These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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Petitions with a Government response

1,013 petitions

  1. End child food poverty – no child should be going hungry

    Government responded – 11 November 2020

    We thank Marcus Rashford for highlighting the challenges facing families. On 8th November, the Government announced a comprehensive support package to help families through winter and beyond.

    1,113,889 signatures

  2. Call an immediate general election to end the chaos of the current government

    Government responded – 20 September 2022

    The UK is a Parliamentary democracy and the Conservative Party remains the majority party. The Prime Minister has pledged to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations.

    906,624 signatures

  3. Include self-employed in statutory sick pay during Coronavirus

    Government responded – 26 March 2020

    It would not be appropriate to require the self-employed to pay themselves statutory sick pay, as they are their own employer. The welfare system provides a safety net to support the self-employed.

    699,598 signatures

  4. Make verified ID a requirement for opening a social media account.

    Government responded – 5 May 2021

    The Online Safety legislation will address anonymous harmful activity. User ID verification for social media could disproportionately impact vulnerable users and interfere with freedom of expression.

    696,955 signatures

  5. Close Schools/Colleges down for an appropriate amount of time amidst COVID19.

    Government responded – 30 March 2020

    Schools closed by the end of the day on Friday 20 March. Affecting schools, colleges, and early years settings in England, except for children of critical workers and the most vulnerable children.

    685,394 signatures

  6. Prevent gyms closing due to a spike in Covid 19 cases

    Government responded – 28 October 2020

    Sports and physical activity facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. The Government’s phased approach is based on scientific and medical advice to protect public health.

    621,440 signatures

  7. Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully

    Government responded – 23 November 2023

    Following a concerning rise in attacks and fatalities caused by XL Bully type dogs, the Government has added this breed to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

    621,046 signatures

  8. Reduce University student tuition fees from £9250 to £3000

    Government responded – 26 January 2021

    Tuition fee levels must represent value for money and ensure that universities are properly funded. Government is not considering a reduction in maximum fee levels to £3,000.

    581,287 signatures

  9. Prioritise teachers, school and childcare staff for Covid-19 vaccination

    Government responded – 23 February 2021

    The government is working hard to ensure everyone who is prioritised based on clinical risk, as set out by the JCVI receives a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as reasonably possible.

    508,830 signatures

  10. Reclose schools and colleges due to increase in COVID-19 cases

    Government responded – 25 November 2020

    Government’s priority is that all pupils remain in school and college full-time. For the vast majority of young people, the benefits of being in the classroom far outweigh the low risk from COVID-19.

    428,789 signatures

  11. Implement UK lockdown for preventing spread of COVID19

    Government responded – 19 March 2020

    We understand the public’s concern and are doing everything we can to combat the outbreak. We will continue to evolve our response based on the latest and best scientific and medical advice.

    409,474 signatures

  12. Introduce sanctions against Israel

    Government responded – 8 June 2021

    The UK is firmly opposed to boycotts or sanctions against Israel. Our close and varied relationship means we are able to express clearly when we disagree.

    388,518 signatures

  13. Do not rollout Covid-19 vaccine passports

    Government responded – 3 March 2021

    The Government is reviewing whether COVID-status certificates could play a role in reopening parts of our economy, reducing restrictions on social contact and improving safety.

    375,208 signatures

  14. Give the UK a Bank Holiday on Monday July 12th if England win Euro 2020

    Government responded – 22 July 2021

    The Government would like to congratulate the England team on its sterling performance in the UEFA Euro 2020 Final. However, the Government has no plans for a bank holiday.

    364,822 signatures

  15. Reimburse all students of this year’s fees due to strikes and COVID-19

    Government responded – 5 June 2020

    HE providers must deliver high quality courses. If students are unhappy they should first complain to their provider and if their concerns are unresolved they can ask OIA to consider their complaint.

    353,129 signatures

  16. Outlaw discrimination against those who do not get a Covid-19 vaccination

    Government responded – 29 April 2021

    The Government believes that COVID-status certification could have a role to play in the reopening of society. We are considering carefully the equality and ethical concerns in an ongoing review.

    347,512 signatures

  17. Prevent any restrictions on those who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination

    Government responded – 11 September 2020

    There are currently no plans to place restrictions on those who refuse to have any potential Covid-19 vaccine.

