These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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Petitions with a Government response
460 petitions
Empower the UK Government or Parliament to regulate ferry prices.
Government responded – 12 September 2018
There are no plans to regulate ferry prices in England. Ferry companies provide diverse services at a range of prices. There is no evidence of market failure to require regulatory intervention.
17,654 signatures
Establish a national day commemorating the significance of 15th August 1945.
Government responded – 10 July 2019
The Government values VJ Day commemorations as an opportunity for the nation to show their gratitude to veterans and acknowledge their heroics in the most challenging of environments.
17,627 signatures
Install microplastic filters on new washing machines as standard
Government responded – 3 September 2019
The Government takes environmental protection very seriously. Washing machines must comply with legal safety requirements to protect people, animals and property from safety risks.
17,579 signatures
UK to refer Sri Lanka to ICC in March 2019
Government responded – 19 December 2018
The UK supports Sri Lanka’s commitments to the UNHRC through Resolutions 30/1 and 34/1 as the best way to establish truth, and to achieve justice, restitution and reconciliation.
17,554 signatures
Extend the HM Forces Railcard scheme to include all UK Veterans
Government responded – 2 September 2019
Our veterans have demonstrated values, commitment and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. They continue to provide a rich contribution to society, which the Government holds in high regard.
17,542 signatures
No more taxpayers money to be paid to the EU as part of any Brexit deal
Government responded – 4 December 2017
The Government is focused on securing the best possible deal as we leave the EU. The financial implications of the UK's withdrawal can only be resolved as part of the settlement of all exit issues.
17,533 signatures
Pay Carers an allowance equivalent to a fulltime job at the National Living wage
Government responded – 16 May 2019
Carer’s Allowance is not a wage, but it does provide some recognition of the valuable care being provided to support disabled loved ones live more independently. 2022/23 forecast real spend is £3.5bn.
17,320 signatures
Make qualified Dental Nurse wage a minimum of £12 per hour.
Government responded – 4 September 2019
Dental nurses are usually employed directly by dental practice owners. Dental practice owners are responsible for decisions about dental nurses' terms and conditions of employment, including pay.
17,236 signatures
Pass legislation making animals legally "Sentient Beings" in UK law.
Government responded – 18 December 2017
The government is committed to the very highest standards of animal welfare as we leave the EU. We have published a draft Bill which clearly recognises animal sentience in domestic law.
17,214 signatures
To halt any future increases to the retirement age for the uk State Pension.
Government responded – 6 September 2019
Under current law State Pension age (SPa) will reach 66 by October 2020, increases to 67 by 2028 and 68 by 2046. Government reviews SPa regularly to ensure State Pension remains fair and affordable.
17,190 signatures
Increase early years funding in line with minimum pay rises
Government responded – 14 February 2019
This Government will be spending around £6 billion on childcare support in 2019-20 – more than any other government – including funding for the early education entitlements.
17,036 signatures
Adapt gambling laws to include gambling in video games which targets children.
Government responded – 25 October 2017
The Gambling Commission has strong powers to regulate gambling and is monitoring convergence between gambling and video games closely. The government is committed to protecting children from harm.
16,969 signatures
License driven grouse shooting
Government responded – 8 March 2018
Grouse shooting is a legitimate activity providing economic benefits, investment in remote areas and benefits for wildlife and habitat conservation. The Government has no plans to introduce licensing.
16,902 signatures
Stop Brexit if supplies of vital medication can't be guaranteed.
Government responded – 23 November 2018
Government is working with pharmaceutical companies, the MHRA and the NHS to ensure the supply of critical medicines so that patients continue to receive the high standards of care that they expect.
16,865 signatures
Prevent disability discrimination in organ transplants
Government responded – 20 March 2018
In the UK, people with disabilities who need an organ transplant are assessed according to their needs in the same way as any other potential recipient.
16,813 signatures
We Demand A Vote On Cannabis
Government responded – 20 August 2019
The Government has no plans to change cannabis policy.
16,776 signatures
Change Settlement Status from Application to Registration.
Government responded – 7 June 2019
EU citizens are our friends, family and neighbours and we want them to stay. The EU Settlement Scheme makes it easy for them to confirm their right to do so – over 750,000 people have already applied.
