We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Other lists of petitions

Petitions with a Government response

17 petitions

  1. An public inquiry into the causes surrounding missing Black people

    Government responded – 22 June 2021

    The Government is focused on improving support for missing people from all backgrounds and to addressing racial and ethnic disparities, wherever these exist. It has no plans for a public inquiry.

    21,215 signatures

  2. VALERIE'S LAW Compulsory Training for Agencies Supporting Black DV Victims

    Government responded – 6 July 2021

    Current training on domestic abuse should include recognising the specific needs of victims due to their ethnicity or cultural background; Government does not feel it is necessary to mandate it.

    106,518 signatures

  3. Make non-binary a legally recognised gender identity in the UK

    Government responded – 20 May 2021

    As set out in the response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation, there are no plans to make changes to the 2004 Act.

    140,768 signatures

  4. Create an Official Racial Offenders Register/Scheme

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The Government has no plans to introduce such a register. The existing criminal records disclosure scheme allows employers to access appropriate criminal record information about prospective employees

    10,979 signatures

  5. Reimburse tax payers for monies used to compensate slave owners

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The UK deplores the human suffering caused by slavery and the slave trade. These are among the most abhorrent chapters in the history of humanity

    10,036 signatures

  6. Refund taxes used to pay slavery abolition debt to British descendants of slaves

    Government responded – 20 August 2020

    The UK deplores the human suffering caused by slavery and the slave trade. These are among the most abhorrent chapters in the history of humanity.

    11,769 signatures

  7. Make Anti-Racism training mandatory in all UK workplaces

    Government responded – 7 August 2020

    We are committed to tackling racism in the UK, and have recently established a new cross-government commission which will consider all options in the round and make recommendations for reform.

    12,569 signatures

  8. Pay Slavery Reparations to all Caribbean & African Descendants

    Government responded – 4 August 2020

    The UK deplores the human suffering caused by slavery and the slave trade. They are among the most abhorrent chapters in the history of humanity.

    20,585 signatures

  9. Do not ban gender transition treatments for under 18s

    Government responded – 20 July 2020

    The Government has no plans to restrict access to current health care treatment for people under 18 displaying gender dysphoria and wishing to transition to a non-natal sex.

    56,289 signatures

  10. Require all police officers to take Anti-Racism education

    Government responded – 8 September 2020

    All police officers already undergo mandatory training which includes anti-racism education such as coverage of ethics, equalities, self-understanding, hate crimes and policing without bias.

    27,846 signatures

  11. Create an independent investigatory commission to help protect ethnic minorities

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The Prime Minister has announced a new Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities that will seek to understand what disparities exist and why, and present recommendations based on robust evidence.

    16,690 signatures

  12. Teach Britain's colonial past as part of the UK's compulsory curriculum

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The history curriculum at Key Stage 3 includes the statutory theme “ideas, political power, industry and empire: Britain 1745-1901”. Topics within statutory themes are chosen by schools and teachers.

    268,772 signatures

  13. Making the UK education curriculum more inclusive of BAME history

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The flexibility within the history curriculum means that there is the opportunity for teachers to teach about BAME history across a spectrum of themes and eras.

    26,738 signatures

  14. Add education on diversity and racism to all school curriculums

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    Racism in all its forms is abhorrent and has no place in our society. Schools play a significant role in teaching children about the importance of respect and tolerance for all cultures.

    89,497 signatures

  15. Improve Maternal Mortality Rates and Health Care for Black Women in the U.K.

    Government responded – 25 June 2020

    The Government is funding a NIHR Policy Research Unit in Maternal and Neonatal Health and Care study into factors associated with the higher risk of maternal death for Black and South Asian women.

    187,520 signatures

  16. Introduce Mandatory Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The Government ran a consultation from October 2018 to January 2019 on the introduction of mandatory Ethnicity Pay Reporting. We are currently analysing these and will respond by the end of the year.

    130,567 signatures

  17. Require British Sign Language Interpreters for emergency announcements on TV.

    Government responded – 13 May 2020

    The Government has assessed that in accordance with PHE guidelines, we cannot safely include a BSL interpreter in the room for daily briefings without potentially putting them and others at risk.

    26,306 signatures

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