These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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38,280 petitions

  1. Require judges to continue to jail rapists that are found guilty

  2. Ban balaclavas and ski masks

  3. Source ADHD medications effected by the national shortage urgently!

  4. Make school start 1 hour later

  5. Send airplanes for the evacuation of British nationals stuck in Israel

  6. Revoke the UK Government's support of Israel's policies and actions.

  7. Workpermit holder have legal rights to anywhere job if they have legal visa

  8. Under the governments Network North plan,Willaston train station to be reopened

  9. Make women’s products(tampons and pads) free for everyone

  10. We want the government to help the people in Palestine.

  11. Trans rights should be human rights in the uk

  12. Save Veteran Oak Trees on Melton Fields from being chopped down by developers!

  13. Hold an illegal immigration referendum at the same time as the general election.

  14. Any cancellation of HS2 (North) must be subject to Due Process

  15. To influence Indian Govt for a Rebuild of MULLAPPERIYAR DAM in (Kerala, INDIA).

  16. Include single sex toilet facilities alongside multi sex facilities in schools

  17. Public Inquiry into Child Maintenance Service assessments and enforcement

  18. Rejoin the European Union as soon as possible as a full member

  19. Petition for Optional Homework, Prioritizing GCSE Coursework

  20. Do not change the NHS constitution to discriminate against trans patients

  21. Ban lqtbq+ learning in schools and in the households

  22. Remove Nia Griffith Llanelli MP no confidence

  23. Legalise cannabis in the uk

  24. Keep Blackwell tunnel Free It's been free for all its working history

  25. Have cheaper insurance for new and young drivers

  26. Create a law where no child can be abducted another parent without legal reason

  27. carrying a knife should serve a minimum mandatory sentence of 5 years

  28. ban school uniform in uk

  29. Remove Mark Drakford from office

  30. Control Gulls in Bath

  31. Considering Fridays as Part of the Weekend for Muslim Communities Nationally.

  32. Save our sports centres , stop North Lanarkshire closures

  33. Stop the mainstream media from trying to close down GB News

  34. Reconsider the classification of esports, as a sport rather than a game.

  35. A MINIMUM 5 year sentence for those found in possession of a knife.

  36. Build the HS2 rail project and the Northern Powerhouse Rail in full

  37. Tackle Youth Knife Crime: Analysis and Strategies for Intervention

  38. Change Immigration laws to support illegal immigrants. Help us raise awareness!

  39. Abolish the Blackwall Tunnel Toll

  40. Reconsider/reflect on today's role of government and betrayal of general public.

  41. England Not to adopt the new 20mph Road speed limits in the future

  42. Traffic calming outside larchwood primary school

  43. Stop the statue of a Woman wearing an hijab being erected.

  44. Bring in compulsory registration for dog owners with a theory test on DDA

  45. members of the house of Lords should work a minimum of 40 hours a week.

  46. Allocate funding to mitigate the impact of RAAC on St Leonard’s, Durham

  47. Revoke Welsh Senedd powers to change road legislation and control NHS services

  48. Authorities /media must not generalize the public to support their statements.

  49. Support the community of Tottenham at Tottenham Cemetery.

  50. Change the way the CMS operate

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