These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Return Chagos Archipelago back to Mauritius as ruled by ICJ and UN.
108 signatures, now closed
Be commited to holding a second referendum on Scottish independence after Brexit
108 signatures, now closed
Let us take our childcare entitlement from 1yr. Help us keep our jobs open.
108 signatures, now closed
To include adult grooming in the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
108 signatures, now closed
Ban the sale of eggs from caged chickens
108 signatures, now closed
Change the law on gazumping
108 signatures, now closed
UK Government make it compulsory for manufacturers of salt in UK to add iodine.
108 signatures, now closed
Allow recovery agents to have a different colour beacons while working
108 signatures, now closed
Legalisation of personal use cannabis and cultivation of upto 1 plant per person
107 signatures, now closed
PIP (financial help) for all cancer patients throughout treatment
107 signatures, now closed
Give British Commonwealth military automatic right to citizenship and residency
107 signatures, now closed
Cease reassessing people with birth abnormalities/long term incurable illnesses
107 signatures, now closed
Ban the production of beef in England
107 signatures, now closed
Legislate to make all sewage treatment plants into biomass digesters.
107 signatures, now closed
Add Ukrainians passports as eligible one for Registered Traveller membership
107 signatures, now closed
Give an income tax break for carers and nurses to promote work in healthcare
107 signatures, now closed
Get schools to teach life skills and how to handle emotions
107 signatures, now closed
UK must ratify the optional protocol to the UN Rights of the Child Convention.
107 signatures, now closed
Ensure M55 has sufficient lighting to reduce accidents
107 signatures, now closed
Impose legal regulations on the use of digitally altered images in the media.
107 signatures, now closed
Legislate to ensure effective sanctions for contempt of Parliament
106 signatures, now closed
Revoke the effective ban on Onshore Wind Turbines
106 signatures, now closed
All U.K nightclub doorways to have knife and gun detection arches by law.
106 signatures, now closed
Make all school uniform VAT free regardless of size.
106 signatures, now closed
Introduce LGBTQ+ topics such as LGBT history to the secondary curriculum.
106 signatures, now closed
Allow all the proceeds of ‘right to buy’ sales to be kept by the local authority
106 signatures, now closed
Ban unsafe sleep products such as bumpers, sleep positioners and pillows
106 signatures, now closed
Free dental care for UK University Students whilst in full-time education
106 signatures, now closed
Make 5th March a national holiday in celebration of Mark E Smith (born 05/03/57)
106 signatures, now closed
Save British Steel by nationalising it.
105 signatures, now closed
Increase sentences and enforcement for vandalism within children’s play areas.
105 signatures, now closed
Funding for Harness Racing in the United Kingdom
105 signatures, now closed
Britain should leave the Commonwealth
105 signatures, now closed
Make anti tattoo Discrimination illegal in all areas of work and in public.
105 signatures, now closed
Make ‘Settled Application’ free for EU citizens
105 signatures, now closed
Allow parents access to their child’s records for all schools
105 signatures, now closed
Instant disqualification for drivers under the influence of drink or drugs.
105 signatures, now closed
Introduce prostrate screening for men from 55 years of age.
105 signatures, now closed
Fund a 24-hour suicide text line
105 signatures, now closed
Demand a pay cut of £13,612 of all MLAs in Northern Ireland
105 signatures, now closed
Legislate so that for each creation of life peers, males do not exceed females
105 signatures, now closed
Referendum on whether to scrap the TV license
105 signatures, now closed
Making it law to label foods containing group 1 carcinogens with warnings.
105 signatures, now closed
Make voting compulsory from the age of 18
105 signatures, now closed
Permit marriage outdoors without the requirement of a permanent structure
105 signatures, now closed
A 2nd Brexit referendum should allow 17 year olds on electoral registers to vote
104 signatures, now closed
To require pharmacies to have Epipens (and other AAIs) in store at all times.
104 signatures, now closed
Stop the distressing SATs for year 6 pupils to protect mental health of students
104 signatures, now closed
REDUCE nurses NMC fee registration of £120 a year.
104 signatures, now closed
Make Thameslink service from Maidstone-East to Cambridge a reality by Dec 2019
104 signatures, now closed