These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Make it a legal requirement for nightclubs to thoroughly search guests on entry

    Government responded – 4 November 2021

    The law already allows licensing authorities to impose conditions such as searches. Decisions on this should be made locally, taking account of circumstances, and there are no plans to change the law.

    175,075 signatures

  2. Lower university tuition fees for students until online teaching ends

    Government responded – 30 October 2020

    Universities are responsible for setting their own fees. Any lowering of fees would be their decision. Government is not considering a temporary change to fee limits, or a programme of refunds.

    171,137 signatures

  3. Scrap removal of free transport for under-18s from TfL bailout

    Government responded – 10 August 2020

    The suspension of free travel for 11-17 year olds will help reduce demand for public transport at peak times during the Covid-19 pandemic. This was agreed by the Government and the Mayor of London.

    171,010 signatures

  4. Include abortion rights in the Bill of Rights

    Government responded – 20 September 2022

    The Government is now looking again at the Bill of Rights to ensure it will deliver the Government’s objectives as effectively as possible.

    167,690 signatures

  5. Ryan's Law: Widen definition of 'death by dangerous driving'

    Government responded – 24 March 2021

    It is unacceptable for drivers to fail to stop and report an incident. However, the offence should not be used to punish an offender for a serious, but unproven, offence.

    167,461 signatures

  6. Make suicide prevention a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

    Government responded – 21 October 2022

    Schools can teach about suicide to older pupils in an age-appropriate way. When we review the RSHE guidance we will look at whether there is more we need to do to support them to do so safely.

    160,688 signatures

  7. Cancel GCSE and A-levels in 2021 replace with Course Work and Teacher Assessment

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Students will not be asked to sit GCSE, AS and A level exams this summer as planned in light of the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

    157,810 signatures

  8. Fund 30 hours free childcare from age 1 for families where both parents work

    Government responded – 25 November 2022

    The government is not currently planning to extend 30 hours free childcare. We support working parents through a range of childcare offers, including Universal Credit and Tax-Free Childcare.

    157,591 signatures

  9. Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum

    Government responded – 27 May 2022

    To protect lives, the economy and future generations from future pandemics, the UK government supports a new legally-binding instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

    156,086 signatures

  10. Legalise assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults

    Government responded – 3 February 2022

    The Government’s position is that any change to the law in this area is a matter for Parliament and an issue of conscience for individual parliamentarians rather than one for Government policy.

    155,803 signatures

  11. Stop work on HS2 immediately and hold a new vote to repeal the legislation

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    HS2 will provide essential North-South connectivity, greater capacity and shorter journey times. This railway will play a vital role in delivering the Government’s carbon net zero objectives.

    155,253 signatures

  12. Government to offer economic assistance to the events industry during COVID-19

    Government responded – 27 March 2020

    The Government has announced a series of measures to provide economic support to businesses and their staff to help to mitigate the economic impacts of COVID-19. Further detail can be found on

    154,815 signatures

  13. Remain neutral in Israel-Palestine conflict and withdraw support for Israel

    Government responded – 6 November 2023

    The UK supports Israel’s right to self-defence in line with international humanitarian law. We will continue to lead and support efforts towards a two state solution between Israel and the PA.

    151,550 signatures

  14. Extend the Stamp Duty Holiday for an additional 6 months after 31st March 2021

    Government responded – 10 December 2020

    The SDLT holiday was designed to be a temporary relief to stimulate market activity and support jobs that rely on the property market. The Government does not plan to extend this temporary relief.

    151,127 signatures

  15. Keep schools closed until May

    Government responded – 15 March 2021

    With safety measures in schools, the success of vaccination rollout and decrease in infection rates and hospitalisations, the Government has decided that pupils can return to education from 8 March.

    149,470 signatures

  16. Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban

    Government responded – 12 May 2022

    We will introduce a ban protecting everyone from attempts to change their sexual orientation. Recognising the complexity of issues we will consider the issue of transgender conversion therapy further.

    149,167 signatures

  17. Review the decision to use previous data to calculate exam grades

    Government responded – 4 September 2020

    Students in England have now received the higher of their centre assessment grade or calculated grade for GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2020.