16,761 signatures
For all Suicides by Veterans to be recorded as Veterans by all UK Coroners
Government responded – 30 October 2018
The Government recognises the potential to use personal information about victims of suicide to improve understanding of “at risk” groups and, from that, to facilitate better targeted interventions.
16,740 signatures
Introduce Alternative Student Finance product by September 2019
Government responded – 29 March 2019
The Government is committed to introducing an Alternative Student Finance product. Details on implementation will follow the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding which will conclude this year.
16,671 signatures
Yoga and Meditation to be included in the UK National school curriculum.
Government responded – 18 April 2019
There are no plans to make yoga and meditation mandatory in the national curriculum. Schools are free to deliver a diverse PE curriculum and pastoral activities to suit the needs of their pupils.
16,624 signatures
Make PE a core subject from KS1-KS5 with a minimum of 2hrs allocated weekly
Government responded – 9 May 2019
It is important all schools teach PE which, since 2014, has been the only national curriculum foundation subject mandatory at all 4 key stages. We have no current plans to change the curriculum.
16,505 signatures
Strengthen the 2004 Hunting Act
Government responded – 29 January 2018
Under the Hunting Act 2004, an individual can receive an unlimited fine if found guilty of illegal hunting or hare coursing. Illegal hunting arrests and prosecutions are a matter for the police.
16,487 signatures
All jurors in rape trials to complete compulsory training about rape myths
Government responded – 12 April 2018
The Ministry of Justice takes rape offences very seriously. The Senior Judiciary are working to consider the most effective way to provide sufficient information to jurors sitting on a rape trial.
16,445 signatures
Put pressure on the Chinese Government over the treatment of Uyghur Muslims
Government responded – 14 March 2019
This is a priority area of concern in China. We have raised it at senior Ministerial level and at the UN. Along with other countries, we will continue to press China to change its approach.
16,432 signatures
Make DLA/ PIP assessment companies liable for wrongly rejected claims
Government responded – 18 February 2019
DWP is committed to ensuring people who claim PIP receive high quality, objective assessments. Decisions are based on all the evidence available, including that provided by the claimant.
16,404 signatures
We call on the Government to abandon the HS2 Rail project.
Government responded – 28 March 2019
Our existing rail network is filling up. HS2 will increase capacity on the network and transform connectivity between the cities of the Midlands and the North, helping to rebalance Britain’s economy.
16,358 signatures
UK Government to ban the import of shark fins into the UK.
Government responded – 8 July 2019
The UK Government is strongly opposed to shark finning, and we support stronger international controls. Whilst in the EU, it is not possible to unilaterally ban the import of shark fins into the UK.
16,322 signatures
Help fund the cost of redistributing more edible surplus food to charity.
Government responded – 25 May 2018
The Government does not want to see food go to waste but recognises that surplus food, even in an efficient food system, does arise and has work underway to get surplus edible food to those in need.
16,300 signatures
Revoke the BBC's Royal Charter.
Government responded – 20 September 2018
The government strongly believes the Royal Charter is the best framework to safeguard the BBC’s independence and ensure the broadcaster effectively serves all audiences.
16,295 signatures
Take all efforts to push for a ceasefire in Syria.
Government responded – 20 March 2018
The UK played a leading role in the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2401, which calls for a 30-day ceasefire in Syria, and is calling on all parties to ensure its full implementation.
16,038 signatures
Stop the passing of the Abortion Law in Northern Ireland
Government responded – 4 September 2019
In the absence of a restored Northern Ireland Executive and functioning Assembly, Parliament has placed a legal duty on the Government to reform Northern Ireland’s abortion law.
16,032 signatures
Hold a referendum on England leaving the United Kingdom.
Government responded – 15 April 2019
The Government is committed to strengthening the United Kingdom, and has devolved decision making to communities across England. We will not hold a referendum on English independence.
15,915 signatures
Increase funding to Children's Mental Health services
Government responded – 5 March 2019
Mental health funding will grow by at least £2.3bn a year by 2023/24, with funding for children and young people’s mental health growing faster than overall NHS funding.
