We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Other lists of petitions

Petitions with a Government response

194 petitions

  1. Extend business rates relief to include every English language teaching school

    Government responded – 15 March 2021

    Business rates relief is targeted at the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors given the acute impacts of COVID-19 on them. A range of other measures to support ELT schools are available.

    11,133 signatures

  2. Keep the £20pw Universal Credit lifeline and extend to those on legacy benefits

    Government responded – 11 March 2021

    The Government has now confirmed the temporary £20 per week increase to Universal Credit remains in place for a further six months. There are no plans to extend a benefit increase to legacy benefits.

    13,034 signatures

  3. Extend the VAT at 5% for hospitality until at least March 2022

    Government responded – 10 March 2021

    The Government has extended the reduced rate of VAT (5%) for tourism and hospitality to 30 September 2021. To help manage the transition back to 20%, a 12.5% rate will then apply until 31 March 2022.

    17,738 signatures

  4. Do not rollout Covid-19 vaccine passports

    Government responded – 3 March 2021

    The Government is reviewing whether COVID-status certificates could play a role in reopening parts of our economy, reducing restrictions on social contact and improving safety.

    375,208 signatures

  5. Change COVID-19 critical workers list to include all veterinary staff

    Government responded – 3 March 2021

    Vets whose work is supporting the coronavirus or EU transition response are classified as critical workers in current guidance. All vets may leave home for work if they are unable to work from home.

    13,523 signatures

  6. Grant full exemptions from quarantine for seafarers and oil & gas workers

    Government responded – 2 March 2021

    The Government keeps border measures and any exemptions under constant review. The Government will lift the restrictions only when the data provided shows it is safe to do so.

    19,026 signatures

  7. Waive the January 2021 tax bill for those who have been excluded from the SEISS

    Government responded – 27 April 2021

    The Government does not believe waiving tax bills would provide value for money as a mechanism to support for those ineligible for SEISS. A wider £352bn package is in place.

    11,988 signatures

  8. Government to match the £500 bonus to all care staff

    Government responded – 18 February 2021

    We are immensely grateful to the social care workforce. We are not planning to match the £500 bonus payment but are exploring ways to improve recognition of social care staff.

    10,324 signatures

  9. Amend GCSE exam content for children that are now in year 9 and year 10

    Government responded – 17 February 2021

    The department will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students, including those due to take exams in 2022, to ensure that students in this cohort can achieve a fair grade.

    34,626 signatures

  10. Make prison staff top priority as key workers to recieve the covid 19 vaccine

    Government responded – 16 February 2021

    The government is working hard to ensure all who are prioritised during phase one receive a COVID-19 vaccine at the appropriate time. There are no plans to deviate from the advice set out by the JCVI.

    13,092 signatures

  11. Cancel A-level and GCSE exams 2022

    Government responded – 15 February 2021

    The department will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students, including those due to take exams in 2022, to ensure that students in this cohort can achieve a fair grade.

    48,757 signatures

  12. Grant wraparound and holiday care providers urgent financial support

    Government responded – 15 February 2021

    The Government has made a range of financial support available for businesses, including wraparound providers. This includes loans, cash grants, tax relief, and local authority discretionary funding.

    11,327 signatures

  13. Include public transport workers in priority groups for covid 19 vaccination

    Government responded – 10 February 2021

    For phase I of the vaccine roll-out the key principles of advice by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation are to reduce mortality, to protect the health and care systems, and save lives.

    12,351 signatures

  14. Prioritise Key Retail Workers, being offered the Covid Vaccine!

    Government responded – 10 February 2021

    For phase I of the vaccine roll-out the key principles of advice by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation are to reduce mortality, to protect the health and care systems, and save lives.

    47,938 signatures

  15. Open gyms first as we come out of lockdown & fund a Work Out to Help Out scheme

    Government responded – 16 March 2021

    Sports & physical activity providers play a crucial role in supporting everyone to be active. We continue to work with our partners to encourage the usage of sports facilities when they open in April.

    230,017 signatures

  16. Extend Maternity Exemption Certificates

    Government responded – 9 February 2021

    The Government has no plan to extend maternity exemption certificates. All NHS dentistry has been open from 8 June 2020. Pregnant women and new mothers are encouraged to access treatment as necessary.

