Rejected petition Make provision for 2022's level 2 and 3 qualifications to be fairer to students

This petition calls on Government, specifically the DfE to make all GCSEs and A levels to be sat in 2022 be based at least 50% on coursework and teacher assessment, and to reduce the role of exams, given the disruption that those who will take them in 2022 suffered over the last 12 months.

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Given that the last year has seen unprecedented disruption to education and the insane levels of dependence on exams in GCSEs and A levels, this petition demands that the Department for Education reduces the dependence on exams for the 2022 exam season, and to establish a robust system of teacher assessment and coursework to comprise at least 50% of any given student's grade. This would allow for students to get a more representative grade, while also incorporating some elements of exams.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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