These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Make VAT on fast Ev charging stations same as home ones 5% instead of 20%

  2. Demand action to improve conditions in state owned social housing.

  3. Make first aid mandatory in schools

  4. UK Government - Fund the construction of a new railway line to Louth

  5. Stop forcing people to be responsible for killing their fur babies by December

  6. Have a system in place where one can view outstanding parking fines and pay them

  7. Reduce MP remunerations by one half.

  8. Remove rishi sunak form office

  9. Make Wildlife Shooting, Culling and ‘ Game ‘ Hunting Illegal.

  10. Stop Sadiq Khan's Greater London ULEZ expansion plan

  11. Make dangerous dog act about creating positive change not killing innocent dogs

  12. Bring in licensing to own a dog

  13. A minimum price paid for the export of electricity from domestic renewables

  14. Legally recognise unpaid carers as workers

  15. Increase NHS funding for dedicated Babyloss facilities

  16. Give Ukraine Weapon to Defend Their Sky: Help Ukraine save World from Extinction

  17. Ensure fuel retailers are fair when changing fuel prices due to crude oil price

  18. Reduce tax on all services/ fuel/gas/electricity/food/ until Ukraine issue over

  19. Reduce fuel VAT for people on Mobility allowance

  20. Investigate the officiating in the English football league

  21. Reinstate the (EU) Pet Passport Scheme Immediately

  22. Reevaluate the procedure for SEN children's education and better support family

  23. Stop profiting from the high prices of fuel!

  24. Bring petrol and diesel prices down to prices before the war at Ukraine started.

  25. Against pay permile and speed limiters as they are a infringement of rights

  26. Blame the bad owners not the breed- dont ban xl bullies

  27. Suspend all MP's who have accepted Russian funding in the last 5 years.

  28. get banks or bank hub back into north end portsmouth hampshire

  29. Give Health and Social Care staff at least a 20% Discount in fuel.

  30. Stop referring to the UK State Retirement Pension as a 'Benefit'

  31. Enforce CMS /CB to do more checks if child is actually attending education

  32. Lower fuel costs to affordable cost

  33. Temporarily cut VAT & tax on fuel to help people off set the rise in living cost

  34. Give Driving Instructors, lorry drivers and key workers a discount on fuel.

  35. Stop the installation of energy key meters and stop disconnections for 1year

  36. Temporarily remove VAT from fuel purchases until normal oil prices return.

  37. Rename the road of the Russian embassy in London 'Slava Ukraini Gardens'.

  38. Tax break on petrol/diesel

  39. Reduce time to get settled status for Ukrainians holding long-term and ICT visas

  40. Stop banning breeds, Ban bad owners instead and licence good owners.

  41. Stop the ULEZ Expansion to include the whole of Greater London by 2023

  42. Declare carers as workers, entitled to worker's rights including minimum wage.

  43. Prevent the concreting of Fracking sites

  44. Get Dedicated Babyloss Facilities into Maternity Hospitals. No More Labour Ward!

  45. Temporarily remove VAT from all fuel Domestic and for transportation

  46. Stop the London wide expansion of the ULEZ

  47. Reduce fuel prices

  48. Grant prescribing and injection rights to osteopaths.

  49. Abolish/ reduce fuel tax. Currently paying 57.95p per litre in tax.

  50. Introduce a minimum legal requirement for hamster cages

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