    10,089 signatures

  17. Ensure student nurses and midwives are paid for working during Covid-19

    Government responded – 4 February 2021

    Third year nursing students in England can, with university approval, opt into paid placements where offered. All other nursing and midwifery students will continue with planned training.

    36,067 signatures

  18. Prioritise special school staff in Covid 19 vaccinations.

    Government responded – 23 March 2021

    We are working hard to ensure everyone who has been clinically prioritised to receive a vaccine will have access to a vaccine as soon as possible.

    29,438 signatures

  19. Prioritise COVID-19 vaccines for first responders (police, fire, ambulance)

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    For phase 1 of the roll-out, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation’s principles and advice are; to reduce mortality, to protect the health and social care systems, and to save lives.

    68,969 signatures

  20. All nurseries and places of education to stay closed after Xmas to 15 January

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    On 4 January, the PM announced restriction of attendance at education settings, except early years, to vulnerable children and young people and children of critical workers, to reduce transmission.

    49,386 signatures

  21. Shut all nurseries and early years settings during lockdown

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The wider restrictions in place as part of the national lockdown to contain the spread of the virus in the community enable us to continue prioritising keeping nurseries and early years settings open.

    103,176 signatures

  22. Reimburse student rents for all accommodation not used during this academic year

    Government responded – 2 March 2021

    Accommodation providers are autonomous and responsible for setting rent agreements. We urge them to ensure policies are fair and have students’ best interests at heart.

    40,053 signatures

  23. Cancel GCSE and A-levels in 2021 replace with Course Work and Teacher Assessment

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Students will not be asked to sit GCSE, AS and A level exams this summer as planned in light of the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

    157,810 signatures

  24. Extend paid maternity leave by at least four months

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Government has no plans to extend paid Maternity Leave. Existing Maternity Leave entitlements are among the most generous in the world, up to 52 weeks of leave are available of which 39 are paid.

    56,988 signatures

  25. Allow the armed forces to train in their own gym facilities during Covid-19.

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Limited exemptions exist for Service Personnel to use gyms on the Defence Estate in England where this is crucial for the operational effectiveness of the Armed Forces.

    10,392 signatures

  26. Enable all students to end university tenancy agreements early due to Covid-19.

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    We do not currently have plans to legislate in this area. University and private providers are autonomous but we encourage them to be fair and consider students’ interests in their decisions.

    68,297 signatures

  27. Extend the 12-month period drivers can use non-GB driving licences

    Government responded – 25 January 2021

    There are no current plans to extend the period drivers can use non-GB licences. If needed, mobile emergency workers using non-GB licences can get a driving test during the current lockdown.

    10,691 signatures

  28. Close schools in Tier 4 areas

    Government responded – 21 January 2021

    The Government has asked schools and Further Education colleges to restrict attendance from 5 January 2020 for most pupils and students. Early years settings will remain open to all.

    194,882 signatures

  29. Repeal Coronavirus Act and end all Covid-19 restrictions

    Government responded – 21 January 2021

    With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still being at large with the emergence of the new variants, the measures taken by the Government to tackle the virus remain as important as ever.

    53,229 signatures

  30. Do not implement Covid-19 Freedom Passes

    Government responded – 21 January 2021

    We are continually exploring ways in which we can return to normality as soon as possible while controlling the spread of the virus. This includes ways in which technology can be used to achieve this.

    21,296 signatures

  31. Allow learner drivers to go out and drive with people from their household.

    Government responded – 20 January 2021

    Whilst Government guidance is clear that people should be staying at home, pupils can practise driving with members of their household or support bubble as part of an essential journey.

    10,924 signatures

  32. Prioritise teachers, school and childcare staff for Covid-19 vaccination

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    The government is working hard to ensure everyone who is prioritised based on clinical risk, as set out by the JCVI receives a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as reasonably possible.

    508,830 signatures

  33. Extend driving theory test certificates expiring in 2020/21 by 12 months

    Government responded – 19 January 2021

    The maximum duration of two years between passing the theory test and practical test is in place for road safety reasons and the Government has no current plans to lay legislation to extend it.

