These petitions were submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

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38,280 petitions

  1. Allow students to go toilet during lessons

  2. Revoke all current and future congestion and ulez charges.

  3. Intervene with university lecturers strikes or reduce student fees!

  4. Stop Welsh 20 mph limit, consider crackdown for local institutions.

  5. Bring back the old system of GP appointments- the new system is not working!

  6. Stop the 20 mph blanket speed limit in Wales

  7. Request immediate resignation of Welsh Ministers Mark Drakeford and Lee Waters.

  8. Fix a bridge at that has potholes

  9. Appose PPO banning dogs from the beach at Colwyn Bay 2023.

  10. A new Welsh Referendum on Abolishing the Welsh Assemby Government

  11. Change legislation governing compulsory purchase orders.

  12. Get ITV to sort out good contracts to keep Gordon, Gino and Fred series going.

  13. Allow Non Medics to Practice Aesthetics

  14. Give Family Support to Vulnerable Families Protect Parental Rights.

  15. Allow outer London boroughs to vote for the London Mayor.

  16. Stop our only bank in Todmorden from closing. Halifax bank

  17. To provide car enthusiasts a safe venue off public roads and save lives

  18. Grant brain tumour patients access to Vorasidenib

  19. To adopt a False Statements Act criminalising lying in public life and justice

  20. Ask MPs to vote ref: donation of ULEZ scrappage 4x4s & SUVs to Ukraine

  21. Address car insurance companies and the amounts they’re charging for insurance .

  22. Make clearer roundabout signs in braintree from mcdonalds to marks fam A120

  23. Highlight that Sir Matt Busby Sports Complex is being considered for closure.

  24. Listen to the people of Wales and stop Labour destroying Wales.

  25. Bring back the death penalty

  26. Make Fratton train station safe.

  27. Air rifles to be registered, given to a licenced person >25 years of age.

  28. All senior NHS managers must be regulated by statute.

  29. Hold managers in the NHS accountable for serious errors.

  30. Require planning permission for hotels to be used as hostels for asylum seekers.

  31. Remove the proposed toll on the Balckwall tunnel starting in 2025

  32. Adjust the grade boundaries to reflect the deserved grades of the 2023 cohort

  33. Call for an immediate general election

  34. Broadcasters that advertise as news channels must be regulated as news channels.

  35. Fund HNC/D Counselling Course 2024/25 at Fife College

  36. Reinstate the closed section of the Central Line between Epping and Ongar

  37. Medical Proof of Delivery for All Tenth- or Lower-Ranked Successors

  38. Stop the banks making us a cashless society.

  39. The Govt to make it illegal to assist any migrant that try to enter Uk illegally

  40. Change the waiting time for Diagnosis for ADHD and AUTISM

  41. Paint all ULEZ, LEZ and CAZ cameras and poles bright Orange

  42. Stop the reduction in speed limits to 20 mph in Wales

  43. Abolish the Welsh assembly

  44. Provide a new sen school in Chichester area

  45. MHRA Publish the Orange and Green Guides Online, with free access

  46. Keep Castle Grange residential home OPEN!

  47. Exclude telecommunication installations from permitted development legislation

  48. Implement a policy to bring Lough Neagh back to a good standard of cleanliness.

  49. Provide barge ship accommodation for MPs and remove their second home allowance.

  50. Get Essential Tremor recognised as a disability

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