These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Get a new female hostel in Belfast for women with alcohol and drug addiction

  2. Make GP practices fully resume pre covid services face to face appointments etc

  3. Ban dog owners from keeping dogs outdoor in bad weather condition without roof.

  4. Doctor surgery’s to go back to post covid times before telephone consultations

  5. Hold public enquiry into why petitions to abolish House of Lords are rejected.

  6. Introduce night bus services in Plymouth to keep people safe

  7. Reinstate Capital Punishment, for crimes against children

  8. Revamp the Children’s play park on Town End Farm.

  9. Implementation of a fixed price for COVID test in private clinics.

  10. Prevent UK Government to Revoke Ethnic Minority British Citizenship

  11. Give tax payers the right to opt out of certain government schemes.

  12. Look into the conduct performed by British car auctions since the pandemic

  13. Create legislation for manufacturers to make lollipops safer for children

  14. Reform British birth certificates to reflect modern British families.

  15. Make pharmaceutical companies liable for injuries caused by all their vaccines.

  16. Increase universal credit for single parents

  17. Stop binning Covid vaccines. It's both immoral & shooting ourselves in the foot!

  18. Adjust the national living wage for citizens of Brighton and Hove

  19. Create a law to stop bullies

  20. A legal requirement for every property that houses children to have smoke alarms

  21. Local voting on projects for where money should be spent by your local councils

  22. Launch an investigation into the spike in cardiac episodes in footballers in UK

  23. Save AONB Wealden from overdevelopment.

  24. Change student loan deductions from Universal Credits

  25. Stop all illegal immigrants from coming to the UK

  26. Climate change to be a subject in School because it is a critical issue.

  27. Freedom of choice for all unvaccinated healthcare workers

  28. Create one national teacher application form

  29. To have well-being days termly for school years 6-13 to improve mental health.

  30. The NHS app should include details of Booster vaccinations

  31. Refund 30% of Tuition fees for 2020/2021 academic year

  32. Stop the sale of fireworks in supermarkets to the general public

  33. Rejection of Mandatory Covid jab

  34. Stop the police from campaigning against our cannabis medicine on social media.


  36. Allow students to go to toilet turning lesson time

  37. Legalise Cannabis for Medicinal purposes.

  38. Allow parents to watch Christmas Nativity/show in schools

  39. Ensure all NHS staff the right to reject COVID vaccines while keeping their jobs

  40. All Member of Parliament to disclose their Covid 19 vaccine status.

  41. Improve access to BSL training in FE/HE education.

  42. make it a legal requirement for nightclubs to thoroughly search guests on entry

  43. Improve mental health parity for children and young people in the UK

  44. Cancel all A-Level exams for the 2022 cohort due to disturbed learning

  45. Set Minimum Nutrition Label size to support Type 1 Diabetes & Other Conditions

  46. Restrict dates when fireworks may be set off and limit time of day.

  47. Justice For Pumpkin Puppy

  48. Ban loud fireworks

  49. Change the law so loud fireworks are only acceptable from the hours of 6.30-9pm

  50. Stop the sale of fireworks to the general public

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