These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Negotiate more favorable post-transition travel rules for U.K. citizens

    Government responded – 3 March 2021

    Free movement of persons between the UK and EU has ended. The provisions on visa-free short-term visits reflect the UK and EU’s respective border and immigration rules.

    12,267 signatures

  2. Remove the 50% earnings barrier so all self employed workers to receive support.

    Government responded – 10 June 2020

    The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme requires trading profits to be at least equal to non-trading income to ensure it is targeted at those who are most reliant on their self-employment income.

    12,265 signatures

  3. Hold a statutory public inquiry into Gender Identity Ideology and Queer Theory

    Government responded – 4 April 2024

    Biological sex clearly exists and matters. There are processes in place for those who wish to change their legal sex. A statutory public inquiry is unnecessary given Government action in this area.

    12,190 signatures

  4. Enact legislation to make 'psychologist' a protected title

    Government responded – 7 May 2024

    The Government has no plans to make the professional title “psychologist” a protected title. However, our regulatory reform programme, which is underway, will consider protected titles more broadly.

    12,185 signatures

  5. Urge China to allow direct flights between UK and China to resume

    Government responded – 6 December 2021

    The UK Government has been in continuous contact with the Chinese authorities to seek the relaxation of China’s unilateral decision to ban direct scheduled passenger flights between the UK and China.

    12,179 signatures

  6. Change the Furlough Support Scheme to include new hires after 28th February.

    Government responded – 16 June 2020

    The cut-off date for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme was extended to 19 March in April.

    12,174 signatures

  7. Make the consumption of dog and cat meat illegal

    Government responded – 20 May 2021

    The UK’s relationship with companion animals already sets a strong moral example for others. Laws exist to prohibit dogs or cats from entering the food system and further safeguard their welfare.

    12,168 signatures

  8. The government to allow the opening of nightclubs.

    Government responded – 6 October 2020

    Nightclubs are an important part of young people’s lives, but it is vital to control the spread of COVID-19. The Government is working to allow nightclubs to re-open as soon as it is safe to do so.

    12,161 signatures

  9. Urgent funding for research into Long Covid and ME/CFS treatments and cures

    Government responded – 14 June 2023

    The Government is committed to funding high-quality research to improve treatment of Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Long Covid.

    12,154 signatures

  10. Stop shark being sold under misleading names in the UK

    Government responded – 23 March 2023

    The Government is proud to champion the conservation and sustainable management of sharks and we will consider the evidence to support a review on the commercial designations of endangered sharks.

    12,113 signatures

  11. Make it a requirement to report hitting a cat whilst driving

    Government responded – 27 April 2021

    The Government has no current plans to amend the Road Traffic Act 1988 (the Act) to grant cats the same status as dogs and other animals mentioned in the Act.

    12,082 signatures

  12. Do not make Covid-19 vaccination a requirement to physically attend university

    Government responded – 18 August 2021

    The Government currently has no plans to require the use of vaccine certification for access to learning or accommodation. Universities should promote vaccination to help keep HE settings safe.

    12,080 signatures

  13. Withdraw the Transport Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill

    Government responded – 23 February 2023

    The Government believes in the ability to strike. However, this must be balanced against our first duty: to preserve the lives and livelihoods of British people by protecting essential services.

    12,075 signatures

  14. Review the Regulation of Odour Management of Landfill Sites

    Government responded – 29 June 2021

    The Environment Agency regulates environmental permits that set limits, including for malodours, within which operations can be undertaken without causing a significant impact on the environment.

    12,029 signatures

  15. Allow those already in the UK switching to care visa to bring dependants

    Government responded – 9 April 2024

    Those switching to the care visa as care workers are no longer permitted to have dependants with them. The Government values the work of this sector, and existing care visa holders are protected.

    12,023 signatures

  16. Make it mandatory for Police & CPS to provide counselling to ALL victims of CSA

    Government responded – 3 February 2023

    There is no bar to a victim of child sexual abuse seeking pre-trial therapy or counselling. There are no plans to mandate provision of these services by the police and Crown Prosecution Service.

    12,020 signatures

  17. Launch a judge-led public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic

    Government responded – 25 June 2021

    On 12 May, the Prime Minister confirmed a statutory public inquiry, with full formal powers under the Inquiries Act 2005, will begin in Spring 2022.

