These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. Seek to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas

    Government responded – 23 November 2023

    The UK government welcomes the 22 November agreement between Israel and Hamas on a coordinated release of hostages and pause in fighting. We continue to work on securing the release of all hostages.

    31,610 signatures

  2. Prevent the introduction of any "programmable" CBDC in the UK

    Government responded – 21 December 2022

    The government has no plans to program any future UK central bank digital currency (CBDC) or restrict how money is spent.

    31,476 signatures

  3. 3-day quarantine for fully vaccinated, returning to the UK from amber countries

    Government responded – 20 July 2021

    It was always the intention of the government to introduce easements on restrictions, which we are doing on 19th July, but these could only be introduced once most of the UK were fully vaccinated.

    31,460 signatures

  4. We the British People Request a Public Inquiry into Grooming Gangs

    Government responded – 5 November 2020

    The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is already examining institutional responses to sexual exploitation by organised networks. The Home Office also intends to publish a paper on this issue

    31,212 signatures

  5. Luke’s Law: Ban 'free bets' and emails that entice gamblers to place 'free bets'

    Government responded – 24 August 2021

    The Government is looking at gambling advertising, including marketing and inducements, in our Gambling Act Review. We will set out any proposals for reform in a White Paper by the end of the year.

    31,147 signatures

  6. Review the need for a statutory owners and Directors Test in Football

    Government responded – 10 August 2020

    Football clubs have a unique social value; it is vital they are protected. The Government has committed to a fan-led review of governance that includes consideration of the Owners’ & Directors’ Test.

    31,086 signatures

  7. Protect leaseholders from paying for cladding remedial works

    Government responded – 24 November 2020

    The proposed Building Safety Charge intends to cover building safety measures, such as a building safety manager, and is designed to ensure that costs are transparent and reasonable for leaseholders.

    30,984 signatures

  8. Lower the price of the £210 COVID Home Test Kits for travellers entering the UK

    Government responded – 1 April 2021

    COVID-19 tests are a vital part of the national arsenal to protect travellers and the UK public. Only essential travel should be undertaken, and test costs should be included in travellers’ plans.

    30,977 signatures

  9. Revoke the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and renationalise the NHS

    Government responded – 23 June 2020

    The Government is committed to a publicly funded National Health Service, free-at the point of use. It is, and remains, public owned.

    30,846 signatures

  10. Backpay the £20 covid uplift to people on Legacy Benefits

    Government responded – 8 March 2022

    The Government introduced a temporary £20 uplift to Universal Credit, to ensure that vital support was given to those facing the most financial disruption due to the pandemic.

    30,544 signatures

  11. Create income replacement scheme for crew affected by writers and actors strikes

    Government responded – 13 September 2023

    The government understands that US industrial action is impacting UK crew. Whilst we have no plans to introduce an income replacement scheme, help is available through HMRC’s Time to Pay scheme.

    30,380 signatures

  12. Include Sickle Cell Anemia in the List of Illnesses Eligible for a MedEx Card

    Government responded – 8 September 2020

    While we have no plans to make changes to the list of medical conditions exempting patients from prescription charges, someone with this debilitating illness may qualify under another exemption.

    30,361 signatures

  13. Grant British citizenship to all people in the UK during the Pandemic.

    Government responded – 17 June 2020

    We have already done a huge amount to support foreign nationals in the UK who have been affected by the pandemic, but have no plans to grant citizenship to all in the UK.

    29,913 signatures

  14. Guarantee access to broadcast TV (Freeview) and aerial radio beyond 2040

    Government responded – 24 February 2023

    We agree that terrestrial TV and radio are hugely important and will continue to be for years to come. We remain committed to ensuring UK audiences can access these platforms in the long term.

    29,748 signatures

  15. Introduce national restrictions on pavement parking.

    Government responded – 23 October 2023

    This highly important issue is complex and involves many conflicting factors. The Government needs to get this right and is carefully considering the issues before deciding the way forward.

    29,723 signatures

  16. Reverse the decision to block the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

    Government responded – 7 February 2023

    This decision was made due to the adverse effects that would arise from the Bill and its significant impact on GB-wide equalities matters. This is not about changing the rights of transgender people.

