These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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31,730 petitions

  1. Create a fourth emergency service for people with mental health problems.

    8,955 signatures, now closed

  2. Pressure Denmark to Stop the Grindadrap whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands

    8,955 signatures, now closed

  3. To allow soldiers who serve in the British Army to wear neat/trimmed facial hair

    8,905 signatures, now closed

  4. Stop Tony Blair using taxpayers funding his legal costs for Iraq war defence!

    8,847 signatures, now closed

  5. Ban the use of non-recyclable plastic film and unnecessary packaging on produce.

    8,828 signatures, now closed

  6. Enforce mandatory drug tests for all Members of Parliament.

    8,816 signatures, now closed

  7. Call for a vote of no confidence in David Cameron

    8,771 signatures, now closed

  8. Ban and make illegal Puppy Farms in the UK

    8,738 signatures, now closed

  9. Designate music as a core subject

    8,732 signatures, now closed

  10. Include tattoo, body piercings & hair colour in the anti-discrimination act.

    8,700 signatures, now closed

  11. Cold calling by phone or email for investment or pensions should be made illegal

    8,690 signatures, now closed

  12. We, the public, call for an emergency re-run of the general election.

    8,603 signatures, now closed

  13. DENY the request for a second EU REFERENDUM

    8,496 signatures, now closed

  14. Increase maximum sentencing for animal cruelty from 6 months.

    8,457 signatures, now closed

  15. Get the 'UK' out of the 'EU' NOW

    8,368 signatures, now closed

  16. A full review of the staffing shortages within NHS district nursing service.

    8,292 signatures, now closed

  17. Make it illegal to harass those engaged in legal fieldsports.

    8,215 signatures, now closed

  18. Introduce an independent pay review of public sector workers

    8,203 signatures, now closed

  19. Ban the practice of live male chicks being killed by grinding and suffocating

    8,142 signatures, now closed

  20. Stop HS2 and spend the money on a national long term flood defence strategy.

    8,114 signatures, now closed

  21. 30 free hours childcare for ALL from Sept 16

    8,080 signatures, now closed

  22. Petition the Government to stop expanding the badger cull across the country

    7,990 signatures, now closed

  23. Pressure Saudi Arabia to overturn the Crucifixion of Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr

    7,984 signatures, now closed

  24. Reassess general aviation airfields as green belt not brown field sites.

    7,940 signatures, now closed


    7,891 signatures, now closed

  26. Protect wildlife & stop littering. Ban balloon releases & sky lanterns.

    7,784 signatures, now closed

  27. Stop the Brexit process and declare that Britain will remain in European Union.

    7,757 signatures, now closed

  28. Allow motorcycles to use ALL bus lanes.

    7,741 signatures, now closed

  29. Hold A Referendum On Renationalisation Of The Railways

    7,723 signatures, now closed

  30. Suspend all trials of graded exercise therapy in children and adults with ME/CFS

    7,620 signatures, now closed

  31. Introduce a nationwide vegan label for all vegan foods

    7,618 signatures, now closed

  32. Brexit negotiations - no compromise over control of our borders and immigration

    7,610 signatures, now closed

  33. Provide armed security for Synagogues and jewish institutions in the UK

    7,571 signatures, now closed

  34. Stop the deportation of Luqman Onikosi!

    7,548 signatures, now closed

  35. To Make it an Offence in Law to Desecrate a Memorial or Grave to War Dead

    7,528 signatures, now closed

  36. Protect UK Environment & Wildlife - adopt European environmental legislation.

    7,527 signatures, now closed

  37. Government to enact legislation which enables TFL to set a cap on PH licenses

    7,522 signatures, now closed

  38. Strengthen the 2004 Hunting Act

    7,435 signatures, now closed

  39. Full review of sentencing guidelines for convicted child sex offenders

    7,425 signatures, now closed

  40. I would like to see the introduction of safe standing at football matches.

    7,389 signatures, now closed

  41. Remove the Ban on agency fees and set a cap for fees instead.

    7,329 signatures, now closed

  42. See fibromyalgia has a disability and give the pip payment

    7,321 signatures, now closed

  43. Stop The Closure Of Darlington A&E

    7,313 signatures, now closed

  44. Demand an end to Halal and Kosher slaughter in the UK

    7,305 signatures, now closed

  45. Please provide Hampshire Police with funding to find Damien Nettles remains

    7,173 signatures, now closed

  46. Don't steal from grieving children! Stop cuts to Widowed Parent's Allowance.

    7,154 signatures, now closed

  47. Ban Muslim demonstrations which oppose our Culture, Religion and Laws.

    7,144 signatures, now closed

  48. Stop loudspeaker calls to prayer

    7,139 signatures, now closed

  49. Allow all children of all ages to receive the meningitis B vaccine on the NHS

    7,135 signatures, now closed

  50. Make flood rescue a statutory duty of Fire & Rescue Services and provide funding

    7,101 signatures, now closed

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