    148,885 signatures

  18. Reduce curriculum content for year 10 & 12 students who will sit exams in 2021.

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    All students, including current Year 10s and 12s, will have experienced disruption to their education this year. Ofqual is consulting on measures to mitigate this through changes to next year’s exams.

    148,388 signatures

  19. Require schools to make Friday a part of the school weekend

    Government responded – 21 April 2022

    The government has no plans to require schools to make Friday part of the weekend. Regular attendance at school is vital for children’s education, well-being and long term development.

    148,136 signatures

  20. FIONA'S LAW - Women should be allowed a yearly Cervical screening

    Government responded – 10 February 2021

    All women aged 25-64 are offered routine cervical screening. Due to the highly accurate, predictive nature of the HPV test, the UK NSC does not recommend that women are screened on a yearly basis.

    146,637 signatures

  21. Give all key workers a 100% tax and Nat. Ins. holiday through COVID-19 crisis

    Government responded – 27 April 2020

    The Government has announced an unprecedented package of measures to support public services and workers through Coronavirus, targeting support where it’s needed most.

    146,351 signatures

  22. Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims

    Government responded – 28 July 2020

    We have grave concerns about the gross human rights abuses being perpetrated in Xinjiang. But it is not appropriate to speculate about future sanctions designations, as this may reduce their impact.

    146,345 signatures

  23. Let Us Dance - Support nightclubs, dance music events and festivals

    Government responded – 14 October 2020

    On 12th Oct, we announced the recipients of £257M of the £1.57B Cultural Recovery Fund package to support cultural organisations. More than 1,300 are benefitting from this vital financial boost.

    146,188 signatures

  24. Allow teacher predicted grades for BTEC students

    Government responded – 17 February 2021

    Exams for vocational and technical qualifications are only continuing currently where they signal occupational competency. We will announce arrangements for summer term exams by end of February.

    145,336 signatures

  25. Trigger Article 16. We want unfettered GB-NI Trade.

    Government responded – 22 February 2021

    The UK is working to address outstanding issues with the Protocol - putting the interests of the people of Northern Ireland first, and considering all avenues necessary to do so.

    144,632 signatures

  26. Make pet theft crime a specific offence with custodial sentences.

    Government responded – 31 March 2020

    The sentencing guidelines now take account of the emotional distress and harm that theft of personal items such as a pet can have on the victim and recommends higher penalties for such offences.

    143,638 signatures

  27. Introduce an Independent Regulator for Football in England by December 2021

    Government responded – 7 June 2021

    Football clubs are the heart of local communities and have a unique social value, which is why we are proceeding with our commitment to undertake a wide ranging, fan led review of football governance.

    142,931 signatures

  28. Award all Nursing Staff in the NHS a pay rise of 10% backdated to 1 April 2020

    Government responded – 11 August 2020

    NHS nurses do an incredible job. The 2018 multi-year Agenda for Change deal delivered year on year pay increases for over a million staff. The salary for newly qualified nurses has risen by over 12%.

    141,772 signatures

  29. Make non-binary a legally recognised gender identity in the UK

    Government responded – 20 May 2021

    As set out in the response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation, there are no plans to make changes to the 2004 Act.

    140,768 signatures

  30. Commit to not amending the Equality Act's definition of sex

    Government responded – 25 January 2023

    This Government believes in individual liberty. There are processes with appropriate checks to allow for those who wish to legally change their gender. Changes to the Equality Act are not necessary.

    138,886 signatures

  31. Renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems, and end PFI contracts

    Government responded – 23 December 2021

    The government has been steadfast in its commitment to the guiding principles of the NHS which mean the NHS is not and never will be for sale to the private sector.

    137,708 signatures

  32. Reform the Gender Recognition Act.

    Government responded – 7 October 2020

    We want transgender people to be free to live and prosper in modern Britain. The Government looked carefully at the issues raised and believe that this legislation strikes the right balance.

    137,271 signatures

  33. Require universities to reimburse students' tuition fees during strike action

    Government responded – 21 April 2020

    Strike action is a matter for Universities to address, not Government. We expect universities to make efforts to replace lost learning or financial compensation if appropriate.

