These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Make it mandatory to have a licence to breed pets
156 signatures, now closed
Tougher sentences for criminals carrying out vehicle theft
156 signatures, now closed
Require all schools to have sprinklers fitted.
156 signatures, now closed
Make keeping primates as pets a criminal offence
156 signatures, now closed
Cancel plans to make banks check the immigration status of account holders
156 signatures, now closed
Raise the max speed limit on motorways to 110 mph.
156 signatures, now closed
Mandatory photos of animal being consumed or animal slaughter on meat products
155 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal to use parent-child spaces if you do not have a child with you
155 signatures, now closed
Urge the FCA to reconsider its proposed marketing restrictions for P2P lenders
155 signatures, now closed
Ban the Sultan of Brunei from the UK over plans to stone to death gay people
155 signatures, now closed
Bring in a 3 day cooling off period when buying an animal from a pet shop.
155 signatures, now closed
Make vaccinations a requirement before a child can be enrolled in a school
155 signatures, now closed
Support Kurdistan independence from Iraq
155 signatures, now closed
Change the Postal Voting rules to prevent voter fraud
155 signatures, now closed
Fund all schools to provide breakfast and after school clubs at school
154 signatures, now closed
Make All Disabled Toilets Air Freshener Free - Some Disabilities are Invisible
154 signatures, now closed
Ban all non-recyclable plastic within 5 years
154 signatures, now closed
Re-Instate Free Bus Pass/Travel for 60Year olds in England like the rest of uk!.
154 signatures, now closed
A mechanism to force an elected local Councillor to resign or be removed.
154 signatures, now closed
Enable ILR for Tier 2 Established Staff Visa holders
154 signatures, now closed
RAF should provide cover for Air cadet squadrons if CO is unfit for duty
154 signatures, now closed
Make all sex offenders serve the full sentence handed to them. No early release!
154 signatures, now closed
Set a maximum premium level for car insurance.
154 signatures, now closed
Review the Adoption Process
153 signatures, now closed
Give emotional support animals the same legal status as guide dogs
153 signatures, now closed
Windrush Day:June 22 celebrate our immigrant populations contribution to the UK
153 signatures, now closed
Automatic prison sentence if found guilty of possessing child abuse images
152 signatures, now closed
All UK supermarkets to be required to stock plastic-free alternatives
152 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal for online platforms to allow sales of CITES-protected species
152 signatures, now closed
Make new penalties for harassment by a neighbour that are more enforceable.
152 signatures, now closed
Make it compulsory for websites to state if product packaging is recyclable.
152 signatures, now closed
Have an extra bank holiday to commemorate VE Day in 2020
152 signatures, now closed
Give the English a referendum to decide on a song to be our national anthem.
152 signatures, now closed
Issue legal guidance that IVA completion certificates should be issued promptly
152 signatures, now closed
Take greater action to improve young people's mental health in the UK
151 signatures, now closed
Eliminate the effects of the use of single-use plastic in takeaway restaurants.
151 signatures, now closed
Develop an Isle Of Wight Airport for potential Commercial Airline use
151 signatures, now closed
Introduce a Tax on and revoke VAT exemption for beef products
151 signatures, now closed
Enable end stage dementia patients to die with dignity and free from suffering
150 signatures, now closed
Scrap VAT from sunscreen! Sun cream preparations are a necessity, not a luxury!
150 signatures, now closed
PM to honour promise: BREXIT negotiated by Sen. Sec. of State who voted leave
150 signatures, now closed
Reform Council Tax into a fairer system based on wealth not valuations from 1991
150 signatures, now closed
Discuss the mental health issues in Calderdale after increase in suicides
150 signatures, now closed
Require internet providers to deny services to anyone convicted of sex offenses
150 signatures, now closed
Make businesses label the environmental footprint of their products
149 signatures, now closed
Make private holiday companies who also provide care, be registered with the CQC
149 signatures, now closed
Mandatory FRAME NUMBER field to be used when selling bicycles on web sites.
149 signatures, now closed
Urge food manufacturers to reduce the amount of added sugar in yoghurt & cereal
149 signatures, now closed
Stop sending our Foreign aid money to countries with no animal rights
149 signatures, now closed
Change the burden of proof threshold in Police 'Gross Misconduct' hearings.
149 signatures, now closed