These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Discussions around the risk & influence of social media compulsory in schools

  2. Improve road safety in the North Yorkshire/Cleveland area.

  3. Automatically Issue Covid 19 Immunity Passports

  4. Demand the resignation of Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty

  5. Stop schools marking mental health illnesses as unauthorised absences

  6. Disband the Road Haulage Association

  7. Make media outlets accountable for misleading headline journalism.

  8. Stop the government reducing the student loan repayment threshold.

  9. Ban fireworks for public use

  10. Regulate the news media to stop them from creating unnecessary national panic

  11. More school buses

  12. Hold the UK media to account for spreading misinformation and causing panic buy.

  13. Illegal for media outlets to make statements which may incite public panic.

  14. Make the media accountable for sharing ‘fake news’ and causing panic

  15. Do not add fluoride to our drinking water.

  16. Hold the media accountable for creating unfounded panic and panic buying

  17. Introduce a lie detector test during Prime Minister’s question time.

  18. Decentralise the DVLA. They have failed the UK.

  19. Investigate the use of pandemic money given to the Scottish government

  20. To recognise cervical instability and to offer treatment on NHS.

  21. The HMRC mileage rate for EV vehicles for business use to be increased from 4p

  22. Take energy companies back into public hands

  23. Make pre-marital asset protection part of family law

  24. Change Statutory Paternal leave from 2 to 6 weeks, including full statutory pay.

  25. Ensure E5 and E0 are available at most pumps for classic vehicles.

  26. Make Sir David Attenborough a Lord !

  27. Death by knife crime punishable by whole life sentence

  28. Make fast food chains and restaurants provide more choice of gluten free meals

  29. Teaching Politics and Finance must be made a compulsory part of the curriculum.

  30. UK referendum to abolish all the Home countries coronavirus acts.


  32. Give Ramsay Hunt Syndrome an Official NHS information page.

  33. Mandate that the value of π should equal exactly three.

  34. Supplement the international travel rules coming into effect on 4 October 2021

  35. Tougher rules on child maintenance, and a rethink about the current system

  36. Accept Pfizer vaccine from UAE

  37. Remove 10 day isolation & extreme costs in tests for the unvaccinated to travel.

  38. Remove Nepal from travel redlist

  39. To Prevent company's changing their Names at the cost of the British Tax Payer

  40. Make it LAW to wear a seatbelt on all dangerous machinery.

  41. Make it a requirement to report hitting a cat whilst driving

  42. Phase out and Ban Animal Slaughter

  43. Change the law to afford cats the same rights as dogs

  44. Scrap the £2285 quarantine fee, it’s discriminating citizens of African origin!

  45. Rename Hampshire to it's original name of Southamptonshire

  46. Scrap the driver CPC course

  47. All NHS hospitals to have an Adolescents Oncology wards.

  48. UK to recognize vaccines of double jabbed. regardless of country administered

  49. Banish eConsult

  50. Ask the Prime Minister to reconsider the ban on the Bully XL

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