These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

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28,102 petitions

  1. Stop The Genocide In Myanmar - UK Government Please Help!

    1,451 signatures, now closed

  2. Make Work Related Stress absence over 7 days reportable under RIDDOR 2013

    1,446 signatures, now closed

  3. PSA Blood Test for all men over 50

    1,431 signatures, now closed

  4. Change how Universal Credit is calculated for those receiving student income

    1,427 signatures, now closed

  5. Make it compulsory for cat owners to spay/Neuter their cats.

    1,427 signatures, now closed

  6. Secure the free movement of UK citizens currently resident in EU member states

    1,427 signatures, now closed

  7. Provide better funding for Bile Acid Diarrhoea and improve medication shortages

    1,425 signatures, now closed

  8. Rename the Prince of Wales Bridge the Llywelyn Bridge

    1,420 signatures, now closed

  9. Make British Sign Language part of the national curriculum.

    1,418 signatures, now closed

  10. Maintain current seismic thresholds for fracking activities.

    1,415 signatures, now closed

  11. Fund a national memorial for veterans who die as a result of their service.

    1,414 signatures, now closed

  12. Lower the voting age to 16!

    1,411 signatures, now closed

  13. Stop the rebuilding of the Edmonton incinerator

    1,405 signatures, now closed

  14. Allow the summer 2019 gcse literature exam paper to be open book. (For quotes)

    1,401 signatures, now closed

  15. Amend the Wildlife Act so companies have to protect wildlife

    1,400 signatures, now closed

  16. U.K. government to introduce National ID Cards to all legal citizens

    1,398 signatures, now closed

  17. To make the Drug MDPV Monkey Dust Class A, users need support also

    1,394 signatures, now closed

  18. Urge the FCA to cap repayments on rent-to-own and doorstep lending

    1,393 signatures, now closed

  19. Suspend foreign aid until the national debt has been payed off.

    1,388 signatures, now closed

  20. Make medical insurance for all NHS services compulsory for foreign nationals

    1,388 signatures, now closed

  21. Allow Parliamentary Petition Authors to speak in the Parliamentary Debates

    1,385 signatures, now closed

  22. Require supermarkets and restaurants to donate food waste instead.

    1,383 signatures, now closed

  23. Allow use of Medicinal Cannabis for Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME on the NHS

    1,382 signatures, now closed

  24. Give EU citizens living in UK voting rights for referenda and general elections

    1,379 signatures, now closed

  25. Force lobby groups to reveal who funds them.

    1,378 signatures, now closed

  26. Provide short term emergency parking stickers for IBD sufferers.

    1,378 signatures, now closed

  27. Mandate that patients are told if their NHS referral is to a private provider.

    1,374 signatures, now closed

  28. Revoke the right of convicted sex offenders to change their name by deed poll

    1,372 signatures, now closed

  29. We call on the government to fund a new NHS A&E Hospital for West Herts NOW.

    1,372 signatures, now closed

  30. Illegal dog fighting - raise the period of imprisonment.

    1,372 signatures, now closed

  31. Standardise speed limits for vehicles up to 3500kg

    1,371 signatures, now closed

  32. Reduce student loan interest to an affordable 1% over base rate.

    1,367 signatures, now closed

  33. Require all manufacturers to identify plastics used, to aid with recycling.

    1,365 signatures, now closed

  34. Public Inquiry into poor management of The Torpoint Ferry and Tamar Bridge

    1,364 signatures, now closed

  35. Legalise medical cannabis for difficult to treat epilepsies in children.

    1,362 signatures, now closed

  36. Ban Aspartame and its associated sweeteners from all food and drinks in the UK

    1,361 signatures, now closed

  37. Provide free glasses on the NHS, for children with Irlens Syndrome.

    1,360 signatures, now closed

  38. Give free fruit to Early Years Settings the same as schools

    1,359 signatures, now closed

  39. Universal Credit: split payments between adults in each household

    1,358 signatures, now closed

  40. Broaden gambling's legal definition to close the predatory loot box loophole

    1,355 signatures, now closed

  41. Do not lower UK food standards just to ease trade deals post Brexit

    1,355 signatures, now closed

  42. Pass a law guaranteeing free speech except for incitement to violence

    1,353 signatures, now closed

  43. Reform the payment of pension tax relief to ensure that no low earners miss out

    1,350 signatures, now closed

  44. Reject HS2 Phase 2a proposed scheme to save Blithbury Reindeer Lodge

    1,350 signatures, now closed

  45. Make publishing or hosting “sex tapes” without consent a criminal offence

    1,341 signatures, now closed

  46. Implement an Animal Bill of Rights. A law that protects all species of animals.

    1,336 signatures, now closed

  47. Make it law that dog wardens must check lost Pet chips and inform owners at once

    1,335 signatures, now closed

  48. Teach benefits of plant-based diets as part of the national curriculum

    1,330 signatures, now closed

  49. Uplift pensioners £10 Xmas Bonus (as it was in 1972) to £25 & link to inflation

    1,328 signatures, now closed

  50. Stop squandering taxpayers' money on a 'No Deal Brexit': rule it out

    1,321 signatures, now closed

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