These petitions were submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

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38,280 petitions

  1. Write off Bounce Back Loans & CBILS for small high street businesses locked down

  2. I want to make Women's football Part of the National Curriculum in School.

  3. a petition so the public can vote on a immediate general election

  4. make doctors and consultants accountable

  5. Keep the Lloyds the only bank in Immingham open

  6. Better pain relief for invasive and painful gynaecological procedures.

  7. Save lives by improving organ donation consent levels for adults and children

  8. Make the 01st August (Emancipation Day) an official British Bank Holiday.

  9. Raise awareness of the dangers of the sea to save more lives

  10. mental health service needs to be a better service people with mental health

  11. Allow Boris Johnson To Run As A Wildcard Candidate in Leadership Contest

  12. Reduce cost of rent and transports

  13. Rebuild the outdoor pool in Maidenhead

  14. Stop all building works for top cliff farm Morley

  15. Fine people who walk dogs over a certain temp and dogs left in cars

  16. Block proposed 18m Three phone mast at junction of Hallowes Dr and Hazel Close

  17. xray before treatment. Make scoliosis a known disability.

  18. Nationalise our gas & electric supply industry

  19. Keep Boris Johnson as prime minister let the public decide

  20. Make all dog walking and pet sitting (all animals) in other's property regulated

  21. Make it compulsory for refuse workers to wear shorts in hot climatic weather.

  22. Stop Mark Drakeford introducing 20 mph limits in 30 mph zones.

  23. Replace and up grade the water main supply to the Isle of Sheppey in Kent

  24. I want Boris Johnson reinstated as Prime Minister. This country needs him x

  25. Pause CAZ, LEZ and ULEZ charges as the cost of living rises.

  26. Let the people decide whether Boris Johnson should stay on as our Prime Minister

  27. Remove Andrea Jenkins MP as eduction minister.

  28. Reinstate Boris Johnson as Leader of the Conservative Party & the PEOPLE’S PM

  29. Remove parking charges in Epping Forest

  30. Remove the CQC’s license as an independent regulator over Care Homes,

  31. Hold organisations accountable for ensuring toilet facilities are Stoma Friendly

  32. Adhere to security, stop information being leaked to any form of media outlets

  33. Lift the suspension of rescue dogs & request the resignation of George Eustice.

  34. Let the people decide if Boris Johnson remains as Prime Minister.

  35. Public to vote whether Boris Johnson stays or goes as PM

  36. Keep Boris as Prime Minister

  37. Make medical cannabis available on the NHS for qualifying private patients.

  38. Free childcare for working parents who have kids 2 years old

  39. Block Boris Johnson from honours, titles, peerage and prime minister's pension.

  40. Reduce fuel price

  41. Scrap the sugar levy on soft drinks, cut all anti obesity plans and reduce VAT.

  42. Create an offence of ‘causing serious injury by careless driving’.

  43. Remove the CQC’s license as an Independent Governing Body over Care Homes, etc.

  44. Stop companies charging extra for single travellers booking package holidays

  45. Provide free parking for all NHS staff on site

  46. Change how social services and CAMHS deal with child mental health

  47. Stop the Closure of the Castle Armoury (Drill Hall in Bury Lancashire

  48. Ban the Thin Blue Line emblem from police uniform

  49. Make all dog walking and sitting (all animals) in others properties regulated.

  50. Fund Breastfeeding Peer Support within Perinatal Mental Health Teams.

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