    337,144 signatures

  18. Remove Clause 9 from the Nationality and Borders Bill

    Government responded – 5 January 2022

    The Government will not remove Clause 9. It is necessary to ensure deprivation powers can be used effectively and will only apply in very limited circumstances. It does not affect the right to appeal.

    327,103 signatures

  19. Make dog theft a specific criminal offence

    Government responded – 20 January 2021

    Current court sentencing guidelines for theft already take into account the emotional distress that theft of a family pet can have on owners, and already recommend higher penalties for such offences.

    316,545 signatures

  20. Limit the Sale and Use of Fireworks to Organisers of Licensed Displays Only

    Government responded – 13 August 2020

    The Petitions Committee inquiry in 2019 concluded that it would not be appropriate for the Government to ban the public use of fireworks.

    301,611 signatures

  21. Call an immediate general election

    Government responded – 18 October 2023

    Britain faces long-term challenges that need us to put the national interest first. Rishi Sunak and this Government are doing just that and it would be wrong to call an early general election now.

    288,042 signatures

  22. Seek Europe-wide Visa-free work permit for Touring professionals and Artists

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    During our negotiations, we proposed measures to allow creative professionals to travel and perform in both the UK and EU, without needing work-permits. Unfortunately, the EU rejected these proposals.

    286,797 signatures

  23. For the United Kingdom to recognise the state of Palestine immediately

    Government responded – 27 February 2024

    We must give Palestinians a credible political pathway and irreversible momentum towards the establishment of Palestine. We will recognise a Palestinian State when most conducive to the peace process.

    283,669 signatures

  24. Require universities to partially refund tuition fees for 20/21 due to Covid-19

    Government responded – 24 September 2020

    Higher education providers must deliver high-quality courses. If students are unhappy, they should first complain to their provider, or the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education

    270,659 signatures

  25. Seek a ceasefire and to end Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

    Government responded – 13 November 2023

    We are focused on conflict resolution. We have consistently called for humanitarian pauses to allow aid in and hostages out, and welcome the announcement of four-hour pauses as a first step.

    268,882 signatures

  26. Teach Britain's colonial past as part of the UK's compulsory curriculum

    Government responded – 30 July 2020

    The history curriculum at Key Stage 3 includes the statutory theme “ideas, political power, industry and empire: Britain 1745-1901”. Topics within statutory themes are chosen by schools and teachers.

    268,772 signatures

  27. Exempt golf courses from the list of venues required to close due to Covid-19

    Government responded – 23 November 2020

    People can leave their homes to exercise outdoors, with their household or with one person from another household or support bubble. Grassroots sports will return as soon as it is safe to do so.

    257,267 signatures

  28. Do not restrict our rights to peaceful protest.

    Government responded – 6 April 2021

    The public order measures in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill do not erode the public’s right to protest; the Government will not be removing these measures from the Bill.

    256,618 signatures

  29. Make LGBT conversion therapy illegal in the UK

    Government responded – 21 May 2020

    The Government is committed to ensuring all citizens feel safe and protected from harm. We will work to deepen our understanding and consider all options for ending the practice of conversion therapy.

    256,392 signatures

  30. Allow students to be taken out of school for two weeks a year without penalty

    Government responded – 9 May 2024

    Regular school attendance is vital for attainment, wellbeing and development. We are clear pupils should not miss school for term-time holidays, which cause disruption to teachers and other pupils.

    254,530 signatures

  31. Remove LGBT content from the Relationships Education curriculum

    Government responded – 30 January 2023

    Primary schools are not required to teach LGBT content but can choose to teach it in an age-appropriate way. The Department for Education has no plans to change its advice to schools on this subject.

    249,594 signatures

  32. Extend maternity leave by 3 months with pay in light of COVID-19

    Government responded – 14 May 2020

    The UK’s Maternity Leave offer is already amongst the most generous in the World – up to 52 weeks of leave are available, 39 weeks of which are paid – and we currently have no plans to extend it.

    238,884 signatures

  33. Ban Animal Testing - Fund, accept & promote alternatives to animal testing

    Government responded – 4 August 2021

    Scientific research using animals is vital in understanding how biological systems work in health and disease. Government oversees development of 3Rs techniques and delivery of robust regulation.

