous Dogs Act

    Government responded – 5 July 2018

    The Government has no intention of prohibiting the keeping of Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

    186,226 signatures

  21. Parliament must honour the Referendum result. Leave deal or no deal 29/03/19

    Government responded – 4 April 2019

    The Government stands by its commitment to uphold the result of the 2016 referendum and to deliver the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

    183,422 signatures

  22. Amnesty for anyone who was a minor that arrived In Britain between 1948 to 1971

    Government responded – 23 May 2018

    The Government is clear that an amnesty for this group is not required because these people do not require amnesty: they already have the right to remain here.

    180,482 signatures

  23. Continue to fund free TV licences for the over 75 in the future.

    Government responded – 24 June 2019

    The Government is clear that the future of the over 75 licence fee concession is the responsibility of the BBC from June 2020.

    171,982 signatures

  24. Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords

    Government responded – 15 May 2018

    As stated in our manifesto, comprehensive reform of the House of Lords is not a priority for this parliament.

    170,981 signatures

  25. Don't put our NHS up for negotiation

    Government responded – 17 June 2019

    The Government has been clear: the NHS is not, and never will be, for sale to the private sector. The Government will ensure no trade agreements will ever be able to alter this fundamental fact.

    169,836 signatures

  26. Violet-Grace’s Law - Life sentences for Death by Dangerous Driving

    Government responded – 25 February 2019

    Driving offences can have devastating consequences for victims and their loved ones. Sentencing in individual cases is always a matter for the courts, which are independent.

    167,506 signatures

  27. Change the GCSE English Literature exam from closed book to open book.

    Government responded – 6 February 2018

    Exam boards do not allow access to copies of whole texts in exams, but provide relevant extracts as exam materials. Pupils should be able to understand and analyse the texts, not memorise them.

    165,932 signatures

  28. Call on PM to take action to build public trust in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

    Government responded – 5 January 2018

    This is the Government’s response to the e-petition “Call on PM to take action to build public trust in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry”, started by family members and survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire.

    156,835 signatures

  29. Make online homophobia a specific criminal offence

    Government responded – 28 March 2019

    The Government recognises the harm that homophobic online messages can cause. We are working cross-Government to challenge inequality and make the UK’s online environment a safer place for everyone.

    153,506 signatures

  30. Revoke Art.50 if there is no Brexit plan by the 25 of February

    Government responded – 19 February 2019

    The Government’s policy is not to revoke Article 50. Instead, we continue to work with Parliament to deliver a deal that ensures we leave the European Union, as planned, on March 29th.

    150,531 signatures

  31. Immunity for soldiers who worked in Northern Ireland.

    Government responded – 1 April 2019

    This Government is unequivocal in our admiration for the Armed Forces whose sacrifices ensured terrorism would never succeed. However, our approach to the past must be consistent with the rule of law.

    150,324 signatures

  32. Pay Up Now! – Scrap the pay cap and give public servants a meaningful pay rise

    Government responded – 9 October 2017

    Public sector workers deserve to have fulfilling jobs that are fairly rewarded. On 12 September we announced a move away from the 1% public sector pay policy, towards a more flexible approach on pay.

    149,138 signatures

  33. Ban the sale of puppies by pet shops & all commercial 3rd party dealers.

    Government responded – 20 March 2018

    The Government has published wide reaching reforms of the controls on pet selling which includes a call for evidence on a ban on all commercial third party sales of puppies and kittens in England.

    148,248 signatures

  34. Provide 15 hours free childcare to working parents for children over 9 months.

    Government responded – 8 May 2019

    The Government currently offers a broad range of childcare support and has no plans to extend the package of free childcare entitlement schemes to working parents of children over 9 months.

    146,397 signatures

  35. Hold a referendum on the final Brexit deal

    Government responded – 28 September 2017

    On 23 June 2016 the British people voted to leave the European Union. The UK Government is clear that it is now its duty to implement the will of the people and so there will be no second referendum.

