These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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31,730 petitions

  1. Call on Government to commission an independent technical review of HS2

    5,920 signatures, now closed

  2. NHS pensions for ALL Dental Care Professionals who work in NHS Dental Practices.

    5,896 signatures, now closed

  3. Remove the PKK from the government's list of proscribed terrorist organisations.

    5,895 signatures, now closed

  4. Have waterways fenced off where there is a strong presence of bars & nightclubs

    5,887 signatures, now closed

  5. Reduce the speed limit on single track rural lanes from 60mph to 30mph

    5,866 signatures, now closed

  6. Local Councils to have final say on Fracking within their constituency.

    5,854 signatures, now closed

  7. Amend the Road Traffic Act (1998) - cats killed on the road must be reported.

    5,843 signatures, now closed

  8. The 17,410,742 who voted to Leave, voted for a complete & utter "Hard Brexit".

    5,810 signatures, now closed

  9. RAF Aircrews who flew from Italy should be awarded the Bomber Command Clasp .

    5,792 signatures, now closed

  10. British Government to condemn Chechnya's human rights abuses against LGBT people

    5,782 signatures, now closed

  11. Prevent the sale of the Royal Bank of Scotland at a loss to the taxpayer

    5,771 signatures, now closed

  12. Make Defibrillators a Legal necessity in public areas to help save lives.

    5,759 signatures, now closed

  13. Order a public enquiry into the PCSE Contract, and its impact on NHS services.

    5,722 signatures, now closed

  14. Recognise Brexit is too costly, cancel and prioritise spending on the NHS

    5,700 signatures, now closed

  15. Support the establishment of a European Associate Citizenship for UK Citizens

    5,700 signatures, now closed

  16. The people of scotland demand a second independence referendum

    5,693 signatures, now closed

  17. Remove Abortions From The NHS

    5,689 signatures, now closed

  18. Allow motorcycles to use bus lanes

    5,657 signatures, now closed

  19. Crack down on Puppy Farming/BY breeding with stricter breeding licence criteria.

    5,646 signatures, now closed

  20. Raise awareness and ensure the safe release of British ISIS hostage John Cantlie

    5,646 signatures, now closed

  21. Scrap plans to close the BIS Department's Sheffield office - costing 247 jobs

    5,634 signatures, now closed

  22. Reduce the legal voting age to 16

    5,602 signatures, now closed

  23. Hold a public inquiry into the Prison System

    5,554 signatures, now closed

  24. Remove all tolls from the River Mersey.

    5,543 signatures, now closed

  25. Call for a vote of no confidence in George Osborne.

    5,520 signatures, now closed

  26. Give parents rights to be involved with their disabled adult childs decisions.

    5,518 signatures, now closed

  27. Ban the import to the UK of all hunting trophies.

    5,495 signatures, now closed

  28. Increase NHS Pay in Accordance with the Living Wage Increases

    5,486 signatures, now closed

  29. Maintain Pension increases for British pensioners living in the EU.

    5,482 signatures, now closed

  30. Increase the minimum length of prison sentencing for paedophiles, sex offenders.

    5,473 signatures, now closed

  31. Give CAMHS more funding and make them a more efficient system.

    5,464 signatures, now closed

  32. Scrap the 2 to 5 year limit on council house residency.

    5,452 signatures, now closed

  33. Help fund cancer treatment for children, that is not available on the NHS.

    5,452 signatures, now closed

  34. The crisis in Zimbabwe requires an urgent response from the UK Government

    5,440 signatures, now closed

  35. Ban the Production and Sale of Alcohol and Classify it as a Class A Drug Now

    5,425 signatures, now closed

  36. Review the Armed Forces 1℅ paycap.

    5,422 signatures, now closed

  37. Enhance democracy by ending corporate domination of the media

    5,420 signatures, now closed

  38. Do Not Grant An Amnesty To allow illegal immigrants to remain after Brexit

    5,415 signatures, now closed

  39. Save lives by introducing driving and road safety into the school curriculum

    5,365 signatures, now closed

  40. Change the DLA guide to reflect the needs of children with heart conditions.

    5,354 signatures, now closed

  41. Government to invest in Neuroblastoma relapse treatment(common childrens cancer)

    5,319 signatures, now closed

  42. Make Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) available on the NHS.

    5,309 signatures, now closed

  43. Campaigning for the age limit of cervical screening to be abolished.

    5,295 signatures, now closed

  44. Scrap the TV licence and make the BBC a SUBSCRIPTION channel.

    5,280 signatures, now closed

  45. Reduce Wait for Appointments at Gender Identity Clinics for Transgender People

    5,268 signatures, now closed

  46. Free IVF treatment for women with diagnosed fertility problems.

    5,226 signatures, now closed

  47. Cut Foreign Aid to help fund Social Care instead of increasing Council Tax

    5,210 signatures, now closed

  48. Stop the importation of lion heads, skins, claws and teeth.

    5,205 signatures, now closed

  49. Enact a law making deception and lying by politicians a criminal offence.

    5,204 signatures, now closed

  50. Pressure NICE to approve nivolumab to treat advanced Kidney Cancer

    5,195 signatures, now closed

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