    235,886 signatures

  34. Prohibit employers from requiring staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19

    Government responded – 25 November 2021

    Organisations’ practices must be lawful and not discriminate. Government has identified limited settings where there is a public health rationale for making vaccination a condition of deployment.

    232,534 signatures

  35. Do not reform the Human Rights Act

    Government responded – 17 March 2022

    This Government was elected with a manifesto commitment to update the Human Rights Act. We have published a consultation on our proposals, which closes on 8 March 2022.

    231,136 signatures

  36. Open gyms first as we come out of lockdown & fund a Work Out to Help Out scheme

    Government responded – 16 March 2021

    Sports & physical activity providers play a crucial role in supporting everyone to be active. We continue to work with our partners to encourage the usage of sports facilities when they open in April.

    230,017 signatures

  37. Implement sanctions against the Nigerian Government and officials

    Government responded – 11 November 2020

    We were concerned by violence during recent protests and await the outcome of Nigerian investigations into reports of police brutality. We do not publicly speculate on future sanctions designations.

    221,258 signatures

  38. We call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of Brexit

    Government responded – 5 December 2022

    The UK’s departure from the EU was a democratic choice and the UK-EU institutions are functioning as intended. The Government does not believe this to be an appropriate subject for a public inquiry.

    216,807 signatures

  39. Hold a parliamentary vote on assisted dying

    Government responded – 22 February 2024

    It remains the Government’s view that any change to the law in this sensitive area is a matter for Parliament to decide.

    212,107 signatures

  40. Cancel GCSEs and A Levels in 2021

    Government responded – 20 October 2020

    The Government is committed to GCSE, AS and A level exams taking place next year. We continue to believe that exams are the best and fairest way of judging students’ performance.

    211,974 signatures

  41. Broker a ceasefire for all sides in Yemen to carry out humanitarian aid

    Government responded – 6 August 2020

    The UK Government shares your concern at the appalling situation in Yemen. We are doing everything we can to find a sustainable political solution to the conflict and end the humanitarian crisis.

    211,848 signatures

  42. Create a Minister for Hospitality in the UK Government

    Government responded – 3 November 2020

    Responsibility for the hospitality sector is shared by Ministers in the Departments for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

    209,983 signatures

  43. Allow football fans to attend matches at all levels

    Government responded – 21 October 2020

    We will take the earliest opportunity to look again at getting spectators safely back into stadia but this must clearly be done carefully against the prevailing health conditions.

    200,571 signatures

  44. Urge the Israel Government to allow fuel, electricity and food into Gaza

    Government responded – 10 November 2023

    The UK continues to urge all sides to adhere to international humanitarian law, and to call for immediate, unimpeded and safe humanitarian access for lifesaving aid to reach civilians.

    199,623 signatures

  45. Close schools in Tier 4 areas

    Government responded – 21 January 2021

    The Government has asked schools and Further Education colleges to restrict attendance from 5 January 2020 for most pupils and students. Early years settings will remain open to all.

    194,882 signatures

  46. Waive visa requirement for Ukrainian refugees.

    Government responded – 6 April 2022

    Visas provide clarity and stability to an individual having moved from another country following horrific events. They also act to prevent incidents of adult and child human trafficking.

    188,650 signatures

  47. Improve Maternal Mortality Rates and Health Care for Black Women in the U.K.

    Government responded – 25 June 2020

    The Government is funding a NIHR Policy Research Unit in Maternal and Neonatal Health and Care study into factors associated with the higher risk of maternal death for Black and South Asian women.

    187,520 signatures

  48. Keep gyms open during Tier 4 lockdown

    Government responded – 14 January 2021

    Sports facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise throughout the national and local tiered restrictions.

    180,171 signatures

  49. Offer more support to the arts (particularly Theatres and Music) amidst COVID-19

    Government responded – 20 July 2020

    HMG announced a £1.57 billion package for cultural organisations. From 11/7 outdoor performances are allowed. From 1/8, indoor performances to live audiences can restart, subject to success of pilots.

    179,699 signatures

  50. Increase pay for NHS healthcare workers and recognise their work

    Government responded – 4 May 2020

    Our hard-working healthcare workers do an incredible job. Many NHS staff are already benefitting from the most significant pay reforms in a decade, with similar reforms planned for other staff groups.

    178,820 signatures

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