These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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Petitions with a Government response

1,014 petitions

  1. Stop sexism - Require schools to offer all sports to all children

    Government responded – 2 February 2021

    The Government thinks it is right that schools should be free to decide on their own diverse & challenging PE curriculum to meet the needs of all their pupils.

    10,673 signatures

  2. Legally recognise non binary gender identity.

    Government responded – 19 May 2023

    The Government believes the provisions of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 are effective and has no current plans to review or change the Act.

    10,668 signatures

  3. Negotiate sustainable catch limits for all 5 UK cod stocks with the EU in 2022.

    Government responded – 28 December 2022

    The United Kingdom advocates an approach towards setting Total Allowable Catches for cod and other stocks which are founded on the best available scientific advice.

    10,665 signatures

  4. Give the Environment Agency the funds and freedom to protect English rivers

    Government responded – 17 December 2021

    The Government recognises the importance of protecting the natural environment and are investing accordingly to progress our 25 Year Environment Plan and its commitment to clean and plentiful water.

    10,656 signatures

  5. A national holiday and day of remembrance for those lost in the COVID pandemic

    Government responded – 7 June 2021

    We are carefully considering the most appropriate way to remember those who have lost their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Government has no plans to create a bank holiday on 23rd March.

    10,648 signatures

  6. Do not require Covid vaccination passports for crowded events

    Government responded – 14 January 2022

    COVID status can be shown on the basis of a recent negative test, full vaccination, or exemption to attend crowded settings and large events.

    10,641 signatures

  7. Keep face covering mandatory in indoor public settings beyond 19th July 2021

    Government responded – 25 August 2021

    Government has moved England to Step 4 in its Road Map transitioning from legal to personal, risk-based judgements. Wearing face coverings in certain indoor settings is still expected and recommended.

    10,639 signatures

  8. Increase High Income Child Benefit Charge threshold and base on household income

    Government responded – 18 December 2023

    The HICBC targets Child Benefit expenditure, meaning that the Government can support the majority of families whilst ensuring the fiscal position remains sustainable.

    10,637 signatures

  9. Prohibit 5G technology in the UK

    Government responded – 6 September 2022

    Exposure to radio waves from 5G technology is expected to remain low relative to the international guidelines. As such, the Government will not prohibit the installation and use of 5G technology.

    10,632 signatures

  10. Increase uniform tax reliefs, especially for healthcare staff

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    Employees can claim tax relief on the actual costs incurred in cleaning their uniforms. They should not be incurring costs in cleaning or maintaining PPE as this is the responsibility of employers.

    10,614 signatures

  11. Ban adverts for and sale of Asian elephant tours that do not meet set standards

    Government responded – 10 November 2020

    The Government takes the welfare of all animals seriously and is committed to raising standards of animal welfare both at home and abroad.

    10,595 signatures

  12. Make people who enter the UK illegally ineligible for legal aid

    Government responded – 3 March 2022

    In England and Wales, eligibility for legal aid is governed by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, which targets support at those who need it most.

    10,593 signatures

  13. Ban domestic flights on routes that can be travelled by train in under 4.5 hours

    Government responded – 21 May 2024

    Domestic aviation is vital for the economy, connectivity, and jobs. Our Jet Zero Strategy focuses on the development of decarbonisation technologies in a way that maintains these benefits.

    10,584 signatures

  14. Require halal and kosher certified products be prominently labelled as such

    Government responded – 24 June 2021

    We plan to launch a consultation this year on what can be done through labelling to promote high standards of animal welfare, to ensure that consumers can have confidence in the food they buy.

    10,584 signatures

  15. Review management of ADHD assessments and increase funding

    Government responded – 21 April 2022

    It is vital to have timely assessments for ADHD so people can get the right support. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence have clear guidelines on improving assessments and diagnosis.

    10,574 signatures

  16. Fund dedicated dementia wards in all hospitals

    Government responded – 25 January 2021

    We know the environment in which care is given and workforce expertise are critical to the outcomes of people living with dementia. That is why we support work to create dementia friendly hospitals.

    10,564 signatures

  17. Do not pass legislation to allow the gene editing of animals and crops

    Government responded – 26 September 2022

    The provisions in the Bill on precision bred animals will be brought into force later. The Bill includes a system to safeguard animal welfare and no changes will be made until this system is in place.

