These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
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31,730 petitions
To be given a choice to be fitted with an ICD when diagnosed with Brugada.
10,485 signatures, now closed
Cut all public funding to Tony Blair - this to include protection & expenses
10,484 signatures, now closed
Help return my children after they were abducted 3 years ago to Oman
10,481 signatures, now closed
Denounce the Venezuelan government's violent suppression of protests in Caracas
10,476 signatures, now closed
Call on Parliament for a vote of no confidence in the current Government.
10,472 signatures, now closed
Properly fund the NHS and scrap the proposed STP programme.
10,462 signatures, now closed
Reject all demands from the EU for penalty charges for Brexit.
10,462 signatures, now closed
The petition calls upon MPs not to repeal the European Communities Act 1972
10,455 signatures, now closed
Keep the Nursing Directorate in the Department of Health
10,454 signatures, now closed
Stop the Government from cutting funding for Routes into Languages.
10,400 signatures, now closed
We require parliament to debate Lord Kilmuir's letter to Edward Heath
10,396 signatures, now closed
Commit to healthcare arrangements for British pensioners living in the EU
10,395 signatures, now closed
Get Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on the NHS for Fibromyalgia sufferers.
10,394 signatures, now closed
HomeOffice use Compassion for UK Tax payers in allowing loved ones to stay in UK
10,393 signatures, now closed
Create allocated overnight parking areas for motorhomes & campers across the uk
10,386 signatures, now closed
Statutory regulate the profession of sports therapy, as recommended by the HPC
10,385 signatures, now closed
Save historic market town Darlington from crippling Government cuts
10,372 signatures, now closed
Provide much needed Truck Stops across the UK with modern facilities.
10,359 signatures, now closed
Ban the cruel Grand National
10,355 signatures, now closed
Put the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes in the red book given to new parents.
10,345 signatures, now closed
Allow all Olympic sports to be part of curriculum at GCSE and A Level Sport.
10,345 signatures, now closed
Please continue to provide annual financial support for the Cornish language.
10,342 signatures, now closed
Vote no confidence in Nicky Morgan.
10,332 signatures, now closed
Stop United Lincs Hospitals Trust from DOWNGRADING Boston Pilgrim hospital.
10,319 signatures, now closed
Make it a specific criminal offence to assault an HM Prison Officer.
10,272 signatures, now closed
Stop the down grading of Macclesfield hospital, keeping full service provision.
10,265 signatures, now closed
Teresa May to recognise endometriosis under the equality act 2010
10,221 signatures, now closed
Introduce a UK National Day to celebrate our United Kingdom.
10,221 signatures, now closed
Everyone in the UK must have a vote on who is elected Mayor of London.
10,215 signatures, now closed
Amend the Animal Welfare Act;make it illegal to leave an animal in a hot vehicle
10,184 signatures, now closed
Make it law so that the NHS will always be in public hands
10,165 signatures, now closed
Step in & safely reunite refugee minors in the EU with their families in the UK
10,156 signatures, now closed
Increase funding rate for 3-4 year olds needing to provide pensions for staff.
10,131 signatures, now closed
Increase the hourly funding rate for 2-4 year old's in early years settings.
10,056 signatures, now closed
Keep open the 'Dubs scheme' to resettle 3000 unaccompanied refugee children.
10,040 signatures, now closed
Stop business rate rises before they wreck independent high street retailers
10,015 signatures, now closed
Stop the scathing cuts to the Police budget.
9,947 signatures, now closed
British Citizens who fight for enemies of our nation should face Treason Charges
9,901 signatures, now closed
Taxes paid by EU Citizens to be returned if they're not granted right to stay
9,795 signatures, now closed
Save the Hunting Act
9,663 signatures, now closed
Keep pre-registration nursing education free.
9,436 signatures, now closed
Declare the Tube an essential service and force unions into compulsory mediation
9,338 signatures, now closed
Lift the ban on gay and bisexual men from donating blood whilst sexually active
9,320 signatures, now closed
UK to openly investigate stolen funds from Nigeria kept in the UK & their return
9,287 signatures, now closed
Allow CBT riders to ride a 250cc age 21 years and above.
9,260 signatures, now closed
Stop planned cuts to the Personal Independence Payments.
9,256 signatures, now closed
Minimum wage for carers £9 per hour we buy our own cars ,petrol,tyres etc
9,120 signatures, now closed
Save Remembrance Sunday Parades.
9,116 signatures, now closed
Stop Income Tax on Armed Forces Pensions
9,021 signatures, now closed
Negotiate the possiblity of British citizens opting to keep their EU citizenship
9,010 signatures, now closed