These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Abolish reward trips based on attendance and behaviour

  2. Change biological ‘parent’ rule on marriage certificate

  3. Lower First Cervical Screening to 18

  4. UKRI to increase PhD stipends to at least National Living Wage

  5. Include Self Awareness & Mental Health into the UK Curriculum as a subject

  6. Deport convicted refugee criminals who have abused our laws in the UK.

  7. Create a better Child Maintenance Service for our children and parents!

  8. lower diesel and petrol and other fuel prices

  9. My rights to be called Mother and grandmother

  10. The UK government must fulfil it's promises on halal and kosher certified items

  11. Remove the VAT for fuel during this difficult perioud

  12. Hamster cage requirements to be a minimum of 100cmx50cm (LxW)

  13. Enshrine the right to termination of pregnancy in UK law

  14. More funding and a better system is needed for our Mental Health

  15. Make Nursing and Midwifery training more affordable

  16. Include the Working Class in the £650 Cost of Living Payout

  17. Holiday prices same all year round for educational workers.

  18. Reduce fuel prices by 40 pence per litre. Cap fuel prices at £1.50 per litre.

  19. Do not approve COVID vaccines for 6 month to 5 years olds in the UK


  21. Increase the personal allowance to £15,000 by 2023.

  22. Improve training for staff on psych wards

  23. Hold a Referendum on re-joining the EU

  24. Decreasing the high rise cost in petrol, it's unaffordable.

  25. Get us out of the ECHR immediately

  26. Employ a Japanese style immigration system

  27. Decrease tax on fuel.

  28. Lower the tax on fuel

  29. Make child Maintance service knowledge part of sex education

  30. All CofE clergy in Vicarages to take in Asylum Seekers who arrived illegally.

  31. Withdraw with immediate effect from European Court of human rights

  32. Control the ability of Energy Suppliers to raise direct debits freely

  33. Stop the plans for 6 3 bedroom properties being devolved on our green

  34. Stop travel companies increasing their prices in school holidays!

  35. Rejection for governments to sell public services, without public authority.

  36. Speak about unfair exams A-level and GCSE

  37. Lower fuel prices

  38. Ban the sale of rabbits in shops rescue only

  39. Consider context and human behaviour in Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act

  40. Mandate JCVI publish full minutes for all covid vaccination meetings

  41. Hgv driver strike against fuel prices

  42. Either axe or withdraw the last government's Fuel DUTY for 24 months

  43. Reduce fuel duty and VAT on petrol and diesel - currently 52.95p per litre

  44. price cap a litre of fuel

  45. Fair fuel price reimbursements for community nursing staff

  46. Lower petrol prices to a reasonable rate everyone can afford.

  47. Rejection of the ability of MPs to sell-off public sector, organisations.

  48. Reduce fuel prices with immediate effect by cutting fuel duty by 30%

  49. Revoke the use of modal/planter road filters by local councils.

  50. Prevent devolved administrations spending public money on non-devolved issues.

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