    10,549 signatures

  18. Extend rules for UK travel for vaccinated travellers to unvaccinated travellers

    Government responded – 15 February 2022

    The Government has eased international travel rules, resulting in the UK now having one of the most open and streamlined COVID-19 border regimes in the world.

    10,547 signatures

  19. Exempt Commonwealth Service Personnel having to pay fees to remain in the UK

    Government responded – 20 October 2020

    The Government is working actively with the Ministry of Defence to review and resolve this issue, but there are no immediate plans to remove these fees.

    10,543 signatures

  20. Increase investment in Pancreatic Cancer research

    Government responded – 23 April 2021

    The Department of Health and Social Care’s National Institute for Health Research is funding and supporting a wide range of pancreatic cancer research, and would welcome more funding applications.

    10,541 signatures

  21. Fund menopause awareness training for Practice Nurses

    Government responded – 21 September 2023

    Whilst Government has no plans to fund menopause awareness training for Practice Nurses specifically, the NHS England menopause programme is improving menopause education for healthcare professionals.

    10,540 signatures

  22. Reciprocal agreement with the EU on the transfer of UK CAA Flight Crew Licences.

    Government responded – 8 October 2021

    The UK Government is supporting UK aviation as we recover from the Pandemic and deliver the benefits of EU Exit. We will explore future agreements with the EU if it is in our interest to do so.

    10,533 signatures

  23. Repeal Relationships and Sexuality Education (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2023

    Government responded – 8 February 2024

    The Government has no plans to repeal the Relationships and Sexuality Education (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2023.

    10,532 signatures

  24. Protect the NHS and All Healthcare: Require #MasksInHealthcare

    Government responded – 7 November 2023

    The Government does not plan to implement a policy requiring mask wearing in all healthcare settings. NHS England sets policy on mask wearing in healthcare settings, informed by scientific evidence.

    10,531 signatures

  25. Coroners must be lawfully obligated to statistically record veteran suicides

    Government responded – 21 September 2020

    The Government is committed to supporting our Armed Forces veterans and recognises that a better understanding of suicide risk in the veteran population can lead to more efficient interventions.

    10,518 signatures

  26. Enshrine tree planting target in law

    Government responded – 21 May 2021

    The Government is exploring whether a statutory target for woodland creation in England would be appropriate.

    10,508 signatures

  27. Introduce new requirements for cyclists/e-scooters: visible ID, licences, etc

    Government responded – 21 December 2021

    The Government has no plans to introduce any such requirements for cyclists. The current trials of rental e-scooters will inform future policy on them.

    10,498 signatures

  28. Add Bulgaria to list of countries you can visit without quarantine upon return.

    Government responded – 24 November 2020

    The JBC risk assessment indicates the risks to UK public health from travellers returning from Bulgaria remains unacceptably high. We will keep the country under regular review.

    10,481 signatures

  29. Introduce a Suicide Prevention Act to seek to minimise suicides

    Government responded – 24 January 2024

    The new Suicide Prevention Strategy includes action across Government that we believe will address much of this petition. We will continuously monitor delivery and embed new actions when needed.

    10,478 signatures

  30. Create a pet task force to seek to reduce number of pets being put to sleep

    Government responded – 1 March 2024

    We have no plans to create a pet task force. Defra already works closely with stakeholders to monitor the full range of animal welfare issues.

    10,473 signatures

  31. Protect and restore Britain’s lost rainforests

    Government responded – 5 August 2022

    The Government recognises the importance of temperate rainforests and will continue working to protect and restore these vital habitats.

    10,467 signatures

  32. Exclude telegraph poles from permitted development legislation

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    The Government wants the planning system to support the infrastructure needed for nationwide gigabit-capable broadband coverage by 2030 and is seeking to ensure these rights are used appropriately.

    10,453 signatures

  33. Hold a referendum in Greater Manchester on removing the position of Mayor

    Government responded – 5 July 2022

    Removing the Mayor of Greater Manchester would cost taxpayers significantly. Local leadership is key to levelling up and we are negotiating new devolution deals – not removing those already in place.

    10,453 signatures

  34. Provide dairy-free alternatives as part of the national milk scheme for under 5s

    Government responded – 18 October 2021

    The Nursery Milk Scheme only allows reimbursement for milk. The Government will consider this position once a joint Scientific Advisory Committee Working Group on plant-based drinks has reported.

