We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Other lists of petitions

Closed petitions

2,016 petitions

  1. Keep requirement to wear a face covering in shops & supermarkets after July 19th

    13,251 signatures

  2. Do not enforce a compulsory quarantine on people arriving in the UK

    13,147 signatures

  3. Make prison staff top priority as key workers to recieve the covid 19 vaccine

    13,092 signatures

  4. Pay long-term supply teachers and support staff during mandatory closures.

    13,080 signatures

  5. Keep the £20pw Universal Credit lifeline and extend to those on legacy benefits

    13,034 signatures

  6. Remove Egypt from travel red list immediately

    12,411 signatures

  7. Include public transport workers in priority groups for covid 19 vaccination

    12,351 signatures

  8. Inquiry into the DVLA’s performance during the Covid-19 pandemic

    12,283 signatures

  9. Recall Parliament now to scrutinise new Christmas coronavirus restrictions

    12,275 signatures

  10. Remove the 50% earnings barrier so all self employed workers to receive support.

    12,265 signatures

  11. Urge China to allow direct flights between UK and China to resume

    12,179 signatures

  12. Change the Furlough Support Scheme to include new hires after 28th February.

    12,174 signatures

  13. The government to allow the opening of nightclubs.

    12,161 signatures

  14. Do not make Covid-19 vaccination a requirement to physically attend university

    12,080 signatures

  15. Launch a judge-led public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic

    12,000 signatures

  16. Waive the January 2021 tax bill for those who have been excluded from the SEISS

    11,988 signatures

  17. Remove Bangladesh from red list

    11,897 signatures

  18. Reduce content for 2022 A-level and GCSE exams

    11,832 signatures

  19. Funding for ventilation in all school/college/uni classrooms

    11,708 signatures

  20. Exempt amateur boxing from Covid-19 restrictions

    11,394 signatures

  21. Abolish Stamp Duty on all transactions during Corona Virus pandemic

    11,390 signatures

  22. Grant wraparound and holiday care providers urgent financial support

    11,327 signatures

  23. Allow all students to return to university at the start of the Summer term

    11,302 signatures

  24. Extension for Commonwealth Citizens on Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visas

    11,214 signatures

  25. Extend business rates relief to include every English language teaching school

    11,133 signatures

  26. Don't offer covid-19 vaccine to 5-11 year olds until phase 3 trials complete

    11,116 signatures

  27. Call for an immediate end to the Israeli blockade on the people of Gaza

    11,002 signatures

  28. Pay bonus to all key workers

    10,944 signatures

  29. Allow learner drivers to go out and drive with people from their household.

    10,924 signatures

  30. Business Rate Relief to be extended to all small businesses in healthcare.

    10,780 signatures

  31. Remove Colombia from the red travel list immediately

    10,750 signatures

  32. Approve the return to training plan for contact sports

    10,750 signatures

  33. No public sector pay freezes for the next 5 years

    10,715 signatures

  34. Extend the 12-month period drivers can use non-GB driving licences

    10,691 signatures

  35. A national holiday and day of remembrance for those lost in the COVID pandemic

    10,648 signatures

  36. Do not require Covid vaccination passports for crowded events

    10,641 signatures

  37. Keep face covering mandatory in indoor public settings beyond 19th July 2021

    10,639 signatures

  38. Increase uniform tax reliefs, especially for healthcare staff

    10,614 signatures

  39. Extend rules for UK travel for vaccinated travellers to unvaccinated travellers

    10,547 signatures

  40. Allow the armed forces to train in their own gym facilities during Covid-19.

    10,392 signatures

  41. Government to match the £500 bonus to all care staff

    10,324 signatures

  42. Extend "rule of six" to ensure that hunting and shooting are banned

    10,312 signatures

  43. Extend Tier-4 visas and waive third-term tuition fee for international students

    10,284 signatures

  44. Extend Maternity Exemption Certificates

    10,089 signatures

  45. Create a religious exemption to any vaccine passport requirements

    9,963 signatures

  46. Consider urgent action to grant specialist vape retailers essential status

    9,604 signatures

  47. Reward our healthcare heroes now for risking their lives to fight Covid-19.

    9,403 signatures

  48. Permit congregational singing in all places of worship

    9,111 signatures

  49. Continue to make face masks mandatory in all healthcare settings from 19th July.

    8,811 signatures

  50. Record and publish numbers of people with long Covid

    8,808 signatures

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