These petitions were submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

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96 results

  1. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public and only approve organised displays.

    168,160 signatures, now closed

  2. Restrict the use of fireworks to reduce stress and fear in animals and pets

    104,038 signatures, now closed

  3. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public and introduce a licensing system

    14,860 signatures, now closed

  4. Make the purchase, possession and use of fireworks illegal without a licence.

    3,786 signatures, now closed

  5. Make it law to sell and use only silent fireworks

    2,869 signatures, now closed

  6. Make sure fireworks are silent to reduce stress to pets and wildlife

    732 signatures, now closed

  7. Ban fire works restrict sales to 48 hours prior to bonfire night

    300 signatures, now closed

  8. Fireworks - ONLY SOLD to the public with licence from Local Council @ £50.

    168 signatures, now closed

  9. Ban fireworks outside of events on specific days across the UK.

    154 signatures, now closed

  10. Fireworks should only be allowed with a specific liecence per event

    91 signatures, now closed

  11. Better Control of Fireworks and Sky Lanterns

    52 signatures, now closed

  12. To limit fireworks to organised, licenced events before 9 at night.

    49 signatures, now closed

  13. Ban the sale of loud fireworks to the public

    48 signatures, now closed

  14. Ban the sale of domestic fireworks for gardens above 85db.

    46 signatures, now closed

  15. Decrease fireworks from 120 decibels within home environments

    45 signatures, now closed

  16. Change the age to 25 for the sale of Fireworks

    38 signatures, now closed

  17. Restrict the usage of fireworks to a 2 hour time slot (6-8pm or 7-9pm)

    36 signatures, now closed

  18. To stop supermarkets selling fireworks

    35 signatures, now closed

  19. Make it mandatory to show ID for age restricted products being purchased

    31 signatures, now closed

  20. Defend the right of the individual to hold small private firework parties

    31 signatures, now closed

  21. Restrict noise of fireworks at organised displays to a maximum of 120 decibels

    25 signatures, now closed

  22. Vote of NO CONFIDENCE in Derby City Council


  23. Ban the use of loud fireworks in residential areas

    21 signatures, now closed

  24. Create greater awareness of tinnitus; the risk, causes, effects, prevention.

    21 signatures, now closed

  25. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public and hold local Council events instead.


  26. Switch all UK fireworks to "Quiet" fireworks


  27. Ban the sale and use of personal and backyard fireworks in the UK.


  28. Make the purchase of fireworks without a permit a criminal offence.


  29. Remove the 'war zone' sounds of fireworks sold & used in the UK.


  30. Restict Fireworks to 5th November at specialised organised events.


  31. Make only quiet fireworks available for sale to the general public.


  32. Stop! All fireworks unless they are in a controlled environment at a display.


  33. Ban the sale of fireworks to the general public completely


  34. Ensure that fireworks remain unrestricted to the general public.

    17 signatures, now closed

  35. Ban the sale of fireworks to members of the public.


  36. Make all fireworks noise free.


  37. Make it compulsory to use only silent fireworks in the UK.


  38. Change law so that only noiseless fireworks can be sold to help protect animals


  39. Bring back Darley Abbey concert back to Derby, free for all!


  40. Ban the sale of fireworks to all but professional events and make them quieter.


  41. #BANTHEBANG.. use Silent Fireworks as a way of Respecting Animals & People.


  42. Ban the sale of fireworks to the general public.


  43. Create proper regulations on the production,sale and use of fireworks


  44. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public and only allow at organised events


  45. Ban fireworks in the UK except for licenced and authorised regulatory events.


  46. Change the law and policy on the use of fireworks in the UK.

    13 signatures, now closed

  47. Ban the sale of fireworks to the public only certified event organisers can buy.


  48. Completely Ban the sale of Fireworks and attend organised displays on 5th Nov


  49. Ban fireworks for public use and keep them strictly for licensed displays only


  50. Use Silent Fireworks by way of respecting animals & cutting down noise pollution


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