These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Better trans healthcare in the uk

  2. Government Intervention to Solve Energy Crisis

  3. Stop energy companies hiking prices up and refund customers for the past months

  4. Evidence of Immunity Post-Covid infection to be accepted for employment

  5. Hold a UK Public Referendum on the Reforms of the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998.

  6. Stop the propsed ammendments to the bill of rights

  7. Ban hospital from stopping both parents from being with their children.

  8. Make UK government/assemblies liable for adverse health policy outcomes.

  9. Stop all schools detaining children after school in the winter months

  10. Stop private parking organisations and companies stealing from the public

  11. Changing of new Highway Code Rule H2

  12. regulate porn that depicts incest,rape,or teens &Tighten laws sexualising minors

  13. Keep our bus service only bus running from ossett to leeds

  14. Remove vaccine mandates. Save the jobs of 70,000 NHS staff members. Save the NHS

  15. the deaf not treated like second class citizens, BSL to be included on BBC news

  16. Reverse the changes to the highway code

  17. Waive interest off for Help to Buy clients after 5 years for another 2 year.

  18. Hold a public referendum on the future of the Monarchy.

  19. Make the Ministerial code legally binding to ensure accountability and ethics.

  20. Fathers/birth partners involved in all assessments & care - even in a pandemic.

  21. Allow children who cannot attend school to learn remotely with no fines.

  22. Bring back the death penalty for continuing offenders for, child abuse,

  23. Call for Free Provisions of Period Products to Curb Period Poverty across the UK

  24. The British Public want to SACK Boris Johnson

  25. A bill to ensure that defecting MP's resign, triggering an automatic byelection

  26. To Recall the MP of Lichfield district and call for a bi election

  27. For Parliament to debate the £4.3b writing off of fraudulent Covid claims.

  28. Include British Sign Language in the primary school curriculum

  29. Change the way UC help toward childcare and council tax support for single mums.

  30. Legislate to fine water companies for dumping raw sewage in our waterways.

  31. We Petition HM Government to Review the Rules concerning Government Petitions.

  32. Ltns Oxfordshire

  33. Reverse all pay rises for MPs for the last 10 years.

  34. A By-election to be called for any place that the MP defects from a party.

  35. Allow family members with a covid pass to visit dying relatives in hospitals.

  36. Force closure of Scottish Power energy provider

  37. Keep Lateral Flow Tests free for everyone

  38. Pause the determination of all solar developments that are over 40 Megawatts.

  39. Tell the British Public what would be defined as criminal damage

  40. Stop tax payer's money being used to support migration.

  41. Highlight the needs of Autistic children in main stream schools

  42. Coventry Council can't empty our bins due to strike action so refund council tax

  43. SCREEN BEFORE VACCINE - Screen for T and B cell immunity before covid vaccine.

  44. Ban Russia from using SWIFT banking now!

  45. Amend The Children's Act 1989 to include relationships with grandparents

  46. Stop work places having two tier sick pay for unvaccinated employees

  47. Keep tv licence

  48. Review UKG Petitions (UKGP) Committee Rules

  49. Remove restrictions for those who refuse to have any Covid-19 vaccines

  50. Stop face masks in secondary schools.

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