    29,584 signatures

  17. Ensure all NHS bank staff in England receive non-consolidated payments

    Government responded – 21 June 2023

    Bank staff are employed on locally managed contracts, the terms of which differ by individual trust. They are not employed on the national contract (commonly referred to as Agenda for Change).

    29,573 signatures

  18. Add gender identity to the characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010

    Government responded – 14 September 2020

    The Government was very clear from the outset of the Gender Recognition Act consultation that we have no plans to amend or change the Equality Act 2010.

    29,485 signatures

  19. Prioritise special school staff in Covid 19 vaccinations.

    Government responded – 23 March 2021

    We are working hard to ensure everyone who has been clinically prioritised to receive a vaccine will have access to a vaccine as soon as possible.

    29,438 signatures

  20. End reviews of PIP and ESA awards for people with lifelong illnesses

    Government responded – 10 September 2021

    We understand there are people with severe and lifelong health conditions which will not improve and want to test a simplified process which doesn’t require them to undertake a health assessment.

    29,373 signatures

  21. Fully fund schools for Covid-19 costs and provide relief for loss of income

    Government responded – 7 December 2020

    We have announced a new fund for the cost of teacher absences. This comes on top of £100m for exceptional costs between March and July, the £1bn COVID catch-up fund, and £2.6bn rise in school budgets.

    29,362 signatures

  22. Deny Sex Offenders the right to apply for removal from the Sex Offender Register

    Government responded – 17 April 2023

    Protecting the public from sexual harm is a priority for the Government. Sex offenders who pose a risk will remain on the register for life if necessary. We do not plan to change the law in this area.

    29,314 signatures

  23. Make XL Bully a banned dog breed in the Dangerous Dogs Act

    Government responded – 29 November 2023

    Following a concerning rise in attacks and fatalities caused by XL Bully dogs, the Government has added this breed to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

    29,111 signatures

  24. End assessments and consider disability benefit claims on medical advice alone

    Government responded – 21 December 2022

    Benefit assessments ensure people get the support they are entitled to. Evidence from claimants’ medical professionals alone is usually insufficient to ensure that claimants get the right support.

    29,048 signatures

  25. Create a Sudanese Family Scheme visa for Sudanese people affected by war

    Government responded – 11 May 2023

    There are no plans to introduce any new visa schemes for Sudanese people affected by the current conflict in Sudan.

    29,033 signatures

  26. Add Sickle Cell to the Prescription Charge Exemption List

    Government responded – 6 August 2021

    While we have no plans to make changes to the list of medical conditions exempting patients from prescription charges, someone with this debilitating illness may qualify under another exemption.

    28,976 signatures

  27. Do not require salons to close due to Covid-19

    Government responded – 18 November 2020

    From 5 November, new national restrictions will be in place in England which will require non-medical close contact services to close, apart from for click and collect retail.

    28,901 signatures

  28. Recall Parliament to debate vaccination of children before this is rolled out

    Government responded – 2 November 2021

    Government evaluated evidence and assessed expert opinion before deciding to routinely vaccinate children and young people. MPs had the option to be briefed and raise questions during an All MP call.

    28,803 signatures

  29. Reduce VAT to 5% for the Hair & Beauty Industry inline with Hospitality.

    Government responded – 20 November 2020

    The Government has announced a significant support package to help businesses affected by Covid-19. While there are no plans to extend the scope of the reduced rate, we keep all taxes under review.

    28,789 signatures

  30. Make SEND training mandatory for all teaching staff

    Government responded – 9 March 2022

    To achieve Qualified Teacher Status, all teachers must already demonstrate that they have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs.

    28,782 signatures

  31. Provide dedicated funding for diagnosis/treatment of hypermobile EDS and HSD

    Government responded – 5 July 2023

    There are no plans for a national service for diagnosis or treatment of hEDS and HSD. Our plans for musculoskeletal conditions will be outlined in the major conditions strategy.

    28,700 signatures

  32. Do not increase visa fees and the Immigration Health Surcharge

    Government responded – 11 August 2023

    The contribution migrants make is recognised, but the Government believes those that use health and immigration services should help fund the cost of delivering them. Increases will be progressed.

    28,570 signatures

  33. Bring into effect a ban on research & testing on dogs in the UK

    Government responded – 2 December 2021

    Testing on dogs is only legally permitted where there are no alternatives and is robustly regulated. Such testing is needed for the safe development of medicines and other research.

