These petitions were submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
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28,102 petitions
Form a dedicated recovery/response unit on the QE2 bridge/dartford crossing/A282
45 signatures, now closed
Introduce a ban on the sale of plastic nail extensions.
44 signatures, now closed
Introduce a national campaign to encourage breastfeeding
44 signatures, now closed
Anyone with a A1 licence can ride up to 34bhp and with A2 licence up to 80hp
44 signatures, now closed
Require restaurants to give a range of vegan and vegetarian options by law
44 signatures, now closed
Make it a criminal offence to humanely kill and eat dogs in the UK.
44 signatures, now closed
Make Eid a public holiday
44 signatures, now closed
To make Cold Calling banned.
44 signatures, now closed
Make it compulsory for disability rate ticket offers to be available online.
44 signatures, now closed
Make prescribed medical cannabis more easily accessible
44 signatures, now closed
Stop DWP ending PIP entitlement early
44 signatures, now closed
Ban cold calling on mobiles
44 signatures, now closed
Extend maternity protection to returning mothers.
44 signatures, now closed
Introduce a legal age restriction on the use of smart phones.
44 signatures, now closed
Fully prohibit the euthanasia of healthy animals who are not a threat to humans.
44 signatures, now closed
Change the way Benefit Cap is applied.
44 signatures, now closed
Cancel HS2 saving £85bn; Order 20 Type 45 destroyers from northern shipyards.
44 signatures, now closed
Allow private childcare providers to reclaim the VAT they pay on purchases
44 signatures, now closed
Provide more direct investment in nuclear new build projects in the U.K.
44 signatures, now closed
Stop foreign aid to countries richer than we are.
44 signatures, now closed
Bring science class size restrictions in England/Wales in line with Scotland/NI.
44 signatures, now closed
Amend Universal Credit regulations so it can cover 53 week periods
44 signatures, now closed
Require companies with 100+ employees to offer a bike2work scheme to all staff
44 signatures, now closed
Allow vehicle tax to remain with the vehicle upon transfer of ownership.
44 signatures, now closed
To stop companies selling debts to debt collection companies
44 signatures, now closed
Don't ban pet shops from being able to sell puppies and kittens.
44 signatures, now closed
Convert the Charter of Fundamental Rights into UK law for if Brexit happens.
44 signatures, now closed
Make Single File riding compulsory for cyclists.
44 signatures, now closed
Re-introduce a rail network along the old Wyre Forest / Tenbury line
44 signatures, now closed
New law on the ratio of qualified staff/carers to patients in nursing homes
44 signatures, now closed
Make a guarantee for no physical checks at NI side of border nor between GB & NI
44 signatures, now closed
Government to take the European Commission to the ECJ for misconstruing Art 50.
44 signatures, now closed
Intervene in the slaughter of stray dogs in Russia preceding the 2018 World Cup.
44 signatures, now closed
To make Remembrance Sunday a national holiday for all ex service men/woman.
44 signatures, now closed
To bring back compulsory retirement age, so people can give way for others.
44 signatures, now closed
All pet abductors, ransomers, and thieves to get mandatory prison sentence.
44 signatures, now closed
Ban the testing of household cleaning product ingredients on animals.
44 signatures, now closed
UK Government to impose trade sanctions on Venezuela, over human rights abuses.
44 signatures, now closed
Reduce Dartford crossing charges
44 signatures, now closed
Increase the age that a puppy can be imported into the UK to six months.
44 signatures, now closed
Offer tests for women on the NHS after ONE miscarriage
44 signatures, now closed
Provide free voting ID to those on the electoral register
43 signatures, now closed
Fund a dedicated fully functioning Childrens Specialist Hospital in Plymouth
43 signatures, now closed
Outlaw Non-Domicile Ownership of the British Press.
43 signatures, now closed
The government should fund TV licences for all people aged 75 and over.
43 signatures, now closed
New laws/fines for bullying in schools
43 signatures, now closed
Make recycling bins compulsory on public transport in the UK
43 signatures, now closed
Mandatory for every University to publish a sexual violence and abuse policy.
43 signatures, now closed
Allow and review comments on ballot papers
43 signatures, now closed
life in prison for those that cause death through drink driving
43 signatures, now closed