    10,445 signatures

  35. Fund the drug Baricitinib on the NHS to treat severe alopecia areata

    Government responded – 13 December 2023

    Decisions on medicines funding are rightly taken by NICE based on the available evidence. NICE was unable to recommend baricitinib as cost effective at the price proposed by the company.

    10,427 signatures

  36. Scrap 'On-Demand' Postal Voting, & Create Strict Eligibility Criteria

    Government responded – 8 October 2020

    Electoral fraud is unacceptable and we are working to reform postal voting to ensure our elections are secure. However, the Government has no plans to abolish postal voting in its current form.

    10,418 signatures

  37. Review NHS treatment of pregnant women experiencing reduced fetal movements

    Government responded – 21 October 2021

    Clinicians should be working to NHS guidelines on fetal monitoring. The guidelines are regularly reviewed and updated in line with latest findings and evidence.

    10,418 signatures

  38. Allow the armed forces to train in their own gym facilities during Covid-19.

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Limited exemptions exist for Service Personnel to use gyms on the Defence Estate in England where this is crucial for the operational effectiveness of the Armed Forces.

    10,392 signatures

  39. Don’t allow the use of externally-set exams for 2021 grades

    Government responded – 15 March 2021

    Student’s will be awarded grades determined by their teachers based on a range of evidence. Teachers will be supported with guidance and materials to help them make judgements.

    10,386 signatures

  40. Ban the sale of all animals from pet shops and third-party sellers

    Government responded – 31 December 2020

    Current legislation, regulations and official guidance require pet shops and other sellers to care properly for all their animals and we are not currently considering extending Lucy’s Law.

    10,357 signatures

  41. Reinstate Martial Arts as one of the approved activities for GCSE PE

    Government responded – 16 September 2024

    In 2018, martial arts were excluded from GCSE PE lists due to assessment issues. The Department is now reviewing the curriculum to enhance school standards, with participation details published soon.

    10,356 signatures

  42. All new drivers must have a black box and be limited to carrying one passenger.

    Government responded – 4 November 2020

    The Government currently has no plans to introduce passenger restrictions or compulsory vehicle black boxes for any road users.

    10,341 signatures

  43. Government to match the £500 bonus to all care staff

    Government responded – 18 February 2021

    We are immensely grateful to the social care workforce. We are not planning to match the £500 bonus payment but are exploring ways to improve recognition of social care staff.

    10,324 signatures

  44. Extend "rule of six" to ensure that hunting and shooting are banned

    Government responded – 24 March 2021

    Under current lockdown rules people can meet one person from another household outside. When the rule of 6 commences, organised outdoor sports are expected to resume, not subject to the rule of 6.

    10,312 signatures

  45. Fund research for a cure, support and to raise awareness of Lichen Sclerosus

    Government responded – 21 August 2023

    The government is committed to supporting all those living with dermatology conditions including Lichen sclerosus and welcomes funding applications for research into this condition.

    10,302 signatures

  46. Fund free access to baby CPR training during pregnancy

    Government responded – 21 March 2023

    Information and support is provided for all parents through multiple avenues; therefore, the Government will not fund free access to baby CPR training during pregnancy.

    10,291 signatures

  47. Extend Tier-4 visas and waive third-term tuition fee for international students

    Government responded – 9 October 2020

    There are no plans to automatically extend the visas of international students. Tuition fees for international students are determined by individual sponsoring institutions.

    10,284 signatures

  48. Introduce a Telugu GCSE

    Government responded – 10 January 2022

    Exam boards are responsible for deciding which language GCSEs are offered. The Government would support exam boards in developing a language GCSE– including in Telugu – if there is sufficient demand.

    10,281 signatures

  49. Equal (50/50) rights for both parents in the event of a separation.

    Government responded – 21 September 2020

    Neither parent has a legal right to a minimum amount of parenting time as the child’s welfare is the paramount in all court decisions about their upbringing.

    10,279 signatures

  50. Make it a specific criminal offence to supply drugs to children under 16

    Government responded – 21 April 2022

    Protecting children from harm is a priority for government. However as existing offences already apply for drug supply, we have no plans to make it a specific offence to supply a child with drugs.

    10,275 signatures

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