15,791 signatures
Fund free BSL lessons for every parent or carer of a Deaf child in the UK
Government responded – 14 May 2018
Government has funded the development of a family sign language programme, through the I-sign programme, which is freely available at the National Deaf Children’s Society family sign language website.
15,677 signatures
Abolish the TV Licence
Government responded – 17 October 2017
A licence is required to watch or receive television programmes and is not a fee for BBC services. The government will maintain the BBC funding model for the duration of this Charter period.
15,677 signatures
Set up Independent Pricing Watchdog to Stop Excessive Prices at the Fuel Pumps
Government responded – 11 January 2019
Government monitors fuel prices and both rises and falls in crude oil price reach the pumps within 7 weeks. A competitive market is the best way to keep prices low; a new regulator is not necessary.
15,566 signatures
Stop IR35 roll-out in 2020 in private sector - due to uncertainty around Brexit
Government responded – 28 October 2019
The Government remains committed to reforming the off-payroll working rules from April 2020. Businesses have had 18 months to prepare. HMRC are providing support and guidance to help them get ready.
15,560 signatures
Proscribe Antifa and other left wing anarchist groups as domestic terrorists
Government responded – 26 March 2018
While we keep the list of proscribed organisations under review, we do not routinely comment on whether an organisation is or is not under consideration for proscription.
15,547 signatures
We want our Government to follow the lead of Australia & ban commercial sunbeds
Government responded – 13 November 2018
The Department of Health and Social Care takes the risks to health of ultraviolet radiation seriously, including exposure through use of sunbeds.
15,368 signatures
Add Multiple Sclerosis to the Medical Exemption list
Government responded – 26 April 2018
The Government has no plans to review the list of medical exemptions from prescription charges. Extensive arrangements are already in place to ensure that people can access affordable prescriptions.
15,346 signatures
We want a law to ban tyres over 10 years old being used on buses and coaches.
Government responded – 1 March 2018
The Government takes road safety seriously but legislation must be evidence led. It has taken steps to manage tyres on public service vehicles and initiated research. Extra measures are not ruled out.
15,262 signatures
Do not extend IR35 legislation to the private sector.
Government responded – 30 November 2017
The government will consult on how to tackle non-compliance with the off-payroll working rules in the private sector, drawing on the experience of recent public sector reform.
15,230 signatures
Don’t ban Grouse Shooting
Government responded – 11 January 2018
Grouse shooting is a legitimate activity that provides economic benefits, jobs and investment in some of our most remote areas and can offer important benefits for wildlife and habitat conservation.
15,211 signatures
Review governance of National Insurance Fund
Government responded – 19 February 2019
The National Insurance Fund has a robust governance structure to ensure it is managed in a responsible and sustainable way, therefore the government does not intend to make significant changes.
15,165 signatures
Ban combustible materials on residential tower blocks, schools and hospitals
Government responded – 18 June 2018
The Government intends to ban the use of combustible materials on the external walls of high-rise residential buildings, subject to the consultation published today.
15,165 signatures
To introduce a law that recognises Parental Alienation as a criminal offence.
Government responded – 9 May 2019
We do not believe that it is necessary to introduce a criminal offence against parents who alienate their child against the other parent as the court can take effective action against such behaviour.
15,083 signatures
New law that cats injured/killed by a vehicle are checked for a chip: Round 2
Government responded – 19 June 2018
It is already good practice for local authorities and Highways England to scan any dog or cat found on our streets so that the owner can be informed.
15,057 signatures
Proscribe Hizballah in its entirety under the Terrorism Act 2000
Government responded – 15 June 2018
While we keep the list of proscribed organisations under review, we do not routinely comment on whether an organisation is or is not under consideration for proscription.
15,042 signatures
Stop increases in road tax for motorhomes.
Government responded – 16 September 2019
Previously the tax system did not account for the CO2 emissions of most motorhomes. The government wants Vehicle Excise Duty to encourage the take-up of lower CO2 emissions vehicles.
14,907 signatures
Undertake an independent enquiry into the role of Russia in Brexit.
Government responded – 18 March 2019
We have not seen evidence of successful interference in UK democratic processes, including in the 2016 referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union.
14,846 signatures