Petitions – UK Government and Parliament

We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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During the last parliament


If a petition gets 10,000 signatures, the government will respond

  1. Hold a Public Inquiry into state pension age changes for women

    The government responded on 24 May 2024

    State Pension age changes have been considered by the Ombudsman, Parliament and the Courts. There is therefore no need for a Public Inquiry, and it would not be good use of public money.

    Read the response to ‘Hold a Public Inquiry into state pension age changes for women’ in full

  2. Raise Motorway Speed Limits to 100mph and Dual Carriageways to 80mph

    The government responded on 22 May 2024

    The Government has undertaken no recent assessment on increasing national speed limits and we have no current plans to undertake such an assessment on the basis of traffic flow or other factors.

    Read the response to ‘Raise Motorway Speed Limits to 100mph and Dual Carriageways to 80mph’ in full

  3. Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh massacres

    The government responded on 22 May 2024

    HMG is aware of how Sikhs, and many other Britons, feel about the tragic events in 1984. While an undoubtedly appalling series of events, HMG currently has no plans to formally commemorate them.

    Read the response to ‘Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh massacres’ in full

See all petitions with a government response (1,006)

See all petitions waiting for a government response (15)


If a petition gets 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament

  1. Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

    This topic was debated on 20 May 2024

    Watch the petition 'Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods' being debated

    Watch the debate for the ‘Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ petition on

    Read the transcript for the ‘Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ petition at

    Read the research for the ‘Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ petition at

    Read what the public said for the ‘Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ petition at

    Read a summary of the debate for the ‘Exempt Blue Badge drivers from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ petition at

  2. Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

    This topic was debated on 20 May 2024

    Watch the debate for the ‘Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)’ petition on

    Read the transcript for the ‘Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)’ petition at

    Read the research for the ‘Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)’ petition at

    Read what the public said for the ‘Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)’ petition at

    Read a summary of the debate for the ‘Carry out an independent review into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)’ petition at

  3. Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war

    This topic was debated on 13 May 2024

    Watch the debate for the ‘Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war’ petition on

    Read the transcript for the ‘Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war’ petition at

    Read the research for the ‘Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war’ petition at

See all petitions debated in parliament (202)

See all petitions waiting for a debate (6)

See all petitions not debated in parliament (20)