We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Rejected petition Teach Colonialism and it’s impact on society as part of the school curriculum.

Make teaching about colonialism and it’s impact on society mandatory. Including how it has led to the racial disparity we see today. Give students an understanding of how the British empires history has impacted BAME communities and continues to shape current policies and society as a whole.

More details

Considering the current climate with the Black Lives Matter movement in America and across the world, it is clear that there is a large gap in the general public’s understanding of British history and thus less understanding of how far back these issues go. By educating people from earlier on they can develop a deeper understanding of these issues and be open to how they affect us still to this day.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

You are more likely to get action on this issue if you sign and share a single petition.

You may wish to sign some of these petitions:

Add education on diversity and racism to all school curriculums: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/323808

Making the UK education curriculum more inclusive of BAME history: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/323961

Teach Britain's colonial past as part of the UK's compulsory curriculum: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/324092

We have also published several petitions about race and equality more widely, which you can view here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions?state=open&topic=race-and-equality

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.