These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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Published petitions

10,950 petitions

  1. Give the hedgehog better legal protection in order to reverse its decline.

    50,399 signatures

  2. Public review into the decision to close the Children's Heart Unit Leicester

    48,796 signatures

  3. Give parents who work full time,free childcare

    48,775 signatures

  4. Scrap Fracking UK Wide & Invest in Green Energy

    47,972 signatures

  5. Stop the resale of concert tickets at inflated prices on secondary websites.

    46,663 signatures

  6. Don't ban Trump from the United Kingdom

    46,622 signatures

  7. To debate a vote of no confidence in DWP secretary Ian Duncan Smith

    46,161 signatures

  8. Make it illegal for MPs to own shares in a company with gov/nhs/police contracts

    45,994 signatures

  9. Pursue a free movement treaty between the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada

    45,800 signatures

  10. Extend Harvey's Mandate To All Council Roads ensuring all animals are scanned.

    45,624 signatures

  11. As soon as the UK exits the EU legislate to end the export of live farm animals.

    45,413 signatures

  12. Ensure the Education Secretary is a qualified teacher with many years experience

    44,665 signatures

  13. We require any BRexit deal preserves UK access to EU collaborative R&D programs.

    43,435 signatures

  14. Keep Universal Infant Free School Meals in schools in England

    43,261 signatures

  15. Pay £350m per week to NHS or re-run EU Referendum

    41,382 signatures

  16. Only British voters should be allowed to vote in the EU referendum

    40,518 signatures

  17. Allow parents over age of 65 to join British Citizens, as adult dependents.

    39,560 signatures

  18. Ban Palm Oil in products produced or sold in the UK

    39,290 signatures

  19. Give EU citizens living & working in the UK the right to vote in EU Referendum .

    39,088 signatures

  20. Reverse the decision to allowing fracking under our national parks.

    38,732 signatures

  21. Agree to a second referendum on Scottish Independence

    38,515 signatures

  22. To reconsider the proposed significant and unreasonable increase in probate fees

    38,425 signatures

  23. Abraxane MUST be put back on CDF list to improve survival of pancreatic cancer

    38,070 signatures

  24. Reconsider The National Funding Formula so that NO child at school will LOSE out

    37,928 signatures

  25. Assess full impact of all cuts to support & social care for disabled people

    37,685 signatures

  26. We call on the Government to commit to a new national stroke strategy

    37,282 signatures

  27. Scrap IR35 legislation reform proposals for public sector off-payroll workers.

    37,252 signatures

  28. Reform the system of obtaining Permanent Residence Certification/Card (PR)

    37,155 signatures

  29. Give legal protection to the professional title 'veterinary nurse'

    36,865 signatures

  30. Hold a referendum on TTIP before we give away our sovereignty

    36,776 signatures

  31. Ban schools from serving halal meat to children without parents' consent

    36,371 signatures

  32. Stop the government from slashing disabled benefits

    36,320 signatures

  33. Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants completely.

    36,199 signatures

  34. Prevent Obama From Speaking In Westminster Regarding The In/Out Referendum..

    35,492 signatures

  35. Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender

    35,352 signatures

  36. Make offering Gay Conversion Therapy a criminal offence in the UK

    35,046 signatures

  37. Make British Sign Language part of the National Curriculum.

    34,977 signatures

  38. Free Sergeant Alexander Blackman

    34,440 signatures

  39. Ban driven grouse shooting

    33,655 signatures

  40. We demand a Public Inquiry into the UK Government's culture of lying to voters

    33,556 signatures

  41. Exempt grants for academic research from new 'anti-lobbying' regulation

    33,414 signatures

  42. Stop all holiday companies and airlines putting prices up during school holidays

    33,044 signatures

  43. Repeal the 1972 European Communities Act immediately on EU Referendum OUT vote.

    32,943 signatures

  44. The NHS must never be privatised and remain a free, publicly funded UK service.

    32,404 signatures

  45. Let the general public participate when the government sells its Lloyds stake.

    31,846 signatures

  46. Compulsory teaching of Politics and International relations at GCSE level

    31,578 signatures

  47. Set up Independent Pump-Watch body to monitor and regulate vehicle fuel pricing

    31,522 signatures

  48. Stop a new Thames Crossing being built in Thurrock

    31,408 signatures

  49. Abolished fees for Naturalisation for Polish people working in UK over 5 years.

    31,357 signatures

  50. Remove the need to display a front number plate on a vehicle in the UK

    31,122 signatures

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