    136,749 signatures

  34. Allow gyms and leisure centres to reopen

    Government responded – 13 May 2020

    The Government recognises the importance of physical activity to the nation’s wellbeing and is working with the leisure sector to reopen facilities as soon as possible in a safe and controlled way.

    136,163 signatures

  35. Provide financial help to zoos, aquariums, & rescue centres during the pandemic.

    Government responded – 28 July 2020

    The outdoor areas of zoos can now reopen. Government financial support schemes are available to zoos, including the Zoos Support Fund. We are keeping the situation under close review.

    135,481 signatures

  36. Don’t criminalise trespass

    Government responded – 15 April 2020

    Responses to the 2019 consultation on trespass, particularly unauthorised encampments, are currently being reviewed and the Government response will be issued in due course.

    134,933 signatures

  37. Remove Pakistan from red list for travel

    Government responded – 11 May 2021

    The Government has made it consistently clear it will take decisive action, if necessary, to contain the virus and Pakistan has been added to the “Red List” to protect public health.

    134,665 signatures

  38. Make lying in the House of Commons a criminal offence

    Government responded – 12 August 2021

    The Government does not intend to introduce legislation of this nature. MPs must abide by the Code of Conduct and conduct in the Chamber is a matter for the Speaker.

    133,008 signatures

  39. Allow golf to be played with appropriate safety measures

    Government responded – 18 January 2021

    Sport is crucial for our mental and physical health. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise. Given the seriousness of the current situation golf courses have had to close.

    132,728 signatures

  40. Release the Home Office's Grooming Gang Review in full

    Government responded – 19 May 2020

    Government intends to publish a paper on group-based child sexual exploitation this year, which will set out key findings of the Home Office’s work in this area and implications for policy.

    131,626 signatures

  41. UK Government to formally recognise the State of Palestine

    Government responded – 8 June 2021

    The UK will recognise a Palestinian state at a time when it best serves the objective of peace. We continue to encourage progress towards a negotiated two-state solution between the parties.

    131,239 signatures

  42. Introduce Mandatory Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The Government ran a consultation from October 2018 to January 2019 on the introduction of mandatory Ethnicity Pay Reporting. We are currently analysing these and will respond by the end of the year.

    130,567 signatures

  43. Automatically suspend PR rights of parent guilty of murdering the other parent.

    Government responded – 16 June 2022

    The court can limit the exercise of parental responsibility, if in the best interests of the child. In the most serious cases this can effectively amount to removing all parental powers and authority.

    130,179 signatures

  44. Allow Zoos and Wildlife attractions to reopen with social distancing in place

    Government responded – 26 June 2020

    Outdoor areas of zoos and safari parks were allowed to reopen on 15 June, subject to social distancing measures being in place. The reopening of indoor parts of zoos is being kept under review.

    129,292 signatures

  45. Ban the exploitative import of young puppies for sale in the UK.

    Government responded – 8 September 2020

    The Government works to ensure regulations protecting the welfare of transported animals is followed while also educating potential pet buyers of the risks of buying from a deceitful seller.

    128,552 signatures

  46. Create statutory legal duty of care for students in Higher Education

    Government responded – 20 January 2023

    Higher Education providers already have a general duty of care not to cause harm to their students through their own actions.

    128,292 signatures

  47. Exempt dogs assessed by experts as safe from breed specific legislation

    Government responded – 19 October 2021

    The Dangerous Dogs Act places restrictions on certain types of dogs bred for fighting. Individual dogs can be kept under strict conditions if a court judges that they are not a risk to public safety.

    127,508 signatures

  48. Encourage lenders, landlords and utilities to freeze payments during lockdown

    Government responded – 5 June 2020

    The Government has announced cross sector support for consumers and businesses impacted by Covid 19 and we will continue to consider how consumers can be further supported.

    126,934 signatures

  49. Hold a public inquiry into Government contracts granted during Covid-19

    Government responded – 5 January 2021

    The National Audit Office, the public spending watchdog reported on Government procurement during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government has published a statement on GOV.UK.

    126,876 signatures

  50. Take action to stop illegal immigration and rapidly remove illegal immigrants

    Government responded – 8 October 2020

    The Government is committed to tackling illegal migration. We are working to strengthen borders, tackle organised immigration crime, overcome rigid legal barriers to removal, and overhaul the system.

    126,439 signatures

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