    12,000 signatures

  18. Create a Veterinary Services Ombudsman

    Government responded – 20 August 2021

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has a statutory duty to supervise the conduct of veterinary surgeons. The Government does not plan to introduce an ombudsman or to regulate veterinary prices.

    11,999 signatures

  19. Waive the January 2021 tax bill for those who have been excluded from the SEISS

    Government responded – 27 April 2021

    The Government does not believe waiving tax bills would provide value for money as a mechanism to support for those ineligible for SEISS. A wider £352bn package is in place.

    11,988 signatures

  20. Hold referendums on joining new trade blocks eg CPTPP

    Government responded – 19 April 2023

    The Government will not hold a referendum on the UK’s trade agreements. We ensure that parliamentarians, UK citizens and businesses have access to the information they need on trade negotiations.

    11,985 signatures

  21. Fund newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy immediately

    Government responded – 25 August 2021

    The benefits and harms of screening for spinal muscular atrophy in newborns must be carefully assessed. The United Kingdom National Screening Committee will next review the evidence in 2022.

    11,953 signatures

  22. Stop Forestry England granting licenses for Fox & Hare hunts

    Government responded – 10 September 2020

    Trail hunting is a legal activity. Forestry England permits trail hunting under an agreement with the Masters of Fox Hounds Association. It has the power to suspend or withdraw any permission.

    11,951 signatures

  23. Ban the use of peat in horticulture and all growing media by 2023.

    Government responded – 4 June 2021

    In the England Peat Action Plan, we have committed to publishing a consultation in 2021 on banning the sale of peat and peat containing products in the amateur sector by the end of this Parliament.

    11,916 signatures

  24. Fund research into any relationship between microclots and long Covid and ME

    Government responded – 17 February 2022

    Since 2018 the Government has committed over £53m to research on ME and Long COVID. Robust research and scientific evidence is pivotal in improving our understanding and treatment of both conditions.

    11,903 signatures

  25. Make the sale of catapults/ammunition and carrying catapults in public illegal

    Government responded – 27 March 2024

    Existing legislation provides the correct balance between protecting wildlife from the small number of individuals who misuse catapults, whilst also allowing the public to enjoy legitimate pastimes.

    11,901 signatures

  26. Remove Bangladesh from red list

    Government responded – 13 September 2021

    Decisions on the Red List are made by Ministers, informed by the latest scientific data and public health advice, to protect public health and the vaccine rollout from variants of COVID-19.

    11,897 signatures

  27. Reform IPSA - cap MP payrises in line with other Public sector pay

    Government responded – 19 January 2021

    MPs’ salaries, pensions, business costs and expenses are governed by independent external regulation and there are no plans for the Government to introduce legislation to cap MPs’ pay.

    11,892 signatures

  28. Give British Basketball appropriate funding

    Government responded – 30 October 2020

    The Government recognises the implications for sports clubs of not being able to admit spectators to stadia from 1 October, and are working urgently on what we can do now to support them.

    11,854 signatures

  29. Fund adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) screening for children at birth.

    Government responded – 2 June 2021

    The UK National Screening Committee advises the Government on screening. It continually reviews the evidence for screening for adrenoleukodystrophy, and will publish its latest recommendation shortly.

    11,840 signatures

  30. Reduce content for 2022 A-level and GCSE exams

    Government responded – 15 March 2021

    The department will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students, including those due to take exams in 2022, to ensure that students in this cohort can achieve a fair grade.

    11,832 signatures

  31. Allow Healthcare Workers on skilled worker visas to work for any employer

    Government responded – 31 August 2023

    Skilled Workers can already change employers as long as they apply to do so. We have no plans to change this. Removing employer sponsorship could worsen modern slavery risks, not reduce them.

    11,829 signatures

  32. Reschedule psilocybin for medical research on untreatable conditions

    Government responded – 20 October 2022

    There are no plans to reschedule psilocybin to Schedule 2 of the 2001 Regulations. There is an established process for the development of medicines, including those containing Schedule 1 drugs.

    11,824 signatures

  33. Revise the NPPF to include the protection of all and particularly old hedgerows.

    Government responded – 24 September 2020

    Mature hedgerows are vital for wildlife and create beauty and heritage in the landscape, so we protect them through the Hedgerows Regulations as well as planning policy on conserving nature.

