These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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52,033 petitions

  1. Include Latinx/Hispanic as an ethnic group in the 2021 census

    7,658 signatures, now closed

  2. Make the 6 Nations a culturally protected event.

    7,656 signatures, now closed

  3. Public Inquiry into the Child Maintenance Service

    7,638 signatures, now closed

  4. Hold a referendum to scrap the UK's policy of Net Zero CO2 by 2050

    7,628 signatures, now closed

  5. Do not house asylum seekers on ships with free access to the mainland

    7,609 signatures, now closed

  6. Review aftercare provided by the NHS for everyone affected by a Cardiac Arrest

    7,605 signatures, now closed

  7. Fund upgrades to National Bridleway Network : Get Horses Off Roads : Save Lives

    7,605 signatures, now closed

  8. Suspend fines for school non-attendance during Covid-19 & allow parental choice

    7,592 signatures, now closed

  9. Make it a specific criminal offence to assault a highway workers

    7,588 signatures, now closed

  10. Nala’s Law - New legislation to safeguard the breeding and sale of domestic pets

    7,575 signatures, now closed

  11. Allow those diagnosed with Crohn’s and Colitis to access Medical Exemption card

    7,572 signatures, now closed

  12. Cap energy price increases for small businesses.

    7,549 signatures, now closed

  13. Change our electoral system to Proportional Representation for true democracy

    7,540 signatures, now closed

  14. Ban the use of umbrella companies in the construction industry

    7,516 signatures, now closed

  15. Increase student Maintenance Loans in England to close £1,500 inflation gap

    7,514 signatures, now closed

  16. Hold a referendum on the abolition of the Monarchy

    7,506 signatures, now closed

  17. Remove UK spouse visa financial requirement and fees for long term marriages

    7,502 signatures, now closed

  18. Grant food and drink wholesalers bespoke financial support

    7,488 signatures, now closed

  19. Ensure mental health assessments for children are within 4 weeks of GP referral

    7,480 signatures, now closed

  20. Require councils remove LTNs and underused bike lanes that lack public support

    7,472 signatures, now closed

  21. Provide specific support for the UK Aviation industry

    7,435 signatures, now closed

  22. Revoke the TV licence at the end of 2027

    7,399 signatures, now closed

  23. Use Proportional Representation for UK General Elections

    7,387 signatures, now closed

  24. Include older women in the UK International Development Strategy

    7,385 signatures, now closed

  25. Temporarily allow early retirement to reduce unemployment caused by COVID

    7,384 signatures, now closed

  26. Add ethics to the national curriculum for primary schools

    7,375 signatures, now closed

  27. Work with other nations to pressure China over their treatment of Uighur Muslims

    7,361 signatures, now closed

  28. Ensure bowel cancer screening is offered to all adults

    7,331 signatures, now closed

  29. Allow for a public referendum on the monarchy

    7,311 signatures, now closed

  30. Remove police and crime commissioner powers from mayors

    7,296 signatures, now closed

  31. Introduce a 'Vaccination Passport' for international travel

    7,278 signatures, now closed

  32. Extend the Covid-19 business rates relief to cover human and animal healthcare

    7,255 signatures, now closed

  33. To create a public inquiry into the media reporting and presenting of the virus

    7,189 signatures, now closed

  34. Keep schools closed in the UK until an effective Cov-19 vaccine is available.

    7,174 signatures, now closed

  35. Change the law so charities can exist for the political purpose of changing law

    7,166 signatures, now closed

  36. Impose mandatory 10-year custodial sentences for all child sexual abuse offences

    7,162 signatures, now closed

  37. Keep all widespread species of amphibian and reptile in S5 & 8 of the WCA 1981

    7,131 signatures, now closed

  38. Review and increase expense rates for employees travelling outside the UK

    7,129 signatures, now closed

  39. Add veganism to the national curriculum and require schools offer vegan meals

    7,117 signatures, now closed

  40. Remove anti-protest measures from the Public Order Bill

    7,113 signatures, now closed

  41. Remove VAT from all domestic fuel, and provide price capping on heating oil.

    7,105 signatures, now closed

  42. Establish a national waste plastic collection/recycling programme for England

    7,095 signatures, now closed

  43. Review and reform laws on the private keeping of Dangerous Wild Animals (DWA)

    7,089 signatures, now closed

  44. Do not require a Covid passport for access to any services, jobs or events

    7,087 signatures, now closed

  45. Do not require pubs and bars in Tier 2 to only serve alcohol with a meal

    7,074 signatures, now closed

  46. Allow parents over age of 65 to join British Citizens, as adult dependents.

    7,068 signatures, now closed

  47. Introduce 3 point penalty on driving licence for litter thrown from any vehicle

    7,026 signatures, now closed

  48. Require Highways England halt and reverse infilling of historic railway bridges

    7,018 signatures, now closed

  49. Give leaseholders more legal protection and consumer rights

    6,987 signatures, now closed

  50. Hold a referendum on rejoining the European Union

    6,980 signatures, now closed

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