
These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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Published petitions

32,873 petitions

  1. Introduce a Hedgehog Protection Act

    1,891 signatures

  2. To set up an independent public enquiry into the conduct of the various investigations into the reported disappearance of Madeleine McCann

    1,887 signatures

  3. Include Design and Technology in the EBac.

    1,886 signatures

  4. Wind Turbine distance from Residential Property

    1,881 signatures

  5. HM Government to remove Clause 8 from the Growth & Infrastructure Bill and retain the legislation protecting the natural beauty of our National Parks

    1,880 signatures

  6. Durham Tees Valley Airport, secure its future

    1,879 signatures

  7. Stop Islamophobia & Racism in the Media

    1,875 signatures

  8. Force the tax paid UKTV stations onto Freeview and Freesat

    1,874 signatures

  9. Royal Independent Commission for the Investigation of the Public House Tradee Public

    1,872 signatures

  10. Mosuqe to be built in Astley Bridge Bolton

    1,870 signatures

  11. Make 'Nutritionist' a protected term

    1,866 signatures

  12. UK refuse to give aid to Uganda if 'Anti-Homosexuality Bill' is passed

    1,862 signatures

  13. Housing Benefit ending under 25s

    1,861 signatures

  14. All immigrants should be banned from claiming any type of benefits

    1,860 signatures

  15. Bring Easy Elsie the last dambusters lancaster bomber back home to the UK.

    1,858 signatures

  16. Stop the Nuclear Decomissioning Authorities plan for a Geological Disposal Facility in Cumbria - The geology is unsound.

    1,853 signatures

  17. Against nuclear power in the UK

    1,851 signatures

  18. resign

    1,849 signatures

  19. Deaths in police, prison, mental health & immigration detention

    1,847 signatures

  20. savepanshanger

    1,845 signatures

  21. Funding For Research Into DUCHENNE

    1,844 signatures


    1,843 signatures


    1,840 signatures

  24. Cut VAT to 5% for hotels, restaurants, pubs and caterers

    1,837 signatures

  25. TV Licencing

    1,831 signatures

  26. Call on Government to make provision of opening a rail connection to Plymouth via Okehampton and Tavistock

    1,830 signatures

  27. Not to Relax or Repeal Fox Hunting Ban

    1,830 signatures

  28. Return 25 Year Rolling Classic Car Tax

    1,828 signatures

  29. Make Fire Sprinklers compulsory in all new dwellings.

    1,826 signatures

  30. Leave Oving Lights Alone phase two

    1,825 signatures

  31. artic convoy medal

    1,822 signatures

  32. Re-evaluate Direct Funding to the Palestinian Authority

    1,820 signatures

  33. Please sign this petition to Support the Continuous Use of St. Luke Church Building, Bristol Street, B5 7AY as a Church

    1,818 signatures

  34. do not ban halal slaughter houses

    1,813 signatures

  35. stop probation sell off

    1,812 signatures

  36. Stop the closure of the HMRC Enquiry Centre Network

    1,810 signatures

  37. Speed cameras for saffron lane

    1,802 signatures

  38. Jeremy Hunt should resign

    1,801 signatures

  39. Withdraw from EU using clause 50

    1,792 signatures

  40. Petition for a televised debate between the Prime Minister and First Minister of Scotland, regarding Scottish independence.

    1,792 signatures

  41. Harry Roberts should never be released

    1,790 signatures

  42. Right to a Family Life

    1,790 signatures

  43. Petition to expel the Syrian diplomats and ambassador.

    1,789 signatures

  44. Pre-Term Birth Awareness - PPROM premature rupture of membranes before 37 weeks of pregnancy

    1,788 signatures

  45. Protecting retentions in construction contracts by placing them in trust

    1,783 signatures

  46. Pulse oximetry screening for newborns

    1,782 signatures

  47. Bring our mother home from China

    1,782 signatures

  48. The British Government act to quell the 'harassment' of Gibraltar by a fellow European state - Spain

    1,773 signatures

  49. Scrap the compulsory TV licence

    1,765 signatures

  50. Say no to Knives with Gaynors law.

    1,763 signatures

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