
These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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Published petitions

32,873 petitions

  1. Stop ticket touts making profits on ticket resales

    524 signatures

  2. Join the campaign for vital upgrades to the A27 between Polegate & Beddingham

    524 signatures

  3. 'Respect' for primary care nurses campaign

    523 signatures

  4. lymph gland transfer surgery

    523 signatures

  5. Recognition for Hughes Syndrome as a disability

    523 signatures


    523 signatures

  7. War Graves and War Memorials

    523 signatures

  8. David Cameron to Resign as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

    522 signatures

  9. Save the Royal Naval Community Resource Centre bars

    522 signatures

  10. 'Firstbuy', 'Help to buy' and other such financial assistance schemes should be scrapped

    522 signatures

  11. Truckers against motorway services

    522 signatures

  12. Fight discrimination against disabled passengers on UK public transport

    522 signatures

  13. Fanshawe Community Hall

    521 signatures

  14. Maritime Malaria screening - Medical support

    521 signatures

  15. Renationalise Royal Mail

    520 signatures

  16. PIP implants - The way forward

    520 signatures

  17. Stop the 16 March marches in Riga and Latvians revising history!

    519 signatures

  18. Stop the front line cuts to Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service

    518 signatures

  19. Allow learner drivers to drive on a motorway under proper supervision

    518 signatures

  20. Keep Amputee Beds, QMH, Roehampton

    518 signatures

  21. Restore Kings Meadow Baths

    516 signatures

  22. Give Veterans Top priority into social housing and remove the 5 year limitation,

    516 signatures

  23. stop stoke on trent council from moving from stok town to hanley

    516 signatures

  24. Ban Live Exports from the UK

    515 signatures

  25. Build a London Overground Station at Brixton East

    514 signatures

  26. Removal of the Facebook and Twitter pages for "Britain First".

    514 signatures

  27. Allow people in North East England to join Scotland

    512 signatures

  28. Criminalise none payment of rent to landlords

    512 signatures

  29. social services meetings to be recorded in all childcare cases

    512 signatures

  30. National Memorial for all those who died while in service to their country.

    511 signatures

  31. EU Membership

    511 signatures

  32. No to reintroducing the death penalty

    511 signatures

  33. Create a November Bank Holiday for Armistice Day starting from the centenary in 2018

    510 signatures

  34. Parental rights to temporarily remove children from school to provide educational experiences

    510 signatures

  35. Protect the Bronze Age Burial Mound at Elburton, Plymouth by Scheduling it as an Ancient Monument

    509 signatures

  36. Allow a CHOICE of antibody tests in an alpaca TB breakdown & pay MARKET VALUE COMPENSATION

    509 signatures

  37. bereavement benefit and carers allowance

    509 signatures

  38. Leave Police Pay and Conditions alone

    508 signatures

  39. Save Our Lollipop People

    508 signatures

  40. Introduce animal welfare to the school curriculum

    508 signatures

  41. Save Alston Moor's Ambulance

    508 signatures


    508 signatures

  43. Remove specific breeds mainly Rottweilers & Staffordshire Bull Terrier sentencing council guidlines

    507 signatures

  44. STOP paying French fishing fleet to bottom-trawl in UK waters

    506 signatures

  45. Increase Speed limits on major A roads for lorries to 50 mph

    506 signatures

  46. The Right to know Where Peadophiles are

    506 signatures

  47. Internet Explorer 6 holding back UK economy

    505 signatures

  48. Dalgety Bay foreshore radiation

    505 signatures

  49. BBC's Dire Coverage of the Thames Flotilla and other Jubillee Events

    505 signatures

  50. UKBA - Demanding Better Service For Visa Applicants

    504 signatures

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