    145,118 signatures

  36. Grant a People's Vote if Parliament rejects the EU Withdrawal Agreement

    Government responded – 5 February 2019

    The Government is clear we will not have a second referendum. We continue to approach cross-party meetings in a constructive spirit, with a commitment to deliver the referendum result.

    144,523 signatures

  37. Make TV election debates happen - establish an Independent Debates Commission

    Government responded – 23 October 2018

    Televised election debates are a matter for political parties. The Government has no plans to change electoral law to make the debates mandatory.

    143,390 signatures

  38. Leave the EU immediately

    Government responded – 17 October 2017

    The country voted to leave the EU, and this Government respects that. A smooth and orderly exit is in the interest of both the UK and the EU.

    141,835 signatures

  39. Stop possible second referendum on E.U. membership

    Government responded – 6 November 2018

    A clear majority of the electorate voted to leave the European Union. We must respect both the will of the British people, and the democratic process which delivered this result.

    135,936 signatures

  40. The Air Ambulances to be government funded

    Government responded – 3 July 2019

    NHS ambulance services provide clinical staff and equipment to air ambulance charities. A charitable model gives charities independence to deliver specialised, specific services to each locality.

    134,143 signatures

  41. Hold online trolls accountable for their online abuse via their IP address

    Government responded – 24 September 2019

    Unacceptable behaviour and content is far too prevalent online. The Online Harms White Paper sets out our plans for world-leading legislation to make the UK the safest place in the world to be online.

    133,680 signatures

  42. The UK should not agree the UN's Global Compact for Migration

    Government responded – 7 December 2018

    The Global Compact for Migration will support global co-operation on migration without affecting the sovereignty of all countries to control their own borders.

    131,617 signatures

  43. Require supermarkets to offer a plastic-free option for all their fruit & veg.

    Government responded – 7 November 2018

    We are working with retailers and the Waste and Resources Action Programme to explore the potential for the introduction of plastic-free initiatives in supermarkets in which fresh food is sold loose.

    128,001 signatures

  44. Demand the EU & UN sanction Brazil to halt increased deforestation of the Amazon

    Government responded – 30 September 2019

    The United Kingdom shares concerns about deforestation in the Amazon. The Government believes these issues can be addressed most effectively through dialogue and our bilateral programmes.

    123,309 signatures

  45. Keep Childcare Vouchers open beyond April 2018

    Government responded – 12 October 2017

    The Government is investing more in childcare than ever before. Tax free childcare is one part of that childcare support and is fairer and better targeted than vouchers.

    119,587 signatures

  46. Give parents the right to opt their child out of Relationship and Sex Education

    Government responded – 9 January 2019

    As primary educators, parents must be consulted on their school’s curriculum for Relationships, and Relationships and Sex Education and may request their child’s withdrawal from Sex Education.

    118,050 signatures

  47. Make Orkambi available on the NHS for people with Cystic Fibrosis

    Government responded – 7 February 2018

    We want patients to benefit from clinically and cost effective treatments. We welcome the dialogue between Vertex and NHS England to agree a deal that would make Orkambi available to NHS patients.

    118,034 signatures

  48. Make fair transitional state pension arrangements for 1950’s women

    Government responded – 27 September 2017

    Since 1995 the Government has gone to significant lengths to communicate SPa changes. No changes will be made to SPa policy affecting 1950s women to avoid placing an unfair burden on working people.

    117,716 signatures

  49. Pet Theft Reform: Amend animal welfare law to make pet theft a specific offence.

    Government responded – 16 July 2019

    Current sentencing guidelines takes account of the emotional distress that the theft of personal items such as a much loved pet can have on victims, and recommend higher penalties for such offences.

    117,453 signatures

  50. Brexit re article 50 it must not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances

    Government responded – 29 January 2019

    The Government’s policy is not to revoke the Article 50 notice. The British people gave a clear instruction to leave and we are delivering on that instruction.

    116,485 signatures

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