These petitions were submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

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Published petitions

32,873 petitions

  1. Extending Access to Work

    690 signatures

  2. Obliging licensees & doorstaff to accept PASS cards (eg. CitizenCard, Validate, Young Scot) as valid ID enabling young adults to access bars & clubs

    688 signatures

  3. Abandon the formation and appointment of Police and Crime Commisioners

    688 signatures

  4. Feed in Tariff Rates for Solar Power for Homes

    687 signatures

  5. Romanians' and Bulgarians' right to work

    687 signatures

  6. Ban Lion Trophy Imports

    687 signatures

  7. Make One Man Doors Illegal

    687 signatures

  8. Stop Compulsory Umbrella Payroll For Temporary Low Paid Workers

    684 signatures

  9. ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) Should not be signed by the uk govenment

    683 signatures

  10. Council Housing for British people not immigrants

    683 signatures

  11. Stop importing puppies & tighter regulations for breeders

    682 signatures

  12. Urgent action required from the foreign office to pressure Myanmar government for the release of 5 Buddhist monks including Venerable U Uttara

    682 signatures

  13. Overturn Kent County Council's (KCC) 'Sensible' Street Lighting Policy

    681 signatures

  14. ACT NOW Call For Trained Autism Advocates

    681 signatures

  15. MOD admit why so many Gulf War veterans have their Gulf War vaccination records missing

    681 signatures

  16. Give the Green Party and Respect the same status and UKIP in all television debates

    681 signatures

  17. flintshire bridlepaths - allow horses off the road

    681 signatures

  18. Recognise Pagan Weddings as being of equal legal status to any other Mariage ceremony

    681 signatures

  19. Delay and Re-consider the Retail Distribution Review affecting the provision of Independent Financial Advice

    680 signatures

  20. Mandatory EIAs for all Onshore Hydrocarbon Sites

    679 signatures

  21. Change A19 ambulance times

    679 signatures

  22. Recognition for the Late Paul McKeever

    678 signatures

  23. stop private parking companies hold registered keeper for fines

    678 signatures

  24. Muzzles for dogs involved in Chase Hunts

    677 signatures

  25. Reduce the age limit for unrestricted motorcycles

    677 signatures


    676 signatures

  27. Bus drivers hours

    676 signatures

  28. reintroduce the Fair Rent Act and lower the Housing Benefit bill

    675 signatures

  29. neurofibromatosis type 1 and 2

    675 signatures

  30. Stop hyde library being sold

    674 signatures

  31. Please drop the upcoming Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning, and Trade Union Administration BIll

    673 signatures

  32. Review the Charges Facing Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder

    672 signatures

  33. Audio Description for Blind/ Visually Impaired People

    672 signatures

  34. Initial Teacher Training and Psychology

    672 signatures

  35. Stop our children being burnt at school!

    671 signatures

  36. Leave FOI Alone (#saveFOI)

    670 signatures

  37. Stop the abolition of the assessment rate whilst appealing an ESA decision.

    669 signatures

  38. Allow Equal Marriage in Northern Ireland

    669 signatures

  39. Equality of Service for the Supply of Childrens Glasses

    669 signatures

  40. Stop HS2.

    669 signatures

  41. Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Injustice

    669 signatures

  42. Animal Experiments at record high - We call for the introduction of a fee-per-animal used to increase funding into alternative testing methods

    668 signatures

  43. Ban all fracking in the UK

    668 signatures

  44. Increase Safety on Rural Roads in Memory of Abbey and Bradley

    668 signatures

  45. welfare of horses at sales

    666 signatures

  46. Manston Airport- The Solution to Britain's Aviation Requirements

    665 signatures

  47. Free dental checkups and sight tests for cancer patients

    665 signatures

  48. Do not privatise child protection services

    661 signatures

  49. Protect Police Pensions

    661 signatures

  50. Specialist Hospitals need to have an A&E service (or formal equivalent) for known vulnerable children with high risk special requirements

    661 signatures

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