These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Add teaching of CPR and basic lifesaving skills to the teaching syllabus
60 signatures, now closed
Fund more services to Walsall by looking at reopening old lines and stations.
60 signatures, now closed
Issue legal guidance to councils on the eligibility for a disabled travel pass
60 signatures, now closed
Change the Family Law to protect non-resident parents and make contact easy.
60 signatures, now closed
Guard those with health problems from malicious messages (epilepsy/ strobe GIFs)
60 signatures, now closed
NHS to provide badges for chronically/long term ill people for public transport
60 signatures, now closed
Debate scrapping the television licence fee and discuss other funding options.
60 signatures, now closed
Make it a criminal offence for 2 people to travel on a Moped.
60 signatures, now closed
Cap Insurance Prices For People Under 25.
60 signatures, now closed
Abolish stamp duty for first time buyers
60 signatures, now closed
Make any overtime worked over standard contracted hours Tax free
60 signatures, now closed
Ban all building on land where developers illegally cut trees or habitat down
59 signatures, now closed
Make it a criminal offence for MPs to deliberately mislead the general public.
59 signatures, now closed
Ban Discretionary Service Charges being automatically applied to bills.
59 signatures, now closed
Build 4 million affordable homes to deal with the housing crisis in Britain.
59 signatures, now closed
Extend the CAMHS upper age limit to 21
59 signatures, now closed
Legislate that weight-loss adverts are only permitted post-watershed.
59 signatures, now closed
Abolish faith schools
59 signatures, now closed
Introduce hypothecated tax to support NHS by regulated distribution of cannabis.
59 signatures, now closed
Give Adults with Autism and other Mental Disabilities More Employment Support
59 signatures, now closed
Legislate that ISIS membership carries a minimum 30 year prison sentence.
59 signatures, now closed
Raise awareness of the problems climate change poses
59 signatures, now closed
Ask Esther McVey to make a further statement to Parliament
59 signatures, now closed
Stronger sentences for abandoning dogs and cats in public places
59 signatures, now closed
Strip Southeastern Railway of its ill managed franchise.
59 signatures, now closed
Ban the use of single use plastic inside of cereal boxes
59 signatures, now closed
Reject the Brexit Deal agreed by Theresa May and reopen negotiations immediately
59 signatures, now closed
Ban Gambling Adverts Pre-Watershed
59 signatures, now closed
Schools to teach anti crime and anti gang culture within schools.
59 signatures, now closed
Veterinary surgeons from outside the UK sit the statutory MRCVS examinations.
59 signatures, now closed
Permit all public universities to test cannabis for medical use
59 signatures, now closed
Force manufacturers to use recyclable packaging instead of taxing consumers
59 signatures, now closed
Add the topic of eating disorders to the national PSHE curriculum
59 signatures, now closed
Make it statutory requirement for schools to consult parents about GCSE re-marks
59 signatures, now closed
Make illegal all cold calling telemarketing calls to UK phone numbers
59 signatures, now closed
People Aid - govt pays your share of overseas aid to the charity you choose
59 signatures, now closed
Make it a legal requirement for hotels to have recycling facilities for guests.
58 signatures, now closed
The UK shouldn't seek US trade deals while the US is outside the Paris Agreement
58 signatures, now closed
Abolish the Electoral Commission!
58 signatures, now closed
Make Pads and Tampons Free
58 signatures, now closed
Email everyone who has signed a petition to register to vote in elections
58 signatures, now closed
Help eliminate discrimination against LGBT within the Commonwealth of Nations
58 signatures, now closed
Increase the 5p charge for plastic bags to 10p across the UK
58 signatures, now closed
Ban export of dogs to be used in the meat trade
58 signatures, now closed
Start a global "war on child trafficking"
58 signatures, now closed
Ban all single use plastic and cutlery as soon as possible
58 signatures, now closed
Legalise “tactical contact” to end motorbike crimes, without prosecution.
58 signatures, now closed
Remove 'Mrs' and 'Miss' on all government docs & forms and use only 'Ms' instead
58 signatures, now closed
Change the law regarding organ donation so no consent required from next of kin
58 signatures, now closed
Require all supermarkets to have an Eco packaging/Local produce/Vegan section
58 signatures, now closed