These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Update the current legislation: "The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989"
83 signatures, now closed
Allow paganism to be taught in schools as part of the RE curriculum
83 signatures, now closed
Amend child maintenance rules to ensure benefits to the child
83 signatures, now closed
Stop the cuts to mental health services in Gateshead and Newcastle.
83 signatures, now closed
Ban prostitute review sites
83 signatures, now closed
Make age restricted goods / events require ID regardless of age / appearance
82 signatures, now closed
Provide cold water and fans all prisoners
82 signatures, now closed
Require restaurant food to be labelled with carbohydrate content for diabetics
82 signatures, now closed
Change the way parliament works so that MPs' role is not a career.
82 signatures, now closed
Intestacy Law (England & Wales) to change to match Intestacy Law in Scotland.
82 signatures, now closed
Introduce Tougher Trade Restrictions on Knives in Stores
82 signatures, now closed
No U.K. membership of customs union and single market in any Brexit deal with EU
82 signatures, now closed
Ban all parking on pavements and fine anyone who is caught
82 signatures, now closed
Investigate Northerns poor running of Northern Rail and revoke their franchise.
82 signatures, now closed
Make it the law for all schools to display their Anti Bullying Policy!
82 signatures, now closed
Set up a National Register for carers and Health Care Assistants
82 signatures, now closed
Take all income into account when calculating for Child Maintenance payments
82 signatures, now closed
Ban fruit and veg being wrapped/packaged in plastic by 2020
82 signatures, now closed
Make 14 June 2018 a national day of mourning.
82 signatures, now closed
Waive liability of dog owners when an intruder is attacked in the home.
82 signatures, now closed
Require Petrol Stations and Airports to have free filtered Water Fountains.
82 signatures, now closed
Strict Law on purchase of Acid
82 signatures, now closed
The Houses of Parliament should erect a monument to Daniel O'Connell
82 signatures, now closed
Make ear piercing in under 10s illegal.
82 signatures, now closed
Make the provision of seat belts on ALL school transport compulsory
82 signatures, now closed
Alter the definition of rape under English law to include assault by penetration
82 signatures, now closed
Scrap the variable speed limits as a traffic calming measure on the M25
82 signatures, now closed
Update BE test rules to allow automatic cars to be used and gain manual as well
82 signatures, now closed
Make the DVLA'S van conversion registration requirements clearer and more fair
81 signatures, now closed
Ban Abortion In 2019 - Human Rights for the Unborn In The Womb to be Protected
81 signatures, now closed
Introduce ‘Dental Hygiene in pregnancy’ booklets to 12 week antenatal checkups
81 signatures, now closed
Make it a criminal offence to fail to report child abuse.
81 signatures, now closed
Increase funding for councils, so they are able to deliver better services
81 signatures, now closed
Mandatory training on self -harm for all those working with young people.
81 signatures, now closed
Solar households should not be made to give away excess power to energy firms
81 signatures, now closed
Move responsibility for the laws on equal marriage from NI back to UK Parliament
81 signatures, now closed
Recall of MPs Act to include failure of MPs to abide by Constituents’ wishes
81 signatures, now closed
Debate a national Long Service and Good Conduct medal for all NHS staff.
81 signatures, now closed
Make all types of packaging 100% recyclable or biodegradable
81 signatures, now closed
Erect a statue of Nye Bevan in the Houses of Parliament celebrating the NHS.
81 signatures, now closed
Maternity pay to reflect your regular salary.
81 signatures, now closed
Make March 29th Brexit Bank Holiday
81 signatures, now closed
Privatise the BBC as we did with other public services
81 signatures, now closed
Remove the 5% tax on sanitary products.
80 signatures, now closed
Decrease state Pension age for Men and Women to 60 and stop further age increase
80 signatures, now closed
Debate whether the referendum can be honoured without leaving the EU
80 signatures, now closed
Change the The Parliamentary Oath to an oath to the people and to uphold the law
80 signatures, now closed
Mental health first aiders should be a legal requirement in any workplace.
80 signatures, now closed
Make No Outsiders classes part of the curriculum in primary school
80 signatures, now closed
Mandatory Autism Awareness training in ALL educational settings
80 signatures, now closed