These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
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Published petitions
32,873 petitions
Giving Deaf children a fair chance
414 signatures
Recognition for Royal Irish Regiment supreme sacrifice soldiers
413 signatures
Stop inmates suing the prison service
413 signatures
Changes to the Skills Tests for Student-Teachers in 2012
413 signatures
To end discrimination against women in the peerage
413 signatures
CF Unit @ UHNS
412 signatures
make legal aid available to claimants appealing an ATOS assessments
412 signatures
1921 Census
412 signatures
Marijuana Legalisation
411 signatures
Overturn Gibraltars Exclusion from EU Single Skies
411 signatures
Ban the use of prong collars
411 signatures
We Want To Withdraw From The EU
411 signatures
Support the right to opt out of x-ray whole body scanners within the UK
411 signatures
Stop Benefits Paid To Polygamous Muslims
411 signatures
EU referendum same time as the European elections
410 signatures
410 signatures
Re-nationalise Public Utilities
410 signatures
Removal of automatic consent for DVLA to sell Data to private companies
410 signatures
Ban the use of Piercing guns in the UK
409 signatures
Increase sentence for death by dangerous driving
409 signatures
UK Government should urge the Israeli Government to release Marwan Barghouthi
409 signatures
Turn all of our street lights back on
409 signatures
Mandatory Subtitles for all content aired on TV, and Internet streaming functions
409 signatures
Benefits for first child only
408 signatures
Increase GP awareness and training of Balance Disorders
408 signatures
Melbourne Fire Station Derbyshire
408 signatures
Review Levothyroxine generics
407 signatures
Broad Agreement
407 signatures
First responders to use warning sirens and flashing lights
407 signatures
Relax airport security for aircraft crew
407 signatures
Stop chair of Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) supporting the badger cull
406 signatures
Employers to pay for Nurses and Midwives registration fees
406 signatures
christians iraq asylum
406 signatures
An Apology for the Amritsar Massacre
405 signatures
Bring Amber Alert To The UK
405 signatures
Rabbit Cage Size
405 signatures
Reform the Financial Conduct Authority
405 signatures
Fight the DDA Amendments
405 signatures
North Horsham Development
405 signatures
Discuss disused 'ghost' station project
404 signatures
A recognition for wounded servicemen and women (the Poppy Petal).
403 signatures
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill (HC Bill 126). Opposition of this bill.
403 signatures
Mental Health First Aid
403 signatures
Increse punishment for people who harm babys
403 signatures
The United Kingdom to Recognise Somaliland as an Independent Sovereign State
403 signatures
Land Value Tax shift
402 signatures
402 signatures
Do Not Restore Capital Punishment
402 signatures
The DWP to show common sense over terminal and degenerative illnesses
402 signatures
Objection to Teignbridge core strategy KS2 KS7 and NA5
401 signatures