These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Stop people buying property in the lake district national park for holiday lets

  2. Remove ALL Russian products from shops and are stopping trading with Russia.

  3. Stop Gavin Williamson getting a knighthood

  4. Use property seized from Russian oligarchs to house Ukrainian refugees.

  5. Save our Spencers Road, Crawley Gurdwara from being closed.

  6. Allow parents access into nursery settings

  7. Remove the newly implemented 20mph speed limit in Buckley, Flintshire.

  8. Get the District Heating Industry to become regulated by a governing body.

  9. Establish a law of minimum fare rates for app based hot food delivery companies

  10. We want the Government to confiscate all property owned by Russian Oligarchs.

  11. Remove cost of disposal of waste at coucil own tip

  12. Use seized funds and assets of oligarchs to subsidise VAT on petrol and diesel.

  13. Ask NICE to make OPTUNE brain cancer treatment available on the NHS

  14. Give the NHS and key workers a more realistic pay rise

  15. Occupy Oligarch properties with Ukrainian refugees

  16. Family visas for refugees should extend to grandparents and grandchildren

  17. Cap fuel price at 16% of national living wage.

  18. Increase doctors pay with the rising costs of living

  19. Hold a referendum on the government's proposed reforms to the Human Rights Act

  20. Allow all refugees from the Ukranian Conflict into the UK

  21. Ensure all Ukrainians escaping the war can enter and find asylum in the UK

  22. We want the Government to tackle the issue of gender inequality of pay in sport.

  23. Unconditionally grant entry to any Ukrainian seeking refuge in the UK

  24. Remove visa requirements for Ukranian nationals

  25. Instruct DWP to stop referring to State Retirement Pension as a Benefit!

  26. Local link bus shouldn’t stop in JD warehouse

  27. Lift visa requirements to Ukrainians fleeing conflict.

  28. Grant Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war asylum in the UK.

  29. Save Great Western Railway Brighton to Bristol service

  30. Help Afro-Caribbean people achieve safe passage into Poland from Ukraine.

  31. Waive visa requirements for Ukrainian refugees.

  32. Give visas to people fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine

  33. Waive visa requirements for Ukrainians during Russia's act of aggression

  34. Deny Russian-owned vessels (ships/tankers) access to all UK ports.

  35. Remove Priti Patel from the Home office.

  36. Accept Ukrainian refugees seeking asylum in the UK

  37. Waive visa requirements for Ukrainian refugees.

  38. The Government should lift Visa requirements between Ukraine and the UK.

  39. Visa-free entry to the United Kingdom for all Ukrainians

  40. Waive all visa restrictions for any Ukrainian nationals seeking UK safe haven

  41. Welcome and support refugees fleeing the Ukrainian conflict

  42. Offer Refugees fleeing Ukraine unimpeded access to the United Kingdom.

  43. Rescind Gavin Williamson's proposed Knighthood, given his failure/s at Education


  45. Allow Ukrainian refugees visa-free entry to escape the war

  46. Re-open Visa applications to ALL citizens of Ukraine.

  47. Create a free path for Ukrainian refugees to the UK

  48. Open UK border to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion

  49. Establish a safe route into the UK for Ukrainian refugees

  50. Open safe, legal routes to the UK for people fleeing war in Ukraine.

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