These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
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Published petitions
32,873 petitions
Stop cuts to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
1,544 signatures
Blood Bikes to be exempt from fuel duty
1,543 signatures
Knives Ruin Lives. Justice For Dave.
1,543 signatures
Treating Pernicious Anaemia
1,536 signatures
Relax immigration rules for elderly dependent relatives of British Citizens
1,534 signatures
Repeal the Climate Change Act
1,531 signatures
No Road Tax on Older Vehicles
1,530 signatures
For every mother-to-be to have one to one midwifery care and choice of place of birth
1,523 signatures
Hassan's Law - Calling for tougher punishments to those caught with a Knife with intent to harm
1,521 signatures
Ban 'Green' Waste being dumped on the Countryside
1,521 signatures
Stop the Development of Kedleston Rd/Memorial Rd Green Field Site
1,521 signatures
Repeal the Benefit Uprating Bill 2012
1,521 signatures
The Government to apologise for its treatment of ME / CFS patients
1,519 signatures
Regenerate Herne Bay Pier
1,517 signatures
Pop-Campaign - Reducing glass related injuries in Late Night Bars/Night Clubs
1,512 signatures
Relax the Strict Rules in Term Time Holidays
1,511 signatures
Petition against closure of female open prisons
1,509 signatures
Ban ANPR [automatic number plate recognition systems] in NHS hospital car parks.
1,503 signatures
Save Blackpool Airport
1,502 signatures
Abu Qtada
1,501 signatures
Stop Ticket Touts Profiteering
1,498 signatures
Stop the bedroom tax NOW
1,496 signatures
Sunderland Needs A New Leisure Centre
1,492 signatures
Hold an independent enquiry into allegations of serious safety issues and illegal use of firearms in the badger cull in 2013.
1,491 signatures
Oppose Leveson's call for new laws to control the press. We support David Cameron's warning against introducing statutory control of the press
1,490 signatures
Life Sentence for murder to mean actual Life with no release
1,490 signatures
POLITE hi-viz equine safety clothing use of.
1,488 signatures
Ban all advertising of formula including follow-on milks
1,487 signatures
Resurrect the 'Wind Turbines (Minimum Distances from Residential Premises) Bill by Lord Reay
1,484 signatures
Community Stand Against Building Plans On The Tiffey Valley Wymondham.
1,483 signatures
A Change In The Postal Voting System
1,482 signatures
Protect Swillington Farm from HS2
1,481 signatures
Petition for the Prime Minister to call a general election before the close of 2012
1,479 signatures
Bonus for troops providing Olympic Games securtiy
1,478 signatures
Bicester village
1,478 signatures
Stop the Disbandment of The Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry
1,478 signatures
Banish the Plastic Bags
1,475 signatures
Call for Dept of Health to Reinstate the Five Yearly National Infant Feeding Survey – please sign to show your support!
1,473 signatures
ciarans cause defibrillators
1,468 signatures
Introduce a scheme to help families afford school uniform
1,465 signatures
Lower the age to 2 years old for a disabled child's family/carer to qualify for Motability Allowance
1,464 signatures
Southwest Pay Cuts for NHS staff
1,464 signatures
Equal Rights for Design!
1,463 signatures
Do not fund the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road
1,463 signatures
Please save Worlaby Carrs for its Short-eared Owls and wildlife
1,459 signatures
Recognise Crohn's Disease as a disability and allow sufferers to apply for the Blue Bagde Scheme
1,459 signatures
stop closure of utc aerospace systems merseyside
1,459 signatures
Stop the tethering of horses,ponies and donkeys unless under Veterinary supervision
1,454 signatures
To Regulate and License The Dog and Cat Grooming Industry
1,454 signatures
Abolish age for mamagrams & smear tests
1,453 signatures