    28,349 signatures

  34. Improve care, support and treatment for children with rare diseases

    Government responded – 11 September 2020

    The Government is committed to improving the lives of children suffering from rare conditions and plans to introduce a new UK Framework by the end of 2020, followed by nation-specific action plans

    28,332 signatures

  35. Cut beer duty for at least 12 months, so pubs can survive after the covid virus.

    Government responded – 5 June 2020

    The Government has announced an unprecedented package of support for individuals and businesses to mitigate the economic impacts of COVID-19, which will directly benefit the pubs sector.

    28,220 signatures

  36. Introduce mandatory neutering of pet cats

    Government responded – 25 October 2023

    The Government has no plans to mandate the neutering of cats.

    28,029 signatures

  37. Support Boarding Kennels and Catteries

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    The Government understands the considerable difficulties faced by UK businesses, including those that are adversely affected by the fall in travel and tourism in the UK due to the coronavirus pandemic

    27,945 signatures

  38. Enhance consumer protection for holiday caravan owners

    Government responded – 18 December 2023

    The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 establishes the site licensing regime for caravan sites. The Government has no plans to amend the Act to include consumer protection regulations.

    27,923 signatures

  39. Remove guidance and funding for temporary traffic measures that cause congestion

    Government responded – 27 October 2020

    The Government is committed to delivering a step change in levels of active travel. We know the majority of people support giving more road space to cycling and walking in their local area.

    27,913 signatures

  40. Require all police officers to take Anti-Racism education

    Government responded – 8 September 2020

    All police officers already undergo mandatory training which includes anti-racism education such as coverage of ethics, equalities, self-understanding, hate crimes and policing without bias.

    27,846 signatures

  41. Rebuild the economy out of lockdown with a Green New Deal

    Government responded – 21 July 2020

    The Government is committed to a green, resilient recovery from COVID-19 and has already made announcements to demonstrate this commitment including a £3bn investment in building energy efficiency.

    27,768 signatures

  42. Place a complete ban on the sale and use of disposable BBQ’s in the UK

    Government responded – 30 August 2022

    The Government takes public safety very seriously. While there are no plans to introduce a blanket ban on disposable barbeques, the Government is taking a range of action to keep people safe.

    27,762 signatures

  43. Exempt outdoor tennis from closure due to COVID-19

    Government responded – 18 January 2021

    Sport is crucial for our mental and physical health. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise. Given the seriousness of the current situation tennis courts have had to close.

    27,733 signatures

  44. Do not make vaccination against Covid-19 mandatory

    Government responded – 30 December 2021

    The United Kingdom operates a system of informed consent for vaccinations. We are encouraging people to get vaccinated to reduce serious illness, reduce pressure on hospitals and reduce deaths.

    27,499 signatures

  45. Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    Government responded – 2 May 2024

    Those selling games must comply with UK consumer law. They must provide clear information and allow continued access to games if sold on the understanding that they will remain playable indefinitely.

    27,341 signatures

  46. Amend the 1999 GLA Act to remove the Mayor's power to impose road use charges

    Government responded – 22 March 2023

    Government has no plans to amend the GLA Act. While DfT is aware of concerns about schemes which charge road users in the capital, transport in London is devolved and decisions lie with the Mayor.

    27,340 signatures

  47. Allow people to pay their mortgage through salary sacrifice

    Government responded – 7 June 2023

    The government currently has no plans to allow tax-advantaged salary-sacrifice schemes for mortgage costs as this is not the most effective way to target support to those who need it most.

    26,802 signatures

  48. Increase funding for NHS Transgender Services.

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The Government is providing additional resources and funding to help reduce waiting times for gender identity services, this includes the opening of more services in local health settings.

    26,800 signatures

  49. Sharia Compliant Student Loans for Muslim Students going to further education

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    The Government will provide an update on the Alternative Student Finance product, including how this applies to students going to further education, in due course.

    26,788 signatures

  50. Making the UK education curriculum more inclusive of BAME history

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The flexibility within the history curriculum means that there is the opportunity for teachers to teach about BAME history across a spectrum of themes and eras.

    26,738 signatures

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