These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
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Published petitions
32,873 petitions
Keep sports nutrition drinks VAT free
4,315 signatures
4,311 signatures
Increase minimum wage to £9 per hour starting 2014-2015
4,308 signatures
Remove MP David Tredinnick from the health committee and the science and technology committee
4,300 signatures
Make St. George's Day a Public Holiday
4,266 signatures
4,253 signatures
Referendum on BBC Licence Fee
4,246 signatures
For complementary therapies to be offered on the NHS
4,231 signatures
Primates as Pets Petition
4,229 signatures
Save Lives Save Refuge Services – protect life saving domestic violence services from the impact of welfare reform
4,223 signatures
Ban importation of foie gras to the UK
4,197 signatures
Remove Trident from Scotland
4,196 signatures
Make Road tax FREE for all classic vehicles over 25 years old
4,196 signatures
Repeal or amend Sexual Orientation Regulations
4,172 signatures
Medical and Healthcare workers have the right to express themselves in any way they wish provided patient confidentiality is not compromised.
4,164 signatures
careers advice for young people
4,144 signatures
Help banfireworks from public sale
4,136 signatures
A Fair Deal for Everyone
4,116 signatures
SMASH SMA Free screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
4,091 signatures
Petition against the registration of civil partnerships on religious premises
4,089 signatures
Midwifery supervision
4,085 signatures
Reduce First Bristol prices
4,059 signatures
Add bittering agents to antifreeze to prevent injestion by animals.
4,052 signatures
Legal right for deaf people to receive support from registered communication professionals
4,019 signatures
Leave the European Union
4,007 signatures
Against the removal of A&E, Maternity and Intensive Care units at Royal Lancaster Infirmary.
4,006 signatures
Huntington’s disease - Recognised and considered appropriately for benefits.
4,000 signatures
Petition to HM government to increase funding in the search for a cure for motor neuron disease.
3,999 signatures
Increased Access for Mountain Bikes
3,997 signatures
Return of Hanging for Serious Crimes
3,987 signatures
Animation and Game industry tax breaks and incentives
3,957 signatures
Ban trade of foiegras in the UK
3,923 signatures
Introduce legislation to reduce the incidence of dog theft
3,922 signatures
free pets for sale
3,919 signatures
Amend the NPPF now before irreversible damage is caused to our communities
3,915 signatures
Rayleigh Core strategy Housing and Traveller Site
3,905 signatures
Abolish collective worship
3,896 signatures
Luton Airport expansion: Call the planning application in to the secretary of state
3,870 signatures
Create MPs for expatriates similar to the French model
3,869 signatures
Shia Muslim genocide in Pakistan
3,868 signatures
CCF membership charge
3,846 signatures
Compulsory Life Tariff for Murder of the Police
3,842 signatures
UK yachtsmen should be able to use red diesel in UK and foreign waters
3,840 signatures
To make it compulsory for high street bookmakers to have 2 members of staff present during opening hours
3,824 signatures
Guarantee Dental Foundation Training places for UK graduates
3,805 signatures
Justice for the 21
3,796 signatures
The Parental Passport Campaign: A petition for changes that would allow parents and legal guardians to be named on childrens' passports
3,782 signatures
Save the Open University
3,772 signatures
Save One Year AS-Level Courses
3,759 signatures
Allow Military Veterans to have the letter MV after their name.
3,759 signatures