These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Increase funding for schools in rural areas
104 signatures, now closed
To Make it Mandatory for cinemas to show at least 4 films a week subtitled.
104 signatures, now closed
Amnesty for T4 students who overstayed because of colleges closed by UK in 2014.
104 signatures, now closed
To increase funding to Citizens Advice
104 signatures, now closed
Make asking for sex or sexual acts for rent a criminal offence
104 signatures, now closed
Convert the EU Charter of Rights into UK law
104 signatures, now closed
End fines for parents who take their children on short holiday during term time.
104 signatures, now closed
Allow doctors to decide entitlement to pip/dla/carers allowance
103 signatures, now closed
Start legal proceedings against the VW group in the UK.
103 signatures, now closed
Introduce a minimum required level of qualification for music teachers.
103 signatures, now closed
Leave E.U. without a Deal and divide £39 billion between UK citizens
103 signatures, now closed
Introduce traffic light system on products to rate/reward environmental impact
103 signatures, now closed
Make it an offence to share film footage of assault with intent to humiliate.
103 signatures, now closed
Require cases of controlling & coercive behaviour to be heard by trained judges
103 signatures, now closed
Give local authorities a legal duty of care towards those waiting for housing
103 signatures, now closed
Ban the removal of non farmed fresh water course fish for use as food.
103 signatures, now closed
Change the crime of killing by drink driving to manslaughter.
103 signatures, now closed
Revise to Abortion Act to allow women to take medical abortion pills at home.
103 signatures, now closed
Make cyber bullying a criminal offence
103 signatures, now closed
Law to reward public if they get proof of a driver illegally using mobile phone.
103 signatures, now closed
Repeal the hunting act of 2004
102 signatures, now closed
Provide thinner lenses on NHS for high prescription children.
102 signatures, now closed
Ensure all EEA protected species are still protected post - BREXIT
102 signatures, now closed
All schools, by law, should have a Puffin Crossing outside the school gates.
102 signatures, now closed
Require that cities allow camping on public property and provide 24 hour toilets
102 signatures, now closed
Only allow public use of Fireworks on select dates
102 signatures, now closed
Improve the transition from mental health child service to adult
102 signatures, now closed
Make March 29th a public holiday from March 29th 2019
102 signatures, now closed
Raise the minimum wage for under 25's so it is equal and fair for all
102 signatures, now closed
Add and teach the impacts of climate change to primary schools curriculum.
102 signatures, now closed
Use Belfast for the maintenance of the UK carrier fleet.
102 signatures, now closed
Ban vaping in public places
102 signatures, now closed
Stop NHS sharing data with 3rd-party advertisers, analytics and social media
102 signatures, now closed
Introduce a license for dogs and cats to combat the stray animal/ shelter crisis
102 signatures, now closed
First Aid education should be mandatory in all schools.
102 signatures, now closed
Hold a second EU membership referendum, including votes at 16
102 signatures, now closed
UK government to recognise East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.
102 signatures, now closed
Make feminine hygiene products free for women.
102 signatures, now closed
Ban all plastic shopping bags and instead only sell reusable shopping bags.
102 signatures, now closed
Require schools to teach year five and above about LGBT and how it’s positive.
102 signatures, now closed
Implement a colour coded recycling system in the U.K., similar to Eskilstuna
101 signatures, now closed
Introduce mandatory National Service in the UK
101 signatures, now closed
Ban Ear Piercing under the age of 5 in The UK
101 signatures, now closed
Change UK law to legally recognise climate refugees
101 signatures, now closed
Ban plastic toothbrushes
101 signatures, now closed
Reject any proposals to merge Christchurch with Bournemouth and Poole council
101 signatures, now closed
government consultation and green paper on the implications of palm oil uses
100 signatures, now closed
Make maternity pay full pay for 1 year.
100 signatures, now closed
Increase the budget for Sussex Police to effectively protect the public
100 signatures, now closed
Birthright Citizenship. Grant automatic UK citizenship to everyone born here.
100 signatures, now closed