These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Tax unclaimed PPI money to help fund the NHS, education and fight homelessness.
71 signatures, now closed
Ban advertising of products which are irresponsible on the climate such as SUVs.
71 signatures, now closed
Stop avoidable deaths: additional regulation of Diamorphine and other opiates
71 signatures, now closed
Stop government from using green energy finance to support fracking in Argentina
71 signatures, now closed
Abolish IPSA and end MPs getting paid
71 signatures, now closed
Stop fines for parents who take primary school children on holiday in term time
71 signatures, now closed
Act now for children with Type 1 diabetes
71 signatures, now closed
Support unmarried couples when a partner/civil partner dies in the relationship
71 signatures, now closed
Reason 4 Change seeks to have ‘never spent convictions’ rule changed.
71 signatures, now closed
Everyone must wear a helmet whilst riding their push bike or scooter by law
71 signatures, now closed
End any form of Monarchy in the UK and end all payments to the Royal Family.
71 signatures, now closed
Main parents household income to be calculated and used for child maintenance
71 signatures, now closed
Stop extradition to the UAE
71 signatures, now closed
All schools to offer optional sessions so children can learn about growing food
71 signatures, now closed
Review personal independence payment screening for Chronic “invisible” illness
71 signatures, now closed
Lower the rate of duty on alcoholic beverages in pubs (and restaurants?)
71 signatures, now closed
Automatically give custodial sentences to those who steal from vulnerable people
71 signatures, now closed
Christmas items must not be advertised, stocked or displayed before December
71 signatures, now closed
Make it impossible to claim benefits totalling more than the minimum wage
71 signatures, now closed
fitting of dash cams in vehicles to be mandatory
71 signatures, now closed
Provide blood glucose meters for all type 2 diabetics on the NHS
71 signatures, now closed
Ban supermarkets from using single-use plastics with their products
70 signatures, now closed
Ban red meats from school dinners to reduce the UK's Carbon Footprint.
70 signatures, now closed
Regulate care work and require carers to register to practice
70 signatures, now closed
Enable families to contest agreements made by dementia sufferers pre-diagnosis
70 signatures, now closed
Review the educational system for special educational needs (SEN) students.
70 signatures, now closed
Children to wear helmets when using a scooter
70 signatures, now closed
To allow funeral processions to use all Bus Lanes.
70 signatures, now closed
Voice opposition to the amendments of the Hong Kong Fugitive Offenders Ordinance
70 signatures, now closed
Ban political advertising on social media sites
70 signatures, now closed
Change the balance of exams and coursework to improve students’ mental health
70 signatures, now closed
Make it an offence to own a cat over the age of 6 months that isn't microchipped
70 signatures, now closed
Call an election on the condition that another will still be called in 2022
70 signatures, now closed
Improve access to healthcare for homeless people
70 signatures, now closed
Full-scale independent inquiry into mismanagement of all UK rail transport.
70 signatures, now closed
Give PCV Cat D drivers Cat C (HGV) entitlement
70 signatures, now closed
Recognise crustaceans as animals in UK welfare legislation
70 signatures, now closed
Stop all animal testing in the UK
70 signatures, now closed
Reverse the government plans to remove women's refuges from the welfare system.
70 signatures, now closed
Raise at the UN Security Council the police violence against the Catalan people
70 signatures, now closed
Free school meals for everyone including secondary school students.
70 signatures, now closed
Debate the competence of the Prime Minister
70 signatures, now closed
Allow high courts dispensing powers for informal Wills, Wills are intentions!
69 signatures, now closed
Increase regulation of the use of facial recognition technology by police
69 signatures, now closed
Lower the pension age back to 65
69 signatures, now closed
Sanction Jair Bolsonsaro’s Brazil if they reverse laws protecting the Amazon.
69 signatures, now closed
Brexit - Follow a Canada Plus Deal with the EU
69 signatures, now closed
DVLA to add the catalytic converter serial numbers on the V5 log books
69 signatures, now closed
Review legal aid for non-UK taxpayers, terrorists, and suspected terrorists
69 signatures, now closed
Give the public the choice for Brexit - No Deal, May’s Deal, or Remain
69 signatures, now closed