These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Abolish skills test where GCSE English and Maths are at C or above.
210 signatures, now closed
Parent and Child Parking Badge
210 signatures, now closed
Change the law for protection for Police Service Animals
209 signatures, now closed
Emancipation Day Bank Holiday.... First Monday in August
209 signatures, now closed
Introduce visas for refugees to come to the UK to claim asylum
209 signatures, now closed
Make flu jabs free for teachers
208 signatures, now closed
Use EU law to restrict immigration to people who support themselves or find work
208 signatures, now closed
Grant Tier 1 General Applicants ILR After 5 Years Continuous Legal Stay In UK
208 signatures, now closed
Fire Risk Assessments should be conducted by the Fire Service ONLY.
208 signatures, now closed
Have a general election before summer term 2018
208 signatures, now closed
Ban cigarette smoking in public areas.
208 signatures, now closed
Make cat calling, objectification and sexual harassment in the street illegal.
208 signatures, now closed
Stop UK complicity in the Coalition's war on Yemen
207 signatures, now closed
Parental rights to non-paternal fathers who raise a child before paternity test
207 signatures, now closed
Make battery farming of livestock illegal and only allow free range farming
207 signatures, now closed
The Government make immediate preparations and employ more border personnel
207 signatures, now closed
Require all fast food restaurants & coffee shops to use paper lids on drinks.
206 signatures, now closed
Make net zero carbon emissions by 2050 legally binding
206 signatures, now closed
Make Holocaust or genocide denial a criminal offence.
206 signatures, now closed
Allow the rules of intestacy to be challenged when evidence allows
206 signatures, now closed
Make it easier for women with infertility to get IVF on the NHS
206 signatures, now closed
Make gcse exams free for all children under 18, including home educated children
206 signatures, now closed
Urge Ofsted to rethink policy of asking Muslim children about wearing a Hijab
206 signatures, now closed
Full ban on the purchase of fireworks & displays.
205 signatures, now closed
Change the law to protect deceased from defamation.
205 signatures, now closed
Ban the sale of coyote fur
205 signatures, now closed
Inquiries into rape, abuse and systematic grooming of children be independent
205 signatures, now closed
Jacob’s Law: compulsory free internal organ scanning for 0-3 year olds
205 signatures, now closed
Make the DNA testing of dogs compulsory in order to compile a national database
205 signatures, now closed
Form a written UK constitution and a bill of rights.
204 signatures, now closed
Make it easier to prosecute domestic abusers when their victims won’t testify
204 signatures, now closed
Extend Paternity leave to 6 weeks
204 signatures, now closed
Treat knife crime as a health issue, to tackle the current epidemic in London.
204 signatures, now closed
Government must invest £17 million into Durham hospitals
203 signatures, now closed
Support the Prime Minister's Brexit Deal
203 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal to cut grass verges at night-time as it kills nocturnal wildlife
203 signatures, now closed
Change the law to recognise Domestic Abuse as a crime in its own right
203 signatures, now closed
Revoke journalist Lauren Southern's ban from the United Kingdom.
203 signatures, now closed
Make all NHS staff trained in BSL
202 signatures, now closed
Labelling of artificial sweetener should be the same as for other allergens
202 signatures, now closed
Make kicking people in the head result in a charge of attempted murder.
202 signatures, now closed
If Brexit negotiations indicate there will be no deal, hold a second referendum
202 signatures, now closed
Change the law for unmarried couples concerning benefits when a partner dies.
202 signatures, now closed
Stop forced adoption and make it illegal.
202 signatures, now closed
Remove or reduce VAT on all bikes sold in the UK
201 signatures, now closed
Full means testing for child maintenance
201 signatures, now closed
Provide funding for Amputee Football in the UK.
201 signatures, now closed
Abolish universal credit return to old system!
201 signatures, now closed
The new sex education curriculum should explain what constitutes sexual assault
201 signatures, now closed
All public buildings to have a room for breastfeeding mothers to express milk
200 signatures, now closed