These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Reinstate ICT at GCSE
1,104 signatures, now closed
End the United Kingdom's trading of weapons to Saudi Arabia
1,102 signatures, now closed
Make independent inventory reporting of privately rented properties compulsory
1,100 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal to park non-electric cars in an electric charging bay
1,099 signatures, now closed
Halt immediately UK arms sales to Turkey until they withdraw from Afrin Syria.
1,095 signatures, now closed
The Prime Minister should advise Her Majesty the Queen to prorogue Parliament.
1,094 signatures, now closed
Commission a statue of Enoch Powell to be placed outside Parliament
1,091 signatures, now closed
Allow Students Who Are Estranged From Family To Claim Housing Benefit In Summer
1,091 signatures, now closed
Please do not increase the IHS paid by migrants coming to the UK to £400
1,090 signatures, now closed
Provide extra funding for children with type 1 diabetes in primary schools.
1,087 signatures, now closed
Grant British Citizenship to all Hong Kongers.
1,086 signatures, now closed
Introduce Romanian at GCSE
1,086 signatures, now closed
Introduce an unconditional, Universal Basic Income
1,084 signatures, now closed
Overturn a Home Office decision regarding a Kidney Donor who was refused a visa
1,083 signatures, now closed
The government must ring-fence mental health budgets.
1,082 signatures, now closed
An independent study to find if driven grouse shooting is of economic benefit.
1,082 signatures, now closed
Scrap PIP & ESA assessments for anyone receiving palliative care
1,081 signatures, now closed
Add Religious Studies onto the English Baccalaureate
1,075 signatures, now closed
Stop Postal Votes except for the elderly and disabled
1,075 signatures, now closed
Home Office to confirm right to work on applications by way of acknowledgement
1,074 signatures, now closed
Give kinship carers and other close family the same right as foster carers.
1,074 signatures, now closed
Take back control of MP salaries, reduce MP pay to UK average salary (£27k pa)
1,073 signatures, now closed
Close the loophole that allows second home owners to evade council tax and rates
1,070 signatures, now closed
Keep housing numbers under control in already heavily developed areas
1,066 signatures, now closed
Introduce terms of service for MPs
1,065 signatures, now closed
Raise awareness of endometriosis among young women and doctors
1,064 signatures, now closed
FA2017 Part 2 Clause 29(2) to include calorific maltodextrin
1,064 signatures, now closed
Build all M53 bridges with anti climb fencing
1,063 signatures, now closed
The UK should withdraw from the UN Global Compact for Migration
1,062 signatures, now closed
Stop UK coastal crude oil pollution threat; ban Colter offshore oil rig.
1,061 signatures, now closed
Ban Wild Animal Trophy’s entry into the UK
1,060 signatures, now closed
The UK Needs More Lifesavers, fund CPR training in schools
1,059 signatures, now closed
Create an independent enquiry to determine if foreign powers influenced Brexit.
1,053 signatures, now closed
16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote in any future Brexit referendum
1,050 signatures, now closed
Continue to fund the ICS (international citizen service) programme.
1,050 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal to advertise domestic pets free to good home on social media
1,049 signatures, now closed
Amend PIP rules so that mentally disabled adults can get a Blue Parking Badge.
1,049 signatures, now closed
Mandatory for all hospital theatres to evacuate diathermy tissue smoke plume.
1,045 signatures, now closed
Universal Credit applicants to receive adequate payments throughout assessment.
1,044 signatures, now closed
Stop the closure of Welbeck Defence sixth form college
1,043 signatures, now closed
Decriminalise, legalise and regulate cannabis for medicinal and recreational use
1,043 signatures, now closed
Make it illegal for ticket resales to be more than 10% of Face Value
1,042 signatures, now closed
Require political parties to have robust procedures for tackling discrimination
1,041 signatures, now closed
adrenaline pens to be available in public and food places. social awareness
1,041 signatures, now closed
2 years minimum sentence for those convicted of assault on prison staff.
1,038 signatures, now closed
To instigate signage and digital displays directing to the nearest defibrillator
1,038 signatures, now closed
Pay all employed Carers the Living Wage
1,037 signatures, now closed
Make it compulsory for domesticated cats and dogs to be spayed/neutered.
1,036 signatures, now closed
Extend Article 50, delay Brexit and hold a new referendum or a General Election.
1,033 signatures, now closed
Bring down net immigration to less than 10 000 people per year
1,032 signatures, now closed