These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Subside Gluten Free food for those with diagnosed conditions that require it
96 signatures, now closed
Make importing the body parts of endangered species into the UK illegal
96 signatures, now closed
Enact an Environmental Law
96 signatures, now closed
Set Time Limits for HMRC Tax Enquiries
96 signatures, now closed
Raise bed sore awareness in all A&E Departments to patients, relatives & staff
96 signatures, now closed
Restrict the number of hounds used for trail hunting to two.
96 signatures, now closed
Ban Helium in party balloons.
96 signatures, now closed
Supermarkets to be legally obliged to sell high sugar cereals separately.
96 signatures, now closed
Failure to pay a County Court Judgement results in a criminal offence.
96 signatures, now closed
Fund a student railway discount card to lower costs
96 signatures, now closed
Return power over admissions to academy schools to local authorities
96 signatures, now closed
Increase paternity leave so it is 3 months off on full pay.
96 signatures, now closed
Give free IVF and egg harvesting to endometriosis sufferers
96 signatures, now closed
Ban Unpaid Internships
96 signatures, now closed
Don't close Parliamentary Petition system in the months surrounding an election
96 signatures, now closed
Ban using CCTV & Automatic number plate recognition to enforce car parking rules
95 signatures, now closed
Have health warnings made compulsory on processed meat packages.
95 signatures, now closed
Reduce the National speed limit to 65 MPH on motorways and dual carriageways
95 signatures, now closed
Prevent government from including gagging clauses in contracts with charities.
95 signatures, now closed
Make it compulsory for every child to be taught first aid in secondary school
95 signatures, now closed
Legislate to ensure packaging materials of all items are clearly identified.
95 signatures, now closed
The British people should have a referendum on abolishing the Monarchy.
95 signatures, now closed
The UK government should allow Steve Bannon to enter the UK
95 signatures, now closed
Strengthen our ties with the Commonwealth after Brexit
95 signatures, now closed
Make sanitary products free for all women
95 signatures, now closed
Celebrate Brexit! Fly the Union Flag on every Government Building on March 29
95 signatures, now closed
Tourist visa free access UK for citizens of the republic of Albania.
95 signatures, now closed
Grant British citizenship after 8 years of marriage to a British Citizen
95 signatures, now closed
Each child receiving high rate DLA should have a ECHP when they turn 3
95 signatures, now closed
Animal abuse charges to be the same as human abuse charges
95 signatures, now closed
That the government immediately and without strings give the NHS £10 Billion.
95 signatures, now closed
Ban import and export of wild animals and their skins/fur
95 signatures, now closed
To change the law, to regulate maintenance charges for leasehold properties.
95 signatures, now closed
Enforce a maximum limit on vehicle insurance prices for young people.
95 signatures, now closed
Reduce the time cancer patients have to wait to get their driving license back
94 signatures, now closed
Stop the project to build the Stonehenge tunnel.
94 signatures, now closed
Make it law that all UK companies must provide recycling bins in work place
94 signatures, now closed
Increase funding to the South Tees Hospitals Foundation Trust
94 signatures, now closed
Reduce child support/child maintenance service rates
94 signatures, now closed
A general election to be called and a no deal to be put in place immediatly
94 signatures, now closed
NHS screening for Lung cancer for people aged 55 and over.
94 signatures, now closed
Make the date of leaving the eu our uk independance day
94 signatures, now closed
Make it a legal requirement for all airlines to provide water free of charge.
94 signatures, now closed
Give English constituencies a referendum on creating an English Parliament
94 signatures, now closed
Take the UK out of the EU's Customs Union in 2021 as promised.
94 signatures, now closed
Ban disposable coffee cups as people are unaware of their impact on environment.
94 signatures, now closed
Don't ban single use plastic straws for disabled people.
94 signatures, now closed
Award World War 2 Veterans a medal
94 signatures, now closed
Hold a General Election if there is no deal on Brexit by September 2018
94 signatures, now closed
Change the universal credit system to stop people suffering
94 signatures, now closed