
These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

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28,102 petitions

  1. Make public, communal eating space a legal requirement in high density housing.

    130 signatures, now closed

  2. Make students in the uk pay council tax in the city that they study and live.

    130 signatures, now closed

  3. Make it law for all companies to plant three trees for every one they cut down.

    130 signatures, now closed

  4. Raise minimum wage for 16 year olds to £5 an hour

    129 signatures, now closed

  5. More Necessary Research and Funding on the NHS for Ehlers Danlos Patients.

    129 signatures, now closed

  6. Make Leaving A Pet Dog Unattended In a Vehicle A Criminal Offence

    129 signatures, now closed

  7. Tighter Regulations On Dog Breeding and Make Neutering and Spaying Compulsory

    129 signatures, now closed

  8. Grant asylum to all Tamil asylum seekers who have fled to the UK from Sri Lanka

    128 signatures, now closed

  9. Support the UK Green New Deal Bill

    128 signatures, now closed

  10. Bring back the death penalty to reduce crime rates in the UK

    128 signatures, now closed

  11. More investment for electrification after the statement about diesel trains.

    128 signatures, now closed

  12. Stop funding the BBC with taxpayer money

    128 signatures, now closed

  13. Require all new houses to have solar panels and a rainwater collection facility.

    127 signatures, now closed

  14. Make supermarkets STOP using plastic and start using more sustainable packaging

    127 signatures, now closed

  15. Introduce work-based subjects and practical skills into the schools in the UK.

    127 signatures, now closed

  16. Lower the age for smear tests.

    127 signatures, now closed

  17. Add Lichen sclerosus to the Medical Exemption list

    127 signatures, now closed

  18. Government to make the NHS independent legal entity free from political control

    127 signatures, now closed

  19. Impose a ban on unnessary plastic packaging being sold in supermarkets

    127 signatures, now closed

  20. Reduce 20% VAT on bottled water to zero in line with proposed sugar tax

    127 signatures, now closed

  21. Return the rail franchise to South West Trains (Stagecoach)

    127 signatures, now closed

  22. Deliver on the promise of parity of esteem between mental & physical health.

    127 signatures, now closed

  23. Scrap HS2 and plant a linear woodland in its place, free for all to use.

    126 signatures, now closed

  24. Set a Maximum Legal Temperature in the workplace.

    126 signatures, now closed

  25. Press for an international ban on ships discharging palm oil into the sea.

    126 signatures, now closed

  26. Amend s.76 Serious Crime Act 2015 (Parental Alienation amendment)

    126 signatures, now closed

  27. Mandate in law that a warning bell is fitted and used on all bicycles

    126 signatures, now closed

  28. Grant amateur beekeepers tax relief on related expenditure

    126 signatures, now closed

  29. Create a central database of registered electors to prevent fraudulent votes

    126 signatures, now closed

  30. Right for 28 days to repay prescription charges:

    126 signatures, now closed

  31. Prevent the media from naming alleged sex offenders, unless they are convicted

    126 signatures, now closed

  32. Make it the law that employers must publicly disclose maternity leave policies

    125 signatures, now closed

  33. Allow cannabis oil to be prescribed for terminally ill cancer patients

    125 signatures, now closed

  34. Prostate cancer screening tests for men ages 18+

    125 signatures, now closed

  35. Close tax loopholes & stop the use of Offshore Accounts within the UK economy.

    125 signatures, now closed

  36. Increase Defence spending to at least 2.5% of GDP per year

    125 signatures, now closed

  37. Legalise the use of batons by private security staff

    125 signatures, now closed

  38. Local councils to provide drinking fountains in towns and cities.

    125 signatures, now closed

  39. Investigate the health impact of mobile technology on children and young people

    125 signatures, now closed

  40. Raise Minimum Wage for Night Shift Workers.

    125 signatures, now closed

  41. Vote for whether there should be another EU referendum

    125 signatures, now closed

  42. I would like the UK government to legally recognise polyamorous families.

    125 signatures, now closed

  43. Do not end family reunification for migrant and refugee children after Brexit

    124 signatures, now closed

  44. Ban sand eel use in commercial salmon farms, ban imported Danish smoked salmon.

    124 signatures, now closed

  45. Display health, environmental and emission warnings at petrol and diesel sales.

    124 signatures, now closed

  46. Recognize Palestine as a state

    124 signatures, now closed

  47. Commit to making the wait to terminate a pregnancy no longer than 7 days

    124 signatures, now closed

  48. Ban the use of private motor vehicles on Sundays to cut pollution.

    124 signatures, now closed

  49. Introduce a charge for all foreign vehicles using roads in the UK.

    124 signatures, now closed

  50. Ban the sale of Angora rabbit fur products in the UK

    124 signatures, now closed

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