These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
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Published petitions
10,950 petitions
Prohibit the building of mosques in the UK
23,141 signatures
Use 3 separate independent organisations to count the EU referendum votes
23,124 signatures
Increase teachers' PPA time to 1 day per week to promote teachers' wellbeing.
23,083 signatures
Vote of no confidence in Theresa May in her handling of Brexit & foreign policy
23,045 signatures
Raise the Speed limit on Motorways in the UK from 70mph to 90mph.
22,968 signatures
Ban Breed Specific Legislation
22,956 signatures
End the Fit For Work tests as not fit for purpose, and investigate 9,580 deaths.
22,925 signatures
Harvey's Army - Compulsory Microchip Scanning of Deceased Pets Found on railways
22,510 signatures
Grant an amnesty to all illegal immigrants living in the UK prior to 23.06.2016.
22,491 signatures
Teachers salaries should reflect the 50 plus hours they work a week.
22,362 signatures
Stop all benefit payments to non U.K. residents
22,360 signatures
Recognise Taiwan as a country
22,146 signatures
Stop the boundary changes
21,932 signatures
Arrest Tony Blair for war crimes in the middle east and misleading the public.
21,672 signatures
Give communities back the right to decide where houses are built.
21,545 signatures
Not to allow freedom of movement as part of any deal with the EU after Brexit
21,537 signatures
Call for a Snap General Election
21,471 signatures
Strengthen sentencing for criminal drivers who kill and maim innocent people.
21,331 signatures
The 23 June should be designated as Independence Day, and celebrated annually.
21,292 signatures
Ban the Burkha on the grounds of security
21,248 signatures
change the legal definition of rape in the uk to include female on male rape
20,945 signatures
Implement optional early drawing of a reduced State Pension for the 1950s women
20,783 signatures
UK Govt to strongly condemn Pakistan for providing safe haven for terrorists
20,724 signatures
Abolish Inheritance Tax. It is wrong to tax assets that have already been taxed
20,613 signatures
Reinstate The 25Year Rolling Road Tax Exemption
20,580 signatures
Publicly confirm that gay men from Chechnya can seek asylum in the UK
20,460 signatures
For Parliament to ban the non-stun slaughter of animals in the UK.
20,368 signatures
KEEP AIRFIELDS GREENFIELDS. Review Airfield Classification as Brownfield Sites
20,215 signatures
Make cannabis oil legal for medicinal purposes
20,049 signatures
Have the House of Commons debate TTIP and implications for the UK as a whole.
20,018 signatures
Investigate the standard of food served to the military and Sodexo services.
20,000 signatures
Make Everolimus available in England for TSC-related Brain (SEGA) tumours.
19,915 signatures
Ban the wearing of a Burka, any full or partial front face coverings in public.
19,765 signatures
Do not discriminate against drivers of diesel cars
19,722 signatures
All European Union flags, emblems and logos be removed from all public buildings
19,465 signatures
To change the name the UK Government uses for IS, ISIS and ISIL to DAESH
19,443 signatures
Support Live Music Venues by preventing inappropriate complaints being actioned
19,396 signatures
Put more funds into Lancashire NHS so Chorley A&E Department can remain open
19,229 signatures
Introduce Animal Health and Welfare to the school curriculum
19,142 signatures
Protect neighbourhood policing
19,120 signatures
To Keep Britain's Borders Open
19,104 signatures
Extend Eu referendum voting rights to all UK citizens living abroad.
19,033 signatures
Put a VEGAN meal on every school, college, university, hospital and prison menu.
19,012 signatures
Reverse the decision to allow "thousands" of Syrian migrants into the UK
19,012 signatures
MPs' salary rises to be restricted to the same as public sector workers by law
18,984 signatures
Do not abandon the Dubs Scheme for refugee children
18,951 signatures
Legislate to introduce minimum sentences for assaulting police officers.
18,741 signatures
Keep the Personal Injury Small Claims Limit at £1,000/ Keep Damages for whiplash
18,720 signatures
Stop Destruction Of British Archaeology. Neighbourhood and Infrastructure Bill
18,679 signatures
Force the government to act on the eleven recommendations of the UNCRPD report
18,633 signatures