These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
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Published petitions
32,873 petitions
483 signatures
Make equine strangles a notifiable to DEFRA to prevent the needless suffering of equines
483 signatures
Make under-25s earn their benefits
483 signatures
Make it illegal for Coarse fish to be killed in the UK
482 signatures
Allow Gay Men to Donate Blood Freely
482 signatures
Watchdog to coordinate and monitor anti human trafficking activity
482 signatures
Like for Like renewal of Trident
481 signatures
The NHS needs to exemplify health and lead by example
481 signatures
Make the Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule
481 signatures
No More Mosques In Britain!!! Full Stop!!!
481 signatures
National Insurance No to be used on the new micro-chipping paperwork
480 signatures
Support the current legal definition of marriage
480 signatures
Save Belsize fire station
480 signatures
Stop the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) treaty
479 signatures
Limit Incomers' Entitlement To Human Rights
479 signatures
Better Banking for Britain
479 signatures
Preserve Overseas Voting Rights for British Citizens
479 signatures
Protection of function for Architects
478 signatures
Variable speed limit on Lake Winderemere except near ferry and shoreline
478 signatures
Immigration focus on culture
478 signatures
Stop plans to remove specialist vascular surgery from the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust.
478 signatures
Anorexia sufferers to get intensive support at start and NOT when they start dying
477 signatures
If a claimant has had an ATOS appeal upheld, they should not have to go through the process again
476 signatures
Save our rural GP surgeries
476 signatures
Request for DCPC Review
475 signatures
Make private companies pay all associated costs due to overcharging
474 signatures
Remove Andrew Sells as chairman of Natural England
474 signatures
Save the Oldest Pub in East London
474 signatures
Stop the vilifying of the disabled
473 signatures
Justice for Gunner Robert Steven Cutting
473 signatures
Ban all forms of Islamic belief (protect your people!)
472 signatures
Restore Capital Punishment
471 signatures
Drinking alcohol in view of a football pitch - Amendment to the law
471 signatures
Hastings Rail Links
471 signatures
Government to allow and support a Motion of Confidence in David Cameron
471 signatures
To ban the sale of live lobsters
470 signatures
STOP NHS PAY CUTS! Petition to reject the NHS increment cuts set out in George Osborn’s spending review 2013
470 signatures
Strengthen and enforce the ban on fox hunting
469 signatures
special schools/school units for high functioning autism and aspergers syndrome
469 signatures
468 signatures
say NO to Kenton Lane McDonald's
468 signatures
Recognise Neurofibromatosis as a disability
467 signatures
Vitamin b12 deficiency/pernicious anaemia
467 signatures
Lee Rigby deserves a memorial the same as Stephen Lawrence
466 signatures
FCA fines should not be used by the Treasury to support Government spending. They should be used to reduce FCA costs for regulated firms
466 signatures
Lily-Mae for SMA - Prenatal Screening for SMA
464 signatures
The Protection of right to fly the English Flag
464 signatures
Safeguarding Cyclists
464 signatures
Sheppey Crossing A249 Safety review
463 signatures
Save Buckinghamshire Fire Service Control Room
462 signatures