    83,062 signatures

  34. Allow driving instructors to pass learners unable to book a test

    Government responded – 19 January 2021

    There is no provision within legislation that allows an approved driving instructor (ADI) to conduct a driving test for a learner driver. The Government has no plans to lay legislation to amend this.

    58,090 signatures

  35. Exempt outdoor tennis from closure due to COVID-19

    Government responded – 18 January 2021

    Sport is crucial for our mental and physical health. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise. Given the seriousness of the current situation tennis courts have had to close.

    27,733 signatures

  36. Allow golf to be played with appropriate safety measures

    Government responded – 18 January 2021

    Sport is crucial for our mental and physical health. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise. Given the seriousness of the current situation golf courses have had to close.

    132,728 signatures

  37. Require negative covid test to enter the UK

    Government responded – 15 January 2021

    The Government has introduced mandatory pre-departure COVID-19 testing. All arrivals from outside the Common Travel Area must possess a negative test result from within 3 days of departure to England.

    50,595 signatures

  38. Do not start mass testing in schools or require asymptomatic students to isolate

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    The rapid testing programme is supporting those staff and pupils currently in secondary schools and colleges and will help support the full reopening of these settings as soon as is possible.

    20,138 signatures

  39. Support Boarding Kennels and Catteries

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    The Government understands the considerable difficulties faced by UK businesses, including those that are adversely affected by the fall in travel and tourism in the UK due to the coronavirus pandemic

    27,945 signatures

  40. Keep gyms open during Tier 4 lockdown

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    Sports facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise throughout the national and local tiered restrictions.

    180,171 signatures

  41. Recall Parliament now to scrutinise new Christmas coronavirus restrictions

    Government responded – 11 January 2021

    At the Government's request, Parliament was recalled on 30 December and 6 January. Regulations relating to covid-19 restrictions and measures for a national lockdown were debated respectively by MPs.

    12,275 signatures

  42. Exempt driving tests and lessons from COVID-19 restrictions

    Government responded – 12 January 2021

    The Government is doing whatever is necessary to deal with COVID-19. To stop the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe, routine practical driving lessons and tests are currently suspended.

    23,047 signatures

  43. Allow fitness classes to resume in areas with tier 3 restrictions

    Government responded – 21 December 2020

    Sports and physical activity facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. The Government’s phased approach is based on scientific and medical advice to protect public health.

    23,765 signatures

  44. No public sector pay freezes for the next 5 years

    Government responded – 18 December 2020

    The economic impact of Covid-19 means temporarily pausing pay awards for most of the public sector, excluding one million NHS and 2.1 million earning less than £24k who will still get a pay rise.

    10,715 signatures

  45. Approve the return to training plan for contact sports

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    Contact Combat sports are now able to return, consistent with the phases in the published Government guidance, once their National Governing Body has had guidance reviewed.

    10,750 signatures

  46. Increase uniform tax reliefs, especially for healthcare staff

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    Employees can claim tax relief on the actual costs incurred in cleaning their uniforms. They should not be incurring costs in cleaning or maintaining PPE as this is the responsibility of employers.

    10,614 signatures

  47. Fully fund schools for Covid-19 costs and provide relief for loss of income

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    We have announced a new fund for the cost of teacher absences. This comes on top of £100m for exceptional costs between March and July, the £1bn COVID catch-up fund, and £2.6bn rise in school budgets.

    29,362 signatures

  48. Implement a two week school lockdown before 24 December to save Christmas

    Government responded – 1 December 2020

    As set out in the Government’s COVID-19 Winter Plan, schools should not close early or change their Christmas holidays. It remains a national priority to avoid further disruption to education.

    125,227 signatures

  49. End lockdown to prevent further economic damage to the UK’s economy.

    Government responded – 1 December 2020

    The Government has announced the Covid 19 Winter Plan, which sets out how we will continue to support the economy whilst limiting the spread of the virus.

    39,106 signatures

  50. Do not implement a second national lockdown or other restrictions this winter

    Government responded – 30 November 2020

    The Government introduced new measures in England on 5 November to protect the NHS and reduce the growth in hospitalisations and deaths. Similar steps were taken in other parts of the UK.

    34,608 signatures

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