    11,794 signatures

  34. Hold a Public Inquiry into state pension age changes for women

    Government responded – 24 May 2024

    State Pension age changes have been considered by the Ombudsman, Parliament and the Courts. There is therefore no need for a Public Inquiry, and it would not be good use of public money.

    11,791 signatures

  35. Extend Bereavement Support Payments (BSP) for widowed parents

    Government responded – 9 May 2023

    Bereavement Support Payment helps with the immediate costs of bereavement. Other parts of the welfare system, such as Universal Credit, can provide longer-term financial assistance for those in need.

    11,789 signatures

  36. Require swimming venues to maintain single-sex or private changing facilities

    Government responded – 12 October 2022

    Government is committed to maintaining the safeguards that allow organisations to provide single-sex services. We do not plan to announce any changes to the law.

    11,780 signatures

  37. Refund taxes used to pay slavery abolition debt to British descendants of slaves

    Government responded – 20 August 2020

    The UK deplores the human suffering caused by slavery and the slave trade. These are among the most abhorrent chapters in the history of humanity.

    11,769 signatures

  38. Minimum wage pay for all healthcare students for placement hours worked!

    Government responded – 9 December 2022

    There are no plans to pay healthcare students whilst on compulsory clinical placements. The Government offers non repayable grants worth at least £5,000 per academic year to support students.

    11,763 signatures

  39. Seek to rejoin the EU

    Government responded – 18 May 2022

    The UK has left the EU, fulfilling the Government’s manifesto commitment to take back control of our money, borders and laws. This was the democratically-expressed wish of the British public.

    11,757 signatures

  40. Do not pass the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Criminal Conduct Bill

    Government responded – 3 December 2020

    The Government supports the passage of this Bill. It is important legislation that provides intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the capabilities required to keep the public safe.

    11,756 signatures

  41. Take back responsibility for funding free licences for over 75s from the BBC

    Government responded – 16 March 2021

    From June 2020, the BBC is responsible for setting out and paying for any concession providing free TV licences to those aged 75 and over. The BBC consulted widely on the future of the concession.

    11,756 signatures

  42. Require rear facing car seats for children under 18kg, 105cm tall or 4 years

    Government responded – 15 January 2024

    Government participates in UN discussions about technical standards for child restraints. The expert group decided against mandating rearward facing restraint systems for children up-to 4-years old.

    11,747 signatures

  43. Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh massacres

    Government responded – 21 May 2024

    HMG is aware of how Sikhs, and many other Britons, feel about the tragic events in 1984. While an undoubtedly appalling series of events, HMG currently has no plans to formally commemorate them.

    11,747 signatures

  44. After the vaccine roll-out to high risk groups, remove ALL covid-19 restrictions

    Government responded – 17 February 2021

    The Government will not keep the restrictions in place any longer than necessary and continues to keep them under review. We will publish our roadmap on 22nd February to set out our future approach.

    11,733 signatures

  45. Reintroduce the Energy Bills Support Scheme for winter 2023/24

    Government responded – 15 December 2023

    The Government recognises the cost of living challenges families are facing and is continuing to provide support to the most vulnerable households this winter.

    11,728 signatures

  46. Give more funding for thyroid research and patients after price hike

    Government responded – 25 January 2024

    The Government is funding a broad range of research on thyroid disorders through its funding organisations and is facilitating patient support through locally commissioned services.

    11,719 signatures

  47. Do not extend the period before a vehicle’s first MOT to 4 years

    Government responded – 16 May 2023

    The Government consultation on MOT reform closed on 22nd March 2023. We are currently analysing the results and will release a decision in the near future.

    11,710 signatures

  48. Funding for ventilation in all school/college/uni classrooms

    Government responded – 27 January 2022

    All state-funded education settings received CO2 monitors. Up to 9000 air cleaning units will cover poorly ventilated teaching spaces. Universities are responsible for their own ventilation.

    11,708 signatures

  49. Rule out ending the transition period without a deal

    Government responded – 1 December 2020

    The UK will not extend the transition period and the deadline to do so has passed. The Government’s priority is to ensure access to medicines and medical products: preparations for this are underway.

    11,690 signatures

  50. Condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestine and Palestinians

    Government responded – 11 June 2021

    The UK’s role as a defender of international human rights is best realised when we engage constructively with our close partners. Unilateral condemnation will not serve the cause of peace.

    11,687 signatures

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