These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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Published petitions

32,873 petitions

  1. Free Ashya Kings Parents drop any charges and let them choose the medical care for Ashya

    1,342 signatures

  2. Save DLA

    1,336 signatures

  3. Help energy consumers save money - make same day switching possible

    1,335 signatures

  4. Increase inspections in adult care homes in England

    1,332 signatures

  5. Repeal the Digital Economy Act

    1,331 signatures

  6. No to paying twice for social worker registration

    1,330 signatures

  7. Robbie's Law - A Legal 'Duty of Candour' for all Healthcare Professionals

    1,330 signatures

  8. Dairy Farmers Demand A Fair Milk Price

    1,329 signatures

  9. Project Alexander: dual the A1 from Morpeth to Berwick

    1,328 signatures

  10. Stop the proposed Rail Freight Terminal in Park St Herts on Green Belt Land

    1,325 signatures

  11. Suspension of Overseas Aid

    1,325 signatures

  12. Ban Halal slaughter and halal meat sale in Great Britatin unless clearly labelled in shops and clearly signed in restaurants

    1,322 signatures


    1,320 signatures

  14. Secure, adequate and affordable service facilities for truck drivers throughout the UK

    1,320 signatures

  15. Scrap the requirement to re-take a CBT every 2 years

    1,318 signatures

  16. Maria Miller to be removed from post

    1,316 signatures

  17. Stop Owen Paterson allowing GMO crops in the UK

    1,313 signatures

  18. Stop Phase 2 HS2 in Staffordshire

    1,313 signatures

  19. Halal Meat must be declared on all food businesses

    1,313 signatures

  20. Banning of Bob Martin Flea & Worm Treatment

    1,313 signatures

  21. NPPF and planning appeals – community rights and planning authority conflict of interest.

    1,313 signatures

  22. Save face to face Careers advice for all young people.

    1,307 signatures

  23. Free prescriptions for patients with IBD

    1,296 signatures

  24. Calling for a future that works

    1,295 signatures

  25. Petition for the return of deceased british nationals toxicology results from Goa India

    1,293 signatures

  26. Abolish the ban on feeding Dried Mealworms & Insects to Domestic Poultry

    1,293 signatures

  27. Allow Motorcycles to use Bus Lanes in all major cities and towns

    1,289 signatures

  28. IVF: Encouraging uptake of guidelines

    1,287 signatures

  29. Illegalise the importing of Foie Gras into the UK

    1,285 signatures

  30. Advisors to the government on ME (commonly referred to as CFS) should be ME experts, not psychiatrists

    1,284 signatures

  31. Any terminally ill person should automatically be eligible for placement in ESA "Support" group.

    1,284 signatures

  32. Save our Scarborough Hospital Midwifery-Led Unit

    1,283 signatures

  33. Treason Allegations

    1,283 signatures

  34. Ukraine-EU Association and Trade Agreements

    1,283 signatures

  35. Call for Andrew Mitchell to resign

    1,282 signatures

  36. Consolidate duplicate petitions on this site

    1,280 signatures

  37. Upgrade Paramedics to band 6 on the NHS A4C pay scale

    1,278 signatures

  38. Save Slate Meadow (Wooburn Green/Beaconsfield)

    1,274 signatures

  39. Cardiac screening in 14-35 year olds

    1,273 signatures

  40. Izzy's Wish (Giving Families Hope)

    1,266 signatures

  41. EEA Winter Fuel Allowance should remain for Mainland France expats

    1,262 signatures

  42. Retain Consultant Maternity, Neonatal and Childrens Services (inc Oncology) at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shropshire

    1,261 signatures

  43. "Add animal crush video to the Protection of Children Act 1978 as a level five offence"

    1,257 signatures

  44. Increase the speed limit on UK Motorways

    1,257 signatures

  45. Havering council to retain an ice rink in Romord.

    1,256 signatures

  46. Abolish the Life Times Allowance (LTA) on pension savings

    1,254 signatures

  47. Shepperton Eco Park Incinerator

    1,254 signatures

  48. Every Child in Need - keep minimum standards for vulnerable children

    1,253 signatures

  49. Licensing and regulating sunbed businesses

    1,253 signatures

  50. Stop Cartoons and film against Islam